Ok, lets say you want to download episode 25 of GSD. First you have to be in Haro^2/Tori^2's channel. Again, its #harotori @ irc.rizon.net. Now, when you enter their channel, make sure A|Distro is there (or this won't work, lol). You can also find A|Distro in #animeone.Originally posted by: Kenzaburo
P.S.: NarutoMaster, in case I was just too damn blind to see it, please enlighten me on how to get ALL of the episodes via IRC...sometimes i don't notice things, when i look too hard for them. [img][/img]
If you need A|Distro's pack list, type this command: /msg A|Distro xdcc send #1. Accept the send and you'll get the entire pack listing of the bot. Search for the episode of GSD that your looking for (in this case, episode 25). Once you find episode 25, look at its pack #, thats what you need. Now again, instead of telling A|Distro to send pack #1, you'll tell it to send the corresponding pack # for GSD 25. Lets just say episode 25 is pack # 150. Type this command:
/msg A|Distro xdcc send #150. Again, accept the send and you'll be downloading the episode.
If you have more questions, check out DragonOutlaw's IRC FAQ.