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Thread: SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

  1. #1

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    The one thing I love about watching practically anything - especially Japanese Anime - is the cinematics, scenese that look just so beautiful coupled with appropriate music and heart-wrenching story.

    SEED captivated me and Destiny has done an even better job; I'll list my two favourite scenes from both, and encourage you to do the same.

    - Nicoul's death. The turning point in the series (as far s Kira and Athrun are concerned) and the final straw that breaks the emotional ties Athrun has been clinging too.

    - Rau's entire speech on human greed, punctuated by the climatic battles he fights and the flashbacks "Who could understand what can't be understood?" "If found out, they would wish to be like your kind. That is why your existance cannot be forgiven!" - and Kira's comeback - "Even so! My power is not my all!"

    - The entire first scene, where Shinn loses his family. I cried, really, just the brutality of his family's death and how innocent he was before - I sympathyse with him in his later life, I understand how he is how he is, simply because of this moving scene.

    - Junius' fall to earth. Backed by Lacus' song 'Fields of Hope' and the absolute devestation wraught on earth triggering the next war. This is the scene that was missing from SEED, I think something similar should have been done to puncutate the loss of Junius 7 and what it meant to people - instead it is lost is a myriad of flashbacks.

  2. #2
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    My fave scene back Seed was when Kira and Athrun saved PLANT from the nuclear weapons. Yzak was like "No! We're the late.....!" and then comes Freedom and Justice to save the day.

    For Destiny it would be when the Archangel fired a shot at the Minerva and Kira drops from the sky in Freedom, with Athrun going "Kira?!" Cue "Life goes on" ending song...... best scene so far in Destiny for me and the most unforgettable one, but I'm pretty sure there will be much better scenes in the near future being worthy of being the most memorable.
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  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    In seed it has to be the Kira vs. Athrun fight. Both of them in beserk seed mode desperatly trying to kill each other.

    In seed destiny I agree with Psyke. That was the most unforgetable sequence for now. But better ones might come along the way. Another one I really liked its when Kira was arguing with Athrun and owned him slashing Saviour up in episode 28.

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  4. #4

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    In seed my favourite moment was nicol's death. I knew before i watched the series that he died and i saw it coming in the episode, but when it happened it blew me away. Everytime I watch it, it gives me chills.

    And in destiny so far my favourite event was the battle at Junius 7.

  5. #5

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    Gundam SEED- Tied between Kira VS Athrun fight and the Dominion getting pwned by the Lohegrin beam.
    Gundam SEED Destiny-Hmm... I guess it was when the Junius 7 debris hit the Earth. The Lacus song was indeed a nice touch.

  6. #6
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    when heine died, and then life goes on cues in [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] that was great ( heine dead is not so great though)
    impulse owning gaia chaos and abyss in ep2 ( man that was awesome)
    junius 7 debris and lacus song
    YZAK AND DEARKA in ep6 , oh man that was great........ shut up, im the commander now!! dont order me around, CIVILIAN!!!
    freedom going crazy on every1 and song kicking in ( first archangel, minerva confrontation)
    the scene between shinn and kira, when they visit the graves, and lacus singing in the back, i really liked that scene
    and ofcourse shinn dodging kira drunken master like, giving him a WTF expression

  7. #7

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    Seed -
    Destruction of Heliopolis - that scene, coupled with the 1st ender, was really powerful
    Nicol/Tolle's deaths - yeah...everything changed with that. Seed Destiny 29 reminded how "o\/\/n3d" Tolle was
    Rau's speech - when I saw this, I got chills. A storm was in his voice and it was on its way (Seed Destiny)

    Seed Destiny -
    The Fall of Junius 7 - I cried out of sheer emotion when "Reason" started playing and we see Kira for the first time since Seed... that screams to the audience that it's begun.
    Broken Bonds - Shinn vs. Kira, Kira vs. Athrun redux, ORB vs. ZAFT, Shinn/Athrun vs. Auel/Sting: all in #28. All around the best episode of the series so far.
    War is Peace - Gilbert's speech about power and how it is necessary. George Orwell would be proud, lol

  8. #8
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    So many moments really. It's so hard to choose. Generally everything with Yzak in it and of course all the deaths (most of them being very well done). Also lots of dramatic speeches and touchy moments, again, too many to recite here. Suffice to say, GS/D is the best thing ever to come out of the Gundam franchise, and anime in general.

