Half of the series has now passed and a topic like this is in order. A few things to keep in mind though:

- THIS IS -NOT- A SPOILER TOPIC. If you happen to read that character X dies because of character Y's beam saber, then DON'T post it. We don't want to know. This is SPECULATION.

- This is NOT a hate thread. We don't want to know who you WANT to die. It's who you THINK will die.

That being said let's get it on. Cookies go to whoever speculates correctly when we hit ep 50.

I am sure that Sting and Stellar will both die. I don't know how, Stellar will probably be killed by Shinn or something though. I also think Yzak & Diakka (one of them at least) is good "death" material, of course I don't want them to die.. I'd be very sad (especially if it's Yzak) but still it would be pretty badass, since they are old veterans and hardly used anymore...

*imagines Sting killing Yzak by a fluke and Diakka shooting down Sting in rage with a huge genesis cannon style blast*