Quote Originally Posted by Kray
and weapons hit where you are aiming at
So no bullet drop? Sniping will be a breeze.

Quote Originally Posted by Kray
but the recoil is alot stronger, so if you keep pressing the left mousebutton and do nothing, you'll end up looking into the sky *HOWEVER* the cone of fire is a lot smaller than it used to be in BFBC2 (even though you aim directly at the enemy bullets wouldn't hit if you kept shooting at him)
So weapons are more accurate, but the recoil will kick in much harder if you just lay it down. Correct? I went into a vid came store today with my brother because he was picking up the new Bleach game on PS3, but I couldn't see a release date for BF3 on the posters.

Last time I heard it was Oct 26th.