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Thread: The Naruto Dub

  1. #381
    Wow, Gaara's voice is done very well.

    I'm curious as to how well the voice actor will do when Gaara goes berserk emo kid, though. Will he be able to pull it off?

  2. #382
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Episode 35: Full episode: Episode 35

    Heh, Kabuto said BOOBY trap. I must be immature 'cause that made me laugh. His voice is a bit soft, but pretty cool. It fits.

    Johnny Young Bosch made another cameo in this episode as the guy who opened the scroll. In the last episode he was the grass ninja that Gaara killed first. I wish they'd cast him as a main character .

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  3. #383
    Naruto 36 Dubbed - Torrent

    I'm noticing Naruto hasn't said believe it much since the Oro fight. Did he stop -bayo'ing in the original or do you think they just realized it sounded retarded.

  4. #384
    I'm noticing Naruto hasn't said believe it much since the Oro fight. Did he stop -bayo'ing in the original or do you think they just realized it sounded retarded.
    No, he says it at least a few times per scene it seems like. Most likely they realized how stupid it sounded and decided to change their script a bit.

  5. #385
    Student Fighter Fei's Avatar
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    To be quite honest, I'm not that disappointed at the Naruto dub voice actors. For the most part, they're pretty well-done. Though, "Believe it!" is regrettably much worse than "dattebayo," I have no real qualms with it and admire Viz for at least trying to stay faithful to the anime in translation and speach style (But "Barrage of Lions" and "Naruto Uzumaki Barrage" bother me greatly). My favorite voice so far would have to be Lee's, Anko's, or Orochimaru's. They're really well done and I can see (or rather, hear) that the actors are doing the best they can to not eff it up. What I'm curious about is how they're going to handle Orochimaru's "Destruction of Konoha." That has me -really- anxious, and also dreading it quite a bit too. I do hope they perform that section well.

    There're very few edits that have really stuck out in my mind as ludicrous or unnecessary (one such being the infamous Sasuke/Naruto kissing scene). I can understand it with the anti-gay sentiment going through America but it still seemed unnecessary (whereas the blood edits--most of them anyway--make sense). In my opinion, they could've left it in tact and still be able to pass it off as purely for humor purposes without trouble. But I guess you don't want to take that kind of chance in Lawyer-Frivolous America, where lawsuits await you around every corner.

    I did find it interesting about the poster who stated that the FCC doesn't control basic cable. That's true for the most part, since basic cable is private property and the FCC is a thing of the government. Even though the FCC has no legally legitimate power over such things, there are other ways to coerce companies into complying and that's something worth considering. "Sure, you can play this unedited in prime time, but it's going to cost you a pretty penny, and given our public support, you lose. Good day, sir." So really, if you're to blame anyone for the FCC's infringement, it's the intolerant public who want it this way.

    Off-topic: Hooray, my posting virginity is no more.
    "There are certain things in this world that you're happier not knowing.
    Even lies and deceptions can become the truth for some people of the earth.
    ... Particularly those not knowing the true nature of things, or how these systems of things works." - Bishop Stone "Xenogears"

  6. #386
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fighter Fei
    Off-topic: Hooray, my posting virginity is no more.
    Welcome to the forums, then.
    I can understand it with the anti-gay sentiment going through America but it still seemed unnecessary (whereas the blood edits--most of them anyway--make sense). In my opinion, they could've left it in tact and still be able to pass it off as purely for humor purposes without trouble. But I guess you don't want to take that kind of chance in Lawyer-Frivolous America, where lawsuits await you around every corner.
    What's even funnier is that during Sasuke's "death scene" it showed a flashback to the kiss and it wasn't editted. Admittedly, it would have been harder to take it out of that scene, since there were lots of windows all over the screen, but it makes you wonder why they took it out at all if they were gonna show it eventually anyway. I can take blood edits and all that, but inconsistencies like that are just annoying.
    My favorite voice so far would have to be Lee's, Anko's, or Orochimaru's. They're really well done and I can see (or rather, hear) that the actors are doing the best they can to not eff it up.
    I agree about Oro and Lee's, both of their actors do a superb job emulating the Japanese actors and pulling off the feel of the character (like Lee's lack of contractions and upright attitude). Anko is just so-so for me. She still sounds like a commercial voiceover in every scene to me, and all of her sentences have the exact same intonation. She's got a nice sounding voice though, so I'm not complainin'.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  7. #387
    Sure has been awhile since I've posted. A year and four months, to be exact.

