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Thread: Another filler saga

  1. #21
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    I'll post this again:

    Kishimoto's full time job is writing his manga, Since Kishimoto isn't going to take a break from writing to storyboard a film, the movie won't be made with his influences - and the creative team who makes it isn't going to write ANYTHING that might contradict later plot revelations.

    Basically, unless more films are made after the series ends, nothing is going to be made as direct supplimentary material.
    in 10 minutes i could come up with something 100 times better than the last filler arc/movie (which leads me to believe they have 5 year olds making filler scripts), and i'm sure kishimoto could do the same. he can take a break for 3-4 hours to write a small script and some concepts, he doesn't even have to draw anything. its not like all he does the entire day is draw manga.

  2. #22
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    Originally posted by: mage
    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    I'll post this again:

    Kishimoto's full time job is writing his manga, Since Kishimoto isn't going to take a break from writing to storyboard a film, the movie won't be made with his influences - and the creative team who makes it isn't going to write ANYTHING that might contradict later plot revelations.

    Basically, unless more films are made after the series ends, nothing is going to be made as direct supplimentary material.
    in 10 minutes i could come up with something 100 times better than the last filler arc/movie (which leads me to believe they have 5 year olds making filler scripts), and i'm sure kishimoto could do the same. he can take a break for 3-4 hours to write a small script and some concepts, he doesn't even have to draw anything. its not like all he does the entire day is draw manga.
    I seriously would like to see all the people that complain actually come up with something better(whole script not just a concept. Anyways does anyone know if this arc is about team 7 or the rumored filler arc containing Shino(don't like him) and his dad?.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  3. #23
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    We know Naruto is going to the Rice Country, so it probably isn't Shino.

  4. #24

    Another filler saga

    I seriously would like to see all the people that complain actually come up with something better(whole script not just a concept. Anyways does anyone know if this arc is about team 7 or the rumored filler arc containing Shino(don't like him) and his dad?.
    I accept your challenge. There for I present to you for the approval of the gotwoot forum members my filler story arc idea.

    I present to you Shino's story.

    Shino's clan has long existed within the naruto world. But because of their unorthodox practices they were seen as evil demonic beings. No one took the time to understand them or their way of life and because of this they were feared and hated. Much like gypsies shino's clan moved from one village to another desperatly trying to find a place to call their own. No matter where they went they were only greeted by prejudice and persecution. Their homes were burned and they were forced to move almost as quickly as they had settled down. And so it has been this way for many centuries as shino's clan moved from one country to another throughout the legendary ninja worlds. Eventually they did find a home, a village that would accept them for who they are and tolerate their way of life. They were taken in by the leaf village, but throughout the many centuries of warfare shino's clan had played a mercenary role in many different conflicts. Because of this shino's clan has made many enemies, people who would enjoy nothing else but to see them eliminated. So despite the many years of peace a new threat dawns on Shino's clan as a mysterious figure enters the village.

    There you have the setup, now just throw in Sakura or Konoahmaru, write up a nice anti racism monologue and animate some awesome bug battles and create new character designs for other members of the clan who have yet to be seen and boom you got a satisfying filler arc that can last at least 10 plus episodes everyones happy. Best part is that there are no dog poop jokes.

  5. #25
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    Fanfics are soooooooo '03.

    Stop it.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  6. #26

    Another filler saga

    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    I seriously would like to see all the people that complain actually come up with something better(whole script not just a concept. Anyways does anyone know if this arc is about team 7 or the rumored filler arc containing Shino(don't like him) and his dad?.
    I accept your challenge. There for I present to you for the approval of the gotwoot forum members my filler story arc idea.

    I present to you Shino's story.

    Shino's clan has long existed within the naruto world. But because of their unorthodox practices they were seen as evil demonic beings. No one took the time to understand them or their way of life and because of this they were feared and hated. Much like gypsies shino's clan moved from one village to another desperatly trying to find a place to call their own. No matter where they went they were only greeted by prejudice and persecution. Their homes were burned and they were forced to move almost as quickly as they had settled down. And so it has been this way for many centuries as shino's clan moved from one country to another throughout the legendary ninja worlds. Eventually they did find a home, a village that would accept them for who they are and tolerate their way of life. They were taken in by the leaf village, but throughout the many centuries of warfare shino's clan had played a mercenary role in many different conflicts. Because of this shino's clan has made many enemies, people who would enjoy nothing else but to see them eliminated. So despite the many years of peace a new threat dawns on Shino's clan as a mysterious figure enters the village.

    There you have the setup, now just throw in Sakura or Konoahmaru, write up a nice anti racism monologue and animate some awesome bug battles and create new character designs for other members of the clan who have yet to be seen and boom you got a satisfying filler arc that can last at least 10 plus episodes everyones happy. Best part is that there are no dog poop jokes.
    Maybe the Leaf Village has the best climate for bugs and insects to exist. Hm.

  7. #27

    Another filler saga

    Wait a minute here...If Kakashi can do S class...Oh crap...isnt that The Hokage Level...?!

    Heh...hopefully it wont suck much...

  8. #28
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    S class missions I believe would be going after Orochimaru or the Akatsuki, since they are S class criminals. Or the shitty filler writers might be calling it S class just to make it sound cool.

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    Originally posted by: mage
    Or the shitty filler writers might be calling it S class just to make it sound cool.

    That's what I was afraid of.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #30

    Another filler saga

    Wasnt Zabuza S-class? If so then it wouldnt necesarily be akatsuki or Orochimaru. Im sure they could come up with some other random Ninjas for S-class bingo book kills.

  11. #31

    Another filler saga

    I think that would be more of a an B or A rank mission.

  12. #32

    Another filler saga

    After konoha was attacked, konoha has already been said to be under-nin'ed. The genins were chasing sasuke because there weren't enough jounins. Gai just came back from a mission. Don't you wonder what mission he was doing? It seems that the S-class mission is going to answer what the jounins have been doing.

  13. #33
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    Zabuza was C rank, then turned A rank when they were attacked by the demon brothers and Zabuza.

  14. #34
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    and S stands for special rank, every japanese game or manga that has ranks also has the S rank, its the highest, always
    Although some systems allow for Double S and Triple SS just for more awsomeness.

    But yeah, the Atatsuke are all S rank criminals, so the mission SHOULD be awsome, but come on....Rice Country? Who the hell is naming these fucking countries? Rice? Tea? Where's the Explosion Country or the Blood Country or the Valuable Gems Country or something equally rock-your-face-offish? Probably 40 miles northwest of the Dumpling Country, setting of the next filler arc.

  15. #35

    Another filler saga

    i think we all know where the best filler arc will be, the ramen country, think of the adventures they could have there, naruto eating ramen, sakura watching naruto eating ramen and some sort of ramen eating race. that would be pretty good dont ya think [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  16. #36

    Another filler saga

    can someone tell me if the akatsuchi guy will come now or first the filler about something else and then the akatsuchi guy.&lt;------ dunno if it is spelled right but you know who i mean the guy at the end of the last epi.

  17. #37
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    there probably won't be any akatsuki characters in the filler since they are too important to the story

  18. #38

    Another filler saga

    It seems like there's Naruto, Sakura and Jiraiya in it.
    I fear that there'll be no member from another team in it... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  19. #39
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    bah, must add kakashi! hes pretty much the only fun part about the team...and death boo z's prediction will come more than 80% true... ramen country sounds great, ...or does it? "The Mystery of the Disappearing Ramen!" naruto chases after legendary ramen, determined to eat it. ...yeah, gay.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Another filler saga

    I hope this filler shows Naruto training. Do you think the story will span over the 3 years?

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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