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Thread: Games which influenced your life

  1. #41
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Originally posted by: Deblas
    No, I'm not. And stop spaming.
    Shut up. 3D games predate FFVII by over a decade. Shit, there were 3D games on the SNES. Shit, Doom is fucking 3D. How am I spamming by calling you on your horribly stupid post?
    because you didn't call me. You just said "are you fucking kidding me?". It really doesn't say much, does it. More like being a crybaby instead of calling me on my post. What I meant was that FFVII was the first game using 3d polygons sprites, not that it was 3d as a whole. Did doom II have 3d sprites?

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  2. #42
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    If I say that FFVII was the best game, means that I'm old school or whatever you like to call it. And I didn't mean graphics idiot. When I say continued cliches of fat italian jumping on monsters, then that means the gameplay. Read my post more carefully. [img][/img]'s the thing.....
    a character's body weight and nationality do NOT affect the gameplay of a game....despite what your racist friends might tell you. Maybe if you actually PLAYED Mario 64, you'd realize that the gameplay of that compared to other mario games is far more inspired than the gameplay between FF7 and FF1-6.

    old school means the NES era, foo
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #43
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Deblas

    because you didn't call me. You just said "are you fucking kidding me?". It really doesn't say much, does it. What I meant was that FFVII was the first game using 3d polygons sprites, not that it was 3d as a whole. Did doom II have 3d sprites?
    Deblas, in case we haven't established it by this point, when you and I differ on something, you're in the wrong. You're using phrases that don't even mean anything, like "3D polygon sprite" and "3D sprite". Sprites are 2D bitmaps. Something can't BE a polygon and a sprite at the same time. Doom has 2D enemy sprites and 3D polygonal environments, and if you're talking about 3D characters on 2D backgrounds (like FFVII), then FFVII was by no means the first one of its kind. Flashback used 3D characters on 2D backgrounds as well, and that's a Super Nintendo game.


    Mario 64 is the best transition of a franchise from 2D to 3D ever; it narrowly beats out Metroid Prime.

  4. #44
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Originally posted by: Deblas

    because you didn't call me. You just said "are you fucking kidding me?". It really doesn't say much, does it. What I meant was that FFVII was the first game using 3d polygons sprites, not that it was 3d as a whole. Did doom II have 3d sprites?
    Deblas, in case we haven't established it by this point, when you and I differ on something, you're in the wrong. You're using phrases that don't even mean anything, like "3D polygon sprite" and "3D sprite". Sprites are 2D bitmaps. Something can't BE a polygon and a sprite at the same time. Doom has 2D enemy sprites and 3D polygonal environments, and if you're talking about 3D characters on 2D backgrounds (like FFVII), then FFVII was by no means the first one of its kind. Flashback used 3D characters on 2D backgrounds as well, and that's a Super Nintendo game.


    Mario 64 is the best transition of a franchise from 2D to 3D ever; it narrowly beats out Metroid Prime.
    Ohh the ego. You just said everything I said but with a more nerd like gamer quality. It was wrong of me to call 3d game sprite, that I admit. But you acknowlegding that FF7 was the first to use 3d characters. which is what I meant from the start. Come on Y. Discussion won.

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Deblas
    If I say that FFVII was the best game, means that I'm old school or whatever you like to call it. And I didn't mean graphics idiot. When I say continued cliches of fat italian jumping on monsters, then that means the gameplay. Read my post more carefully.'s the thing.....
    a character's body weight and nationality do NOT affect the gameplay of a game....despite what your racist friends might tell you. Maybe if you actually PLAYED Mario 64, you'd realize that the gameplay of that compared to other mario games is far more inspired than the gameplay between FF7 and FF1-6.

    old school means the NES era, foo
    I couldn't care less of the weight and nationality of a character. Mario is just a plain fat italian. Don't put words in my mouth. And I'm not a racist. I've played mario 64 and again I will tell you. There hasn't been a change in the mario games. Its always been Mario, stomping on monsters, and same storyline of saving the same captured princess. How many times am I gonna have to tell you this.

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  5. #45
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Deblas

    Ohh the ego. You just said everything I said but with a more nerd like gamer quality. It was wrong of me to call 3d game sprite, that I admit. But you acknowlegding that FF7 was the first to use 3d characters. which is what I meant from the start. Come on Y. Discussion won.
    Are you fucking kidding me?


    Since you're going to whine like a fucking pussy if this is all I say, here's my response: Go read my fucking post again. I said that Flashback, a SUPER NINTENDO game uses 3D character models. PC games used 3D character models half a DECADE before FFVII.

    EDIT again:

    For a well known example and a game that was instrumental in bringing 3D gaming into the forefront, Quake was released 8 months before the Japanese release of FFVII. There have been fully polygonal 3D games on the Super NES, Starfox being the most notable. Even the PS1 had fully 3D (characters and otherwise) games before FFVII was released.