    Anyway, I watched a little of Episode 34 dubbed that someone linked in this thread before.. and as much as I tried to like it, I couldn't. I'm usually fairly open-minded when it comes to dub vs. sub, but I just can't get used to this. Maybe it's because I've grown too attached to the original Japanese voice actors, I don't know. I do know that there's also too much overemoting or not emoting at all/not emoting enough. I'd say it's quite better than most dubs I've seen recently.

    That being said, Viz really did the right thing by keeping most of the translations direct and keeping some of the original Japanese terms intact. The censorship was inevitable, but hopefully the uncut DVD's will be entirely uncut. I was also pleasantly surprised that most all of the voice actors pronounce the Japanese words almost exactly like they're supposed to be, with a few exceptions. I'd say the dub is a B+ in my book, but even so I just can't get into it.
    The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

  8. #388
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Just in case anyone didn't download the torrent Yukimura posted:

    Episode 36 part A
    Episode 36 part B

    and the new episode:
    Episode 37 part A
    Episode 37 part B

    Haven't watched all of 37 yet, but I did get to hear Iruka again. I think after finally playing MGS2 (hearing him as Raiden) and watching Advent Children (as Reno) I've gotten more used to his voice. I didn't like him at first, and I still think he sounds awkward at times, but I like the sound of his voice. Also, Kakashi's famous "hip" line is in this episode:

    "Huh? Did you say something?"

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #389
    Student Fighter Fei's Avatar
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    Iruka is voiced by the same guy who voiced Raiden in MGS2? Why did I just die a little on the inside?
    "There are certain things in this world that you're happier not knowing.
    Even lies and deceptions can become the truth for some people of the earth.
    ... Particularly those not knowing the true nature of things, or how these systems of things works." - Bishop Stone "Xenogears"

  10. #390
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Ladies and Gentlemen...I give you, my view on dubs.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  11. #391
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    And my view is this, I've heard worse dubs, but GODDAMN I will never get over the way the english language pronounce stuff.

    JOOT-SO = Jutsu ... BLEH

  12. #392
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    It's actually more JOOT-SUE

  13. #393

    Unhappy Naruto

    does naruto even show in australia!!! i cant seem to find anyone here thats even HEARD of it !!

  14. #394
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Another random installment of the dub courtesy of youtube. This is Neji and Hinata's fight in the Chuunin exam:

    Episode 46:
    Part 1
    Part 2

    Neji's VA still doesn't fit him at all, and I don't like the way he puts emphasis on his lines to sound badass. His dialogue is also pretty cheesey, but perhaps that's due to the orignal script. However, I thought his "insight" speech was pretty good (when he's telling Hinata to give up). He at least sounds arrogant - which is what counts.

    Byakugan > Kept the same
    Tenketsu > Chakra points (no quibbles)
    Jyuuken > Gentle Fist Style (direct translation)

    Episode 47:
    Part 1
    Part 2

    The only thing worth watching in this one is Hinata's monologue in the last 5 minutes of Part 1 and the beginning of Part 2. Stephanie Sheh is a great Voice Actress. I can't wait to hear her as Orihime in Bleach.

    Episode 48 (The legendary Rock Lee / Gaara fight) aired last Saturday. I missed it and can't find it on Youtube but I heard it's great. I'll post 48 - 50 when I can. I expect both the principle actors to shine.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  15. #395

    here you can find torrents for all dubbed eps of naruto...

