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Thread: Firewall affecting Azureus, but... not? o_0

  1. #1

    Firewall affecting Azureus, but... not? o_0

    Ok, it isn't urgent that I get a responce, because this error doesn't acctually affect Azureus in any bad way.

    Anyway, every time I start the program new (ie, it's shut down and I run the program) it gives me 10 error messages, well technically 2 messages, but each pops up about 5 times.

    The errors state;

    "UPnP: Mapping 'Incomming Peer Data Port (TCP/6881)' failed."
    "UPnP: Mapping 'UDP tracker client port (UDP/6881)' failed."

    Now, I've opened the ports on Windows firewall, forwarded the ports through my router and I STILL get this error - now for the weird part.

    It doesn't affect Azureus AT ALL, I get a steady 100k+ on all my downloads and about 30k+ on my uploads, no problem, I get my anime fast enough to not need to complain EXCEPT! I have to close EACH error message individually. As I said, it's more annoying than anything else - any help?

  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Firewall affecting Azureus, but... not? o_0

    look in "plugins" under the options menu/dialog set. There should be one for "UPnP".

    If you've already manually forwarded your ports, then you don't need to do it with UPnP. I'd recommend disabling the UPnP plugin entirely and saving yourself a little bit or memory. That's what's throwing the errors (The errors specifically mean that the router won't override manually set port forwards using automated methods like upnp, which is a "correct" behavior, and you should be glad it does it that way).

    What that'd be useful for is if you wanted to auto-map your ports on your router dynamically. Basically it's supposed to be an idiot-proofing mechanism -- just turn on upnp and let it do all the work (there's other reasons for it too, but many consumer routers don't support it yet, at all, and most people don't want to use it anyway).

  3. #3

    Firewall affecting Azureus, but... not? o_0

    Great! Thanks!

    That's 30 seconds every day of my lie that I get back... assuming I live for another 60 or so years...

    That's 657,450 seconds I've just saved!

    That's 10,957.5 Minutes

    That's 182.625 Hours

    That's 7.609375 Days!

    More than a Week's worth of extra free time I'm going to have to spend! Thanks! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

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