    EDIT more:

    Souryusen brought up a game I should have remembered - Wild Arms, which uses 3D character models on 2D backdrops, is a PS1 RPG that predates FFVII.

    So FFVII was:

    Not the 1st 3D game.
    Not the 1st game to use 3D characters.
    Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D prerendered backdrops.
    Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D backdrops for the PS1.

    What a revolution in graphics. [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]

  6. #46
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Originally posted by: Deblas

    Ohh the ego. You just said everything I said but with a more nerd like gamer quality. It was wrong of me to call 3d game sprite, that I admit. But you acknowlegding that FF7 was the first to use 3d characters. which is what I meant from the start. Come on Y. Discussion won.
    Are you fucking kidding me?


    Since you're going to whine like a fucking pussy if this is all I say, here's my response: Go read my fucking post again. I said that Flashback, a SUPER NINTENDO game uses 3D character models. PC games used 3D character models half a DECADE before FFVII.

    EDIT again:

    For a well known example and a game that was instrumental in bringing 3D gaming into the forefront, Quake was released 8 months before the Japanese release of FFVII. There have been fully polygonal 3D games on the Super NES, Starfox being the most notable. Even the PS1 had fully 3D (characters and otherwise) games before FFVII was released.

    EDIT more:

    Souryusen brought up a game I should have remembered - Wild Arms, which uses 3D character models on 2D backdrops, is a PS1 RPG that predates FFVII.

    So FFVII was:

    Not the 1st 3D game.
    Not the 1st game to use 3D characters.
    Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D prerendered backdrops.
    Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D backdrops for the PS1.

    What a revolution in graphics. [img][/img]
    And your saying that I'm whining. I'm the one who's relaxed and not cussing here. I'm gonna call you Mr. Google. Since you like to search so much. I'm getting tired of arguing with someone who thinks cussing through the internet automatically makes him a tough guy. FFVII was a revolutionary game. Great graphichs for that time, and great storyline which is my reason for loving the game. I just started to quote you cause you said Doom II was better. You wish. But you decided to make a testament out of this. [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]

    [*]Lets keep on going:
    You know another game I really liked and think is revolutionary. Halo.

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  7. #47
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Deblas, just admit defeat and Y will let you go.

    I promise.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #48
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    So FFVII was:

    Not the 1st 3D game.
    Not the 1st game to use 3D characters.
    Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D prerendered backdrops.
    Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D backdrops for the PS1.

    What a revolution in graphics. [img][/img]
    You are right. FFVII wasn't the first to do any of that. But it was the first to integrate 3D characters into FMV (full motion video) seamlessly. That was the only thing they were 1st in and it was quite an achievement then.

    3D characters on 2D prerendered backgrounds on the PS1 were not new at that time, I think Resident Evil was the first but I'm not too sure.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Deblas, just admit defeat and Y will let you go.

    I promise.
    I won't admit defeat cause I know I'm not wrong. But I'm getting tired of fighting with a whiner. So maybe I should stop.

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  10. #50
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    No one buys it. FFVII is revolutionary because... it looked good, played almost exactly like FFVI, and had a decent story? Uh, none of that is revolutionary, Chief. You were wrong and you kept pressing the issue, even going so far as to stupidly misinterpret a post opposing you as being in your favor.

    What's your next stunning rebuttal: posting my pic again?


    (%Mut) You shouldn't argue something if you have no idea wtf you're talking about

    A life lesson that Deblas still needs to learn.

    EDIT again:

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    I won't admit defeat cause I know I'm not wrong. .
    Are you fucking kidding me?

  11. #51
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Hmm. I don't really remember saying that. But, you're wrong. You just got owned. Admit it. And the post above yours. Thats intended for you. But Psyke posted before me. No problem. I'll edit it.

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  12. #52
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    You never even said that. How is that getting owned, when someone else posts something totally different from what you said with no proof?

  13. #53
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    You never even said that. How is that getting owned, when someone else posts something totally different from what you said with no proof?
    [img]i/expressions/musicnote.gif[/img] I owned you [img]i/expressions/musicnote.gif[/img] You were wrong [img]i/expressions/musicnote.gif[/img] FFVII's the best, and you suck [img]i/expressions/musicnote.gif[/img]

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  14. #54
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Your baiting posts are so subtle.

    Deblas, you're so cute.

  15. #55
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    You know another good game. Halo. Alot of people say that Halo 2 isn't as good as the first one, but I see them both equally, cept that Halo 2's graphics are kick ass. What do you guys think?

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  16. #56

    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    You know another good game. Halo. Alot of people say that Halo 2 isn't as good as the first one, but I see them both equally, cept that Halo 2's graphics are kick ass. What do you guys think?
    Ya, lets see. Halo owns Halo 2 because... it had more than half the story intended for it. Though I think that style of baiting addicts is revolutionary [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] Also Halo 2's graphics are Halo 1's + shiny. Guess it fooled some people though lol.

