Ryll and Junior: Really? I kinda liked the game actually, it has some of the elements I've always wanted in an RPG for one you don't try to save the world so for once it's not really as epic as other games. While I do agree that the combat got old it's not like it forces you to do it all the time.

And the main characters attitude is meant to be annoying so if you find him annoying it means they did a good job and obviously since he's annoying he grows up during the game.

As for the story I found it interesting and wanted to know how it would end and I'll admit there where a couple of plot twists I didn't see coming at all. While some of the plot is overused they manage to bring some good ones in there.

The equipment mattered to me since it was there most of my stat where or rather where I got most of my HP. Also thought the customization was a nice touch as you could make the game easier or harder on the fly. As for the badges don't know if I could have made it till the end with the ones you start with. For the brand thing I almost never checked it since it didn't make that much of a difference. I did like the whole part where the store clerks start to recognize you and stuff, small stuff but liked it

Music I agree on

All in all thought it was quite worth the money.