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Thread: Convention Season

  1. #1

    Convention Season

    As many know convention season is here/almost here. And from the link in my sig you can see I have and interest in them^^. Just wanted to know how geeky the forum is. I'm going to go to AX (Anime-Expo) in Anaheim. Planning to go as wizard from angelic layer. Also going to go as Sashi from Abenobashi.

    What cons are you going to? Are you Cosplaying?

  2. #2
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Convention Season

    ive never been to one before but i would like to go, just to buy stuff. also i heard some have art workshops with some professional artists there, id like to do that.

  3. #3

    Convention Season

    Yeah and you get to hear about all the newly licensed anime. (Boo! I mean Yay.) Last year I got to meet the guy who made Ragnarok. They also have semi-constant screening of animes you can just sleep in one o the rooms with something in the background. Slept in front of Last Exile for about 2 hours last year^^. Also if youre a tiny fan of AMVs it's really fun to go to the competition that most any con will have.

  4. #4
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Convention Season

    I tend to stay away from cons. I get to have too much fun pissing off all the little kids that hink they know their shit. Parents hate me, and teen otakus want me dead. Nuff said.

  5. #5
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Convention Season

    Originally posted by: Def_X
    Yeah and you get to hear about all the newly licensed anime. (Boo! I mean Yay.) Last year I got to meet the guy who made Ragnarok. They also have semi-constant screening of animes you can just sleep in one o the rooms with something in the background. Slept in front of Last Exile for about 2 hours last year^^. Also if youre a tiny fan of AMVs it's really fun to go to the competition that most any con will have.
    you met him too XD
    i'm going to animeexpo as yay!!

    i want to go to otakon but i'll have to fly there. I wanna go to check out the music...there's always some really good band last year!!!

    I tried my best...

  6. #6

    Convention Season

    I'm afraid I'll have to go to one of the more low-bodget affairs... Anime Mid-Atlantic (AMA to those in the know) in good ol' Richmond, VA. I do enjoy the conventions alot because you get to see lots of crazy people doing crazy , crazy things. And Also theres the videogame tournaments. Oh, and anime of course. ANyway, I anybody goes (which I doubt) I'll be the guy with the afro.

  7. #7

    Convention Season

    I gotta ask, how big is your afro?

  8. #8

    Convention Season

    ASTRONOMICAL. Actually, I guess its about 6-7 inches. And its the shiznite. Any ideas on who I could cosplay as (if I were to do so?) that has an afro (not too many anime characters with afros).

  9. #9
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Convention Season

    you can go as Matsushiro Ken from Yakitate Japan.


    You'll seriously be unstopable, he's like the strongest bread-maker there is, except maybe the main villian, whoever he may be.

    Edit: I fucking hate posting images, it never comes out noramally, so I have to edit it five times to get it clear, fuckin' hate it.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #10

    Convention Season

    I'm also going to Anime Expo. I went there for the first time last year, and really enjoyed it, so I'll be taking a trip down to CA again to go to AX ^_^

  11. #11
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    KitKat's Avatar
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    Convention Season

    I might be going to Anime North in Toronto again this year. Maybe. Conventions are alright, but some of the people there really scare me.

  12. #12

    Convention Season

    I'm working on my Renji for Anime Weekend Atlanta in September. Hair's long enough, it's a matter of making a Zabimaru that doesn't violate all sorts of weird weapons policies that Cobb Galleria has.

  13. #13

    Convention Season

    Originally posted by: ShinobiNeko
    I'm also going to Anime Expo. I went there for the first time last year, and really enjoyed it, so I'll be taking a trip down to CA again to go to AX ^_^
    Hey i'll see you there^^. Gonna cosplay?

    Originally posted by: AfroMain
    ASTRONOMICAL. Actually, I guess its about 6-7 inches. And its the shiznite. Any ideas on who I could cosplay as (if I were to do so?) that has an afro (not too many anime characters with afros).
    It depends on your skin color but if your light then you could go as Spike from bebbop. He has a nice fro going.

  14. #14

    Convention Season

    Hmm...I think I could do the manager for Yakitate...all I'd have to do is wear a small black tee and some aviators. And he is the man. And I'd have an excuse to disco-dance

  15. #15

    Convention Season

    If you've got an afro, you totally should go as Nabeshin! from Excel Saga. Now, that is a badass with a 'fro.

    Plus, he's pretty easy with the suit jacket, slacks, and skinny tie. Now, being able to pull out assault rifles outta your afro may get complicated...

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