    48 was great, gaara and Lee's VA's were doing a great job! And I do really enjoy listening to Gai sensei's voice... it just fits... even though it's so different...

  16. #396
    I agree about Gai, while he sounds different his tone and the emotions conveyed feel right on. Garaa is also pretty good at being a bored psychokiller, however I don't like Lee's voice at all. It sounds far too whiny and odd.

  17. #397
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    And my view is this, I've heard worse dubs, but GODDAMN I will never get over the way the english language pronounce stuff.

    JOOT-SO = Jutsu ... BLEH
    It's not the English language's fault. It's the lazy idiot Americans who don't know how to read and pronounce their own language.

    Jutsu = JUHT SUE in ENGLISH, in lazy American it's JOOT SUE.

    Better examples:
    Pokémon = Po Keh Mon in English. In stupid American it's POKE EE MON.
    Karaoke = care oak or care ah oak according to proper pronounciation of how it's spelled, which is incorrect to begin with. It's completely corrupted in stupid American to CARE EE OH KEE. It should be spelled Karraohkeh.

  18. #398
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Found episode 48 on youtube!

    Part 1
    Part 2

    Awesome. I had no gripes whatsoever about this episode. I had heard that Rock's "grunts" felt kinda fake, but I thought they sounded fine. At worst, they weren't as exasperated as the Japanese voice actor's. I also generally like the voice they gave him, and I hope he can do a good job next episode (which is the one of the few episodes to have made me tearey-eyed). Here's hoping for a moving performance.

    Everything else was brilliant. All of Gai's lines were great. I think he's completely replaced the Japanese actor for me in terms of who I prefer. Goofy ("Let the power of youth explode!!!") or serious (his expositionary dialogue), he's got it down. Kankuro and Temari's actors did well too. Liam O'Brian is still perfect as Gaara.

    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee
    It's not the English language's fault. It's the lazy idiot Americans who don't know how to read and pronounce their own language.

    Jutsu = JUHT SUE in ENGLISH, in lazy American it's JOOT SUE.
    Errr...An accurate "American" pronounciation of "Jutsu" would be similar to JOOT-SOO. The only difference between JOOT-SOO and the correct Japanese pronounciation is that the [u] sound is not present in Japanese. They use a /u/ sound in which the lips are slightly compressed inward while making the rounded vowel, instead of protruded outward like the English version. It's also shorter and less dipthonged.

    The difference to me is of no importance because it's close enough. I'm actually kinda glad they didn't try to mimic it, otherwise we'd have a cast full of people sounding like fobs.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  19. #399
    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Errr...An accurate "American" pronounciation of "Jutsu" would be similar to JOOT-SOO. The only difference between JOOT-SOO and the correct Japanese pronounciation is that the [u] sound is not present in Japanese. They use a /u/ sound in which the lips are slightly compressed inward while making the rounded vowel, instead of protruded outward like the English version. It's also shorter and less dipthonged.

    The difference to me is of no importance because it's close enough. I'm actually kinda glad they didn't try to mimic it, otherwise we'd have a cast full of people sounding like fobs.
    By the rules of pronounciation of the English language. Jutsu is pronounced JUT SOO. To be pronounced JOOT SOO it would need to be spelled JOOTSU or Jutesu.

  20. #400
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee
    By the rules of pronounciation of the English language. Jutsu is pronounced JUT SOO. To be pronounced JOOT SOO it would need to be spelled JOOTSU or Jutesu.
    "Jutsu" is a Japanese word, dipshit. It's spelled in Romaji (Japanese sounds written in the English alphabet), and pronounced exactly as it's transliterated.

    You're either not a native English speaker, or very very confused. If you're saying JUT-SOO, you're dead wrong. Listen to how they say the word in Japanese.

    Edit: lol @ my "stupid flaming" neg rep. Sometimes you just gotta be ruthless.
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Thu, 08-24-2006 at 04:16 PM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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