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Thread: Bleach VS Naruto

  1. #1

    Bleach VS Naruto

    Hey! I would have to say Naruto.

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    and why would you say that?
    i mean beside the fact you're a complete asshole.

    note: the said above is only the opinions of this particular user, it does not reflect whay other users may think.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    Can't compare them yet, Naruto is currently about 100 eps longer; and I read the Naruto manga (not the Bleach one). So naturally I'll have to say Naruto. It will probably stay that way too unless Bleach proves to be full of innovations... Naruto is just too established. Also, it depends a bit on how much Naruto will use Hinata in the future. The less she appears, the greater the chance of Naruto staying on top. If she becomes useful, I'll also immeaditely convert to Bleach on fulltime.

    Hinata sucks.

  4. #4
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    she isnt that bad terra, if you hate her so much why dont you make a Adventure of Sakon thing that revolves around the five(seven if you count Oro and Kabuto) beating the shit out of Hinata

    and I like Bleach more, somewhat of a more compelling story

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  5. #5
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    naruto, it seems more original to me. bleach is cool though.

  6. #6
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    I enjoy them both equally.

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  7. #7

    Bleach VS Naruto

    i think its hard to compare them yet, but i dont think bleach will ever get as good as naruto.

  8. #8
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    I like the recent string of decent fights in Naruto, but to be honest I don't like its tendency to do things in flashbacks.

    Bleach has good pacing, because they're not constantly doing episode-long flashbacks. The characters are fairly straightforward, and they undergo direct growth as time passes, visibly.

    Think about it ... Sasuke has been carrying around his angsty bitchiness for like half a decade or more, and he's bitching about how it's suddenly a big deal and wasn't last week. Sakura and Ino had a grudge going back to when they were both like 7. Naruto has always been lonely and angsty, except that he's also always had friends around him, and a guy acting like his dad. Kakashi ... well ... why couldn't he just stay mysterious? Seriously?

    No, we've gotta create characters with "depth" instead of personality. Make aspects of their personalities that can only be explained by history, and then go back and show us the history. It's a hamfisted device that Kishimoto FAR overuses in Naruto, to justify his poor planning. Hell, when he dreamed up kakashi and gave him Sharingan, he probably hadn't decided HOW he got it, only that he somehow had it. (There's also a lot of other evidence of poor planning in Naruto, if you want to look for it).

    Bleach lacks the poor planning aspect. It tells its stories on the stage, without jumping around in time to give us backdrop. The longest flashbacks we've seen in Bleach are maybe 2 minutes. Further, there was a lot of early setup ... foreshadowing upcoming revelations, rather than making the revelation and then trying to explain it. This indicates a solid competence in storyline planning ... something that Naruto would have benefitted from 100 episodes ago.

    While I enjoy both, I have to say I recognize that Bleach is, if nothing else, a better told story than Naruto.

  9. #9

    Bleach VS Naruto

    Really close, but I think Bleach is in the lead.

    I read and watch the manga and anime for them both.

    They both have an interesting story, and badass characters.
    Take Zaraki Kenpachi for example, complete badass!

    Blackops: You know nothing Gin is a snivelling little bitch, Kenpachi would kick his ass.

  10. #10

    Bleach VS Naruto

    Kenpachi.... bah..... all about Ichimaru Gin!!! He is so cool. I've started my anime fansubs with Bleach. First fansub I watched. Then Naruto. While I must say I like Naruto. I just like Bleach cause I watched it first. Both Shonen but its just yea. I saw it first.

  11. #11
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    Bleach is much more light hearted and funnier to me, but if I'd really had to choose I'll still pick Naruto over Bleach. I'm quite fed up with having to wait for the anime so I've started to read the Bleach manga. Not as funny as the anime but still good.
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  12. #12

    Bleach VS Naruto

    hard to say. too early to decide, esp since i only read the naruto manga, and not the bleach one. I like them both
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  13. #13

    Bleach VS Naruto

    they're tied for me they both have their sucky and kick ass moments

  14. #14
    Missing Nin
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    Being I've read both Manga's and seen all episodes of both I'd have to place Bleach ahead of Naruto. The real reason being that with Naruto they have constantly been inserting events that don't really work with the rest of the story. This goes with say the movie as well as the filler archs where the events just have absolutely no place at all in the story.

    Given in time this could change with Bleach however because Bleach is directly told as a continuous set of events as opposed to Naruto which is told in random missions. I just don't see a single point in the Naruto storyline where say the Movie could take place. Its based on an A ranked mission which they established they would not send 3 genins on. Also as mentioned flashbacks are flat out abused in Naruto a 3 episode flashback of why Sasuke would suddenly fight Naruto and how they have always been best friends completely out of the blue is detrimental to the flow of the story. Also the fact that Naruto is always hanging out with the same group of other kids Shinkamaru, Chouji and Kiba usually, really really hurts his case of knowing how it is to be truely lonely. He has always had friends in his class as well as growing up with a father figure.

  15. #15
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    Bleach vs Naruto... such a difficult choice. Both have their ups and downs in the anime and manga, so I'd have to stay on equal grounds.

  16. #16
    Missing Nin
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    I'm more then a little curious now what are the downs of Bleach?

  17. #17
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    as i read both mangas i have to say that they are pretty equal. tho bleach can be a little more badass which is awesome.

  18. #18

    Bleach VS Naruto

    i choose naruto.. Bleach.. for a while.. had no real central plot(now it does.. saving rukia..) but don't know how it's gonna go from there..

    and bleach is too light hearted.. i mean they are in serious situation.. (in a "mission impossible" to save rukia.. and it's still not really serious.. )

    actually.. for the pacing.. i think bleach is slower than naruto.. naruto just have flash backs and those are prob because of the catching up with manga.. but i m sure bleach is gonna suffer as well.. with catching up with manga.. if it's going to be long..

    as in bleach recent episodes just dealt with them fighhting the low ppl.. . when there are many captain and numerous lieutenant.. i consider that well.. slow pace

  19. #19

    Bleach VS Naruto

    I have to say Naruto. i dont know what bleach is...
    heh i need to study

  20. #20
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Bleach VS Naruto

    If you don't know what it is, how did you compare them? Jesus.

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