Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
its a port

where did you read that its not?
No way, ds said it's not a port so it's not a port. Even though even the publisher in charge at Square Enix says it's a port and they allocated resources to the PC port development. ds is right, not that guy.


@ds: I can only imagine ds stands for dipshit because you like to knitpick at every little statement for 100% factual and word-for-word appropriateness instead of reading between the lines and getting the actual message. Because you didn't get the nuance of what I said, here it is again: the engine is very much like GTA3, not GTA4, because of the reduced options and actions available to you. If UFG borrowed code or gameplay from a previous openworld game, it would most likely be GTA3, not GTA4, because the game engine lacks a lot of options and actions available in a GTA4 level game. dipshit.