Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
I rely on a friend to motivate me into completing assignments.. or new guns that have good stats. I'm all about efficiency when it comes to FPS, so I tend to find something that works well and just stick with it. It happens in life as well (especially with cooking meals).
I like the challenge of the assignments, and I've always been someone who likes to complete things and mark them completed. The minor satisfaction of checking off an assignment is worth the damage to my KDR and win %. I also like trying new weapons to find a favorite, or proving to myself I can do well with some crappy gun, especially new ones with no upgrades. Getting kills with iron sights and no barrel enhancements takes some skill.

I finished Silent Hill Downpour a second time but on hard difficulty, which is still pretty easy. The game is very frustrating and the computer cheats, but still a worthwhile game, though I almost smashed a PS3 controller out of anger at this game.