Never played an MMORPG before this one, which I recently picked up about a month or two ago.

I've always been into comics, so the idea of it quickly drew me in, and after playing around with it and messing with the character creation, I've been hooked. After work, and working out, I'll normally kill an hour to two on it every other day .. still trying to find a median between it and my girl. Haha.

In any manner, I was simply curious if any other GotWootians play CoH? If not, for those of who like comics or the idea of being your own superhero and can afford another monthly bill, give it a try.

If you're already on it, post your server and character name. We can team up. Form a Supergroup called GotWoot. Hah.

Server Name: Champion
Character: Akatsuki [Lv.50 Controller] (and others ranging from Lv.15-25)

// Strider. Out.