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Thread: The Naruto Dub

  1. #321
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    Originally posted by: XanBcoo
    Well, they did decide to make Chidori/Raikiri "Lightning Blade" but I suppose that's because it's a jutsu. Most of the technical terms have been left in Japanese.
    Technically, the Lightning Edge was never referred to as Chidori until Sasuke used it during the Chuunin finals. So as long as it's still called Chidori then, I have no problem with them calling it Lightning Blade until then.

    I hope Rasengan is still called Rasengan too.

  2. #322
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    what would they call it otherwise....chakra ball?

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  3. #323
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    Well, literally, Rasengan means Spiral Sphere.

    Which of course sucks.

  4. #324
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    Naruto: "Go! Swirly Chakra Sphere! Believe it!"

    Sasuke: "Grrr, Naruto! Lightning Blade!"

    lol, I can see it now...But seriously, I think Darthender and Necromas are right. Chances are they'll call it Chidori and Rasengan when the proper names are revealed. So far, the dub has an A++ for translation.
    Didn't kakashi explain what ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu meant back during the bells test anyway?
    Yes, he did.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  5. #325

    The Naruto Dub

    I watched the first few episodes.. after that i lost interest, I think the dub is horrible.

  6. #326

    The Naruto Dub

    I have to say I liked at first... Like the first 2 episodes is what got me into the whole anime scene. In general I used to make fun of those anime people. But now after hearing and seeing the real made me think that its totally up to par with the original but its still good.

  7. #327
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    Originally posted by: tali/spetz
    I have to say I liked at first... Like the first 2 episodes is what got me into the whole anime scene. In general I used to make fun of those anime people. But now after hearing and seeing the real made me think that its totally up to par with the original but its still good.
    That's what this thread needs, is the opinion of someone who's not seen the Japanese version. People tend to prefer what they are used to, or what they saw first, and most of us here are all too used to the fansubs. I keep thinking to myself, would I be more accepting of the dub if I had never heard it in Japanese?

    I watched the first few episodes.. after that i lost interest, I think the dub is horrible.
    Aside from Iruka's less than perfect acting, and Naruto's grating voice, I think the first few episodes are actually quite good. Naruto does deliver some good lines, and the voice actors for the Hokage, Mizuki, and Konohamaru are spot on imo.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #328

    The Naruto Dub

    Hey are they stopping after Season 1 for awhile? Like probably start from episode 1 again. Or are they going to continue onto season 2?

  9. #329
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    I agree with XanBcoo. The dub is pretty well done. I don't see why some people are complaining about it. Hey, if you want to see a real anime being butchered beyond belief then watch dub One Piece. Then compare that to Naruto.

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  10. #330
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    hmm.....some of the dialogue seemed to have been altered for seemingly random reasons this week...

    Next week's gonna suck pretty bad. Looks like no hour-long for us.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #331

    The Naruto Dub

    My one major gripe with the Dub (which will seem trivial to most people, believe me, I understand) is the fact that they made Naruto go from saying: "...That's my way of the Ninja." to "....Believe it!", I'm just hoping that I never hear Hinata or Neji follow suit and say "Believe It!" after nearly every sentence, for that will be the last time I watch the dub.

  12. #332
    Genin AlterEgox5's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    I dunno. For the most part, I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to dubs, usually people freak out over them and I'm left here thinking, "Well it's not *that* bad..." But for some odd reason I just cannot handle Kakashi's voice. I really can't. I've turned the show off before because I can't take it. It just didn't seem Kakashi-like to me. I dunno...maybe I should watch it some more to try and give it a chance...I was excited when Zabuza started talking though, but then again, I'm a sucker for his VA...


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  13. #333
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    Originally posted by: NineTailsKitsu
    My one major gripe with the Dub (which will seem trivial to most people, believe me, I understand) is the fact that they made Naruto go from saying: "...That's my way of the Ninja." to "....Believe it!", I'm just hoping that I never hear Hinata or Neji follow suit and say "Believe It!" after nearly every sentence, for that will be the last time I watch the dub.
    Eh? Naruto's "beleive it!" in English is a translation of his "dattebayo" in Japanese. "Dattebayo" does not mean, "that's my way of the ninja." It's a unique way Naruto has of ending his sentences that has no literal translation. It's just supposed to make what he says more agressive. Someone with a better knowledge of Japanese can explain it if they care to, but it doesn't mean "that's my way of the ninja," if that's what you think.

    I still think it's pretty hypocritical of people to criticize English dubs of being unfaithful to the Japanese audio, and turn around complain when a dub does something like this - that is, pay attention to details like Naruto's speech pattern in order to cater to an English-speaking audience, while remaining faithful to the original. Seriously, some people can bitch about anything.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  14. #334

    The Naruto Dub

    I wasn't actually referring to "Dattebayo", but referencing parts of Naruto's fight against Haku, when talking about why Naruto did the things he did "...Believe it!" was added in, where it wasn't before.