  9. #9
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    just like terra said i think there are way to many to write down all but ill try to add some that hasnt been mentioned.

    -SEED-The end of the 1st ep where asuran and kira sees each other with that sunset lighting effect is just awesome, you didnt fully appriceated it the first time you saw seed but when rewatching it its a fantastic moment. the scene where asuran takes nichols briefcase and the song falls out followed by the flashback to the piano concert was just too much i almost cried during this scene. milliarlia trying to stab diakka was a nice scene to, totally unexpected.

    -DESTINY- the very first time we get to see freedom in this series was a hell of a moment. auel's death was very touching, it happened so slow yet so fast. and the scene that should be called a classic, heine and asuran standing on deck and talking with their hair blowing in the wind, that scene turned me on, every yaoifangirl is sure to make that scene into a gif, they both look hot in it.

    and of course i agree on the moments all of you have chosen.

  10. #10

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    Many of favs had been said already, but one of them i like is ending scene in Destiny ep 7. When we see Kira watching the falling Junius 7

  11. #11

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    I just remembered a very cool moment. When Cagalli confronts Asuran after he "kiiled" Kira.

  12. #12

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    SEED -

    I'm surprised that noone mentioned Mwu's death (or "death," I guess we'll have to see). I thought that was a very well done scene, very touching and (for me) unexpected. I also liked Dearka and Yzak's confrontation in the genetics lab for some reason. Maybe I just like the characters, but that scene stuck with me.


    I guess I'll have to go with everyone else and chose the reappearance of Freedom. Very dramatic. I also liked the sequence from the beginning where the troops were trying to take out Lacus. Nice night-time fighting, brought Kira into the conflict, and raised a lot of still unanswered questions about the current PLANT administration's true intentions.

  13. #13

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics


    When Justice saves Freedom during the attack on ORB very cool, great battle sequences and double teams then the meeting at the end of the battle, very emotional


    I don't know so hard to choose and the story is going so slow but prolly either when Yzak and Dearka escorted Athurn around plant very touching esp. when they visit nichol's grave OR when athrun wakes up with mia next to him...that scene was too funny

  14. #14

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    My Favorite in Seed was where Freedom appeared, it was a classic.

    But my favorite in GSD was definetly where Shinn slashed the captain in ep 28. Cant remember his name [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] Also the captains speech & music was very fitting.

  15. #15

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    Originally posted by: Mae
    I'm surprised that noone mentioned Mwu's death (or "death," I guess we'll have to see). I thought that was a very well done scene, very touching and (for me) unexpected.
    Oh my god, I don't deserve to be a fan of SEED if I forgot THE greatest death in the whole damn series! >_<

    AKA: Yeah, Mwu's death was so Heroic I almost spasmed with delight - though I hated that he got overshadowed by the continuing confrontation, not that the confrontation was bad, just I wish they reflected back onto Mwu's death atleast ONCE.

  16. #16
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    to me nichols death topped mwus solely because there were so much looking back at it when the 3 remaining zaft pilots returned to the ship etc. we didnt get to feel mwus death in the same way, i guess thats what it is like during war, everything happening so fast.

  17. #17
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    yeah definitely kira's reappearance was one of the best scenes in DESTINY so far but i thot heine's death was good too, since it was unexpected becoz i thot he wud last more than just a cupl of episodes

  18. #18

    SEED, Destiny and Cinematics

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    For Destiny it would be when the Archangel fired a shot at the Minerva and Kira drops from the sky in Freedom, with Athrun going "Kira?!" Cue "Life goes on" ending song...... best scene so far in Destiny for me and the most unforgettable one, but I'm pretty sure there will be much better scenes in the near future being worthy of being the most memorable.

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