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Thread: Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

  1. #61
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    Although Shinn is not a complete asshole. It suprised me when he said to Athrun to stop moping and that you had to fight better against the EAF, that's why you joined zaft again. But there he is, helping a fellow EAF soldier. Don't get me wrong, I was happy that Shinn took Stellar back, It reminded me of when Kira helped Lacus out of the AA.

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  2. #62

    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    What I find interesting is that Shinn's return of Stellar and asking them not to make her fight anymore is as idealistic as Cagalli asking ORB's military not to fight Zaft. In other words Shinn's actions are as idealistic as the actions of Cagalli that he was angry over.

  3. #63
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    yea he is really hypcritical but i dont think he notices it himself..

  4. #64
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    from what we have seen so far, shinn is definitely more impressive than kira was in gundam seed. Shinn destroyed an entire fleet when he went into SEED mode for the first time while all kira was do was slightly damage the blitz and thrust his knife into the dual, which just scarred yzak(didn even kill him!)
    however being the main character of the series, i think shinn is poorly handled. hes always in the background. even tho athrun is important , i did not understand why lunamaria rey and shinn always appeared to be his sidekicks on board the minerva. however, the trashing of the savoiur saw to that and i think athrun got what he deserved. screw athrun, shinn is a much better pilot

  5. #65

    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    Originally posted by: splash
    from what we have seen so far, shinn is definitely more impressive than kira was in gundam seed. Shinn destroyed an entire fleet when he went into SEED mode for the first time while all kira was do was slightly damage the blitz and thrust his knife into the dual, which just scarred yzak(didn even kill him!)
    however being the main character of the series, i think shinn is poorly handled. hes always in the background. even tho athrun is important , i did not understand why lunamaria rey and shinn always appeared to be his sidekicks on board the minerva. however, the trashing of the savoiur saw to that and i think athrun got what he deserved. screw athrun, shinn is a much better pilot
    Well, there is a reason Shinn is doing better then Kira did in SEED. First, Shinn is a TRAINED soldier. Kira was a civilian that was learning as he was going. Second, the first time Kira went into SEED mode there was 1 ZAFT space ship and 3 Gundams, not really a fleet he could take out. Third, Kira didn't really WANT to kill any of them. If he was trying he probably could have. All he wanted to do was defend the Archangel. Shinn is just angry and WANTED to kill his opponents.

  6. #66
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    yeah i guess so, but thats what i have always hated about kira, he never tries to kill anyone. it was funny when he disarmed all those ash units so carefully, making sure he didn destroy a single one and then all of them just self destructed in his face. i guess another reason why shinn did so well was that the impulse definitely seems more capable of destruction than the strike

  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    Originally posted by: splash
    yeah i guess so, but thats what i have always hated about kira, he never tries to kill anyone.
    Yes, death is cool. Are you a mass murderer by any chance? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

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  8. #68
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    Shinn might be a selfish brat unable to control his impulses ( mwehe ) but Kira is one step worse, he's a naive dumbass not realizing the effects his self-righteous flashy bullshit will have. Not to mention the fact that he seems completely oblivious to basic human nature despite it having been demonstrated in its full glory oh so many times right infront of him.

    So, he's trying to save lives, right? Yeah, he's sure doing a magnificent work of that by creating mass confusion on the battlefields over and over, and so far that's all he's really accomplished in Destiny, further demonstrating the fact that he's a total pinhead. Believe it or not, but you don't create peace by driving a heavily armed combat veichle into a live combat zone firing at both warring sides. The only that will accomplish is heating up the situtation even more by making you a huge target for both sides.. which the Archangel now amusingly enough is.

    Hopefully he will die in an extremely gruesome fashion as that would totally make my day. Now, if they wanted to make my week they would have Lacus die with him as the imitation and her greater assets easily outdoes the rather annoying original.
    Originally posted by: splash
    yeah i guess so, but thats what i have always hated about kira, he never tries to kill anyone.
    Ah, that's another thing I dislike about Kira, his rather disgusting ammount of arrogance. Then again, I guess being the "Ultimate Coordinator" has its perks.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  9. #69

    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    Originally posted by: Nai
    So, he's trying to save lives, right? Yeah, he's sure doing a magnificent work of that by creating mass confusion on the battlefields over and over, and so far that's all he's really accomplished in Destiny, further demonstrating the fact that he's a total pinhead. Believe it or not, but you don't create peace by driving a heavily armed combat veichle into a live combat zone firing at both warring sides.
    Umm... isn't that how they created peace in the end of Seed?

  10. #70

    Episode 30 Discussion "Spoilers"

    Kira is not a wimp. He is a rare breed of heroes who realise that someone must stop the fighting. And what the Archangel crew from Zaft and EAF? Their desire for the war to end with peace on BOTH sides, NOT THE EXTERMINATION OF THE OTHER SIDE!!!

    As has been said many times, what you fight for is important. The controversy comes in whether the ends justify the means. In my opinion, it doesn't. To save millions, kill thousands? Sure, looks nice in writing, but what about the people who actually died?

    I can't believe there are Kira haters out there. Pacifict or not, he still drove the Gundam and killed numerous Ginns, Nicol and even tried to kill Asuran. He is an example of someone who was dragged into an unjust war and suffered greatly because of it. He was the one who put the Archangel into the right path by choosing a path that does not lead to the extermination of EAF and Zaft.

    I don't know what else to say to Nai. So human nature is violent and evil. Are you saying that we have no right to change that? That Kira and everyone should just go with the flow because that;s the way thing is?

    Abraham Lincoln didn't think so, that's why the civil war happened, because he refused to let the evil trade known as slavery continue even though it was accepted int he South. That;s the best example I can give you of a historical person who went against the common consensus of the people because he knew that the people had strayed.

    To Kira and Lacus haters, please think again. If you are religious, you should know that the Bible's first commandmend is THOU SHALT NOT KILL. It is the same for Buddhism. Kira had to kill at first, then he did everythin in his power to not kill again.

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