    He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.
    I have a cool quote too that kind of relates [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  17. #57
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Jessper
    Originally posted by: Deblas
    You know another good game. Halo. Alot of people say that Halo 2 isn't as good as the first one, but I see them both equally, cept that Halo 2's graphics are kick ass. What do you guys think?
    Ya, lets see. Halo owns Halo 2 because... it had more than half the story intended for it. Though I think that style of baiting addicts is revolutionary [img][/img] Also Halo 2's graphics are Halo 1's + shiny. Guess it fooled some people though lol.

    But still, If you look closely at the elites and jakals. You can see their jaws and teeth perfectly. In halo 1, it was kind of all mounted together. I guess the shine effect gave us better graphics then. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

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  18. #58
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Games which influenced your life

    overall, the graphics in halo2 are just a lot better than halo's. Higher poly count models, the "shinies" (reflective effects), revamped creature design all play a part in that. Engine optimization and improvements enabled them to do a LOT of things they couldn't in the original.

    Halo2 also has improved play control -- it's significantly (but not excessively IMO) faster than the original.

    Moreover, the gameplay as a whole is better balanced, especially since the latest game update (recently released on xbox live). The addition of nifty tools like dual-wielding weapons, the removal of the lifebar effects and the faster recharging overshields, the recently improved balance tweaks between dualwielders and other weapons and grenades.

    Not to mention the best implementation of xbox live ever, in any game on the platform.

    The only thing wrong with halo2 is the single player plot is cut short. I was disappointed. But it's quite obvious that halo3 will be something around a launch title for xbox360, and will at least continue the plot if not finish it. Don't give Bungie too much credit for that though, Xenosaga (courtesy namco) came up with the idea LONG before they did. And hell, they stole it from other forms of media. They're just the first xbox game ballsy enough to say "we're definitely going to have another sequel, obviously, so we might as well keep running with the ball".

    I loved the additional character depth being able to see both sides of the war, too. And the newfound ascription of actual intelligence (beyond that of a two-dimensional predator with a plasma rifle) to the Covenant races. The whole concept of the covenant social structure as a contrast to humanity's structure was at least pretty neat.

    The progression from halo to halo2 is a lot like the progression from final fantasy 7 to 8 and 9. In ff7, the developers were still new to the platform. They didn't know what they could do, and didn't have the time they needed to find out So they came up with something and went with it. 8 brought with it higher poly models, more movement freedom, and more realistic cinematics (thanks in no small part to mocap technology), 9 included more graphical improvements (mostly lost in the sea of cartooniness). The developers learned how to get more out of the hardware, and bigger better things happened.

    But I can't say halo2 was as revolutionary as halo. Halo created an actual space for a playable, enjoyable console FPS, opening the FPS realm to console gamers instead of leaving it in the "pc-gaming only" zone. In other words, it turned FPS'es from people tucked in their rooms hunched over a keyboard and mouse into people sitting on the couch with their buddies. That's definitely a lifestyle-changer.

  19. #59
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: complich8
    But I can't say halo2 was as revolutionary as halo. Halo created an actual space for a playable, enjoyable console FPS, opening the FPS realm to console gamers instead of leaving it in the "pc-gaming only" zone. In other words, it turned FPS'es from people tucked in their rooms hunched over a keyboard and mouse into people sitting on the couch with their buddies. That's definitely a lifestyle-changer.
    Goldeneye did this first. Halo's innovation was being one of the first console FPS' to use LAN play, which is a huge step forward in the college market. A lot of people didn't play Quake III or UT99 online, they played them in the computer labs in their schools (during the time when most people played on 56k). Console LAN play taps into this market - the people who don't trick out their PCs but still want network play. You couldn't get truly epic 12+ player matches without LAN play, which is Halo's greatest asset (in my opinion).

  20. #60
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Games which influenced your life

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    I couldn't care less of the weight and nationality of a character. Mario is just a plain fat italian. Don't put words in my mouth. And I'm not a racist. I've played mario 64 and again I will tell you. There hasn't been a change in the mario games. Its always been Mario, stomping on monsters, and same storyline of saving the same captured princess. How many times am I gonna have to tell you this.
    hey deblas.....i hear there's a tv series coming out thats meant to target people with ideals similiar to yours.....its called "Loonatics"

    In it, they take a classic piece of work and, instead of building upon it in a new and inspiring way, they scrap it all and change everything that you've known about it. OMG ISNT THAT EXTREME???'d probably be the only person in the world who would feel that Mario 64 should have nothing to do with the mario series (maybe you wouldve prefered eye lasers)

    I couldn't care less of the weight and nationality of a character. Mario is just a plain fat italian.
    btw, nice contradiction
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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