  15. #335
    If I could change my name
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    The Naruto Dub

    Originally posted by: XanBcoo
    Originally posted by: NineTailsKitsu
    My one major gripe with the Dub (which will seem trivial to most people, believe me, I understand) is the fact that they made Naruto go from saying: "...That's my way of the Ninja." to "....Believe it!", I'm just hoping that I never hear Hinata or Neji follow suit and say "Believe It!" after nearly every sentence, for that will be the last time I watch the dub.
    Eh? Naruto's "beleive it!" in English is a translation of his "dattebayo" in Japanese. "Dattebayo" does not mean, "that's my way of the ninja." It's a unique way Naruto has of ending his sentences that has no literal translation. It's just supposed to make what he says more agressive. Someone with a better knowledge of Japanese can explain it if they care to, but it doesn't mean "that's my way of the ninja," if that's what you think.

    I still think it's pretty hypocritical of people to criticize English dubs of being unfaithful to the Japanese audio, and turn around complain when a dub does something like this - that is, pay attention to details like Naruto's speech pattern in order to cater to an English-speaking audience, while remaining faithful to the original. Seriously, some people can bitch about anything.
    Well, the bridge building guy used 'chou' that is (if I remember correctly) a colloquial term for very, ultra, mega, super, or one of those superlatives. Another similar term is mecha (not the mechanical anime style).

    Naruto's style is '(verb stem)tte bayo!' For instance, wakattebayo is "I get it already" or nan dattebayo is "What (the heck) is that?" It is another colloquialism not linked to any specific dialect that is meant to make the speaker sound rough and brusque, not very refined, and trying to sound tougher than they really are.

    Kenshin's 'de gozaru' is an antiquated, very polite way of saying 'desu' which is like 'it is' in English. Example:
    Sou nan desu ka? (Is that so?) becomes Sou nan de gozaru (ka is implied).
    Another antiquated style of this is to modify it to Sou nan de gozansu ka. That is more rare though.
    image fail!

  16. #336
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    Originally posted by: NineTailsKitsu
    I wasn't actually referring to "Dattebayo", but referencing parts of Naruto's fight against Haku, when talking about why Naruto did the things he did "...Believe it!" was added in, where it wasn't before.
    Are you sure? Chances are he said "...dattebayo" and not "...that is my way of the Ninja" in whatever scenes you are talking about in the Japanese version. I honestly don't remember Naruto saying anything about his Nindo EVER during the Zabuza arc except in episode 19 at Zabuza and Haku's graves. Even then, the dub had Naruto say "I'm going to find my own Ninja way" or something to that effect.

    If you're talking about Haku, he never said "beleive it" in the dub. He did, however, say "this is my reason for existence....this is my way of the ninja...etc etc..." Naruto is the only character to have used "believe it!" whereas "my way of the Ninja" has been used by different characters.

    Edit: and thanks a lot Deadfire for the explaination!
    Edit2: To below...have you even watched more than one episode? The pronounciation has been 100% correct so far. stfu fanboy.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  17. #337
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    The Naruto Dub

    naruto dubbed SUCK ASSSES!!!!!!!!! and not even good ones infact some of the worst in dubbing history

    the prononunciation is horrible, the voices doesn't fit the characters and its just plain bad... i was thinking one piece was bad but this is giving it stiff competition.

    yep ........ yep...... yep

    my opinion are my own

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  18. #338

    The Naruto Dub

    What I really hate is how most Naruto dub bashers (I don't mean people who criticise it, I mean "ZOMG THE VOICES SUCK") act in the exact same way as I've seen people bash the One Piece dub. The fact that the people who dub Naruto seem to be TRYING to make it faithful to the original shows how fucking spoiled Naruto fans are.

    I was browsing NarutoFan one time (no, I don't EXPECT to see anything smart), and I saw someone saying the Naruto dub sucks because there isn't the word "no" in the attack names. I used to think cussing was the most fucking stupid thing to complain about, but I was proved wrong.

    Sure, complain about a voice, you have an opinion. But unless they make voices (and dialogue) that change the characters completely, I wouldn't whine on such a high level.

  19. #339

    The Naruto Dub

    Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Mokoto in Ghost In The Shell/GITS:SAC) is the voice of Kurenai in the dub.
    Although I don't hear much of a resemblance to the original voice, it's a good one throughout. Plus, it's nice to hear the Major as a bad-ass ninja.
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  20. #340

    The Naruto Dub

    Originally posted by: Tonsus
    Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Mokoto in Ghost In The Shell/GITS:SAC) is the voice of Kurenai in the dub.
    Although I don't hear much of a resemblance to the original voice, it's a good one throughout. Plus, it's nice to hear the Major as a bad-ass ninja.
    Yes, I will admit that is a plus in by book when thinking about the Dub. Also, Steven Blum voicing Zabuza was a good thing to do on the casting director's part.

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