Naturally, you leave out the most influential console game of this generation, Grand Theft Auto III (and Halo, hurr). The freeform nature of that game hadn't been done on anywhere near that scale, and while the sequels just tweak the formula it's impossible to deny the influence that game will have for the next decade of design. It's the Super Mario 64 of this console generation.Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Music (DDR, Amplitude, etc).......
Yep, that pretty much covers it for spawning genre revolutions
The PS2 has the most system exclusive developers and titles. And by the way, the system that gets PS2 ports is the Xbox - the GC has routinely gotten shafted in that area.and thats it.
Most other hit PS2 games are also on other consoles....
Yes that is exactly what I said.Maybe if you and Mut weren't so busy sucking each other's cocks in the IRC channel, i could've lurked up something that would better support your argument than the lame PS2 fanboy approach of (OMG YOU LIKE NINTENDO THEREFORE YOU = 8 YEARS OLD).
Thank god I uploaded thesharoon:
That sounds like a fanboy if I've ever seen one. See how I bolded "fanboy"? Wanted to dabble in yellow journalism myself.emoticon, because I'm going to get a lot of use out of it on your post. Gee, giggles, is it hard for you to wrap your brain around the idea that I can pay a compliment to a game system without being a "fanboy"? I mean, there's a clear difference between saying "The PS2 has a lot of good games" and "Boy, Ken Kutaragi's dick tastes good". I own all three consoles from this generation, and they each have their strengths.
Actually, no. There is no way PS2 gets that glory over Xbox. If anything, Xbox is more deserving. Have you played Ninja Gaiden? So much more revolutionary than Devil May Cry,
The only reason Ninja Gaiden plays like it does is because of Devil May Cry, just like the fact that DMC3 plays like it does because it built on Ninja Gaiden. Ninja Gaiden owes a debt to DMC1 for breaking the ground that it built upon.
Uh, ok. So how does that prove it's more revolutionary? Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 are probably the two greatest experiments in gaming (on opposite sides of a spectrum). You appear to be confusing "I like game X more than game Y" with "Game X is more revolutionary then game Y". Splinter Cell's biggest revolution is moving the camera over, which admittedly was a good idea.and I'd rather play Splinter Cell than Metal Gear Solid.
Actually, I like to "admit" that the PS1 and PS2's RPG lineup sodomizes any other console except the Super NES. The Xbox's Knights Of The Old Republic is stronger than almost any PS1/2 RPG in my opinion, but the sheer breadth of the titles in Sony's library speaks well for it. I don't think you can make a strong case for hating down the entirety of the Playstation's RPG lineup.The only thing PS2 and the PS lineage has ever had over any console is RPGs, and as much as you'd hate to admit it, they haven't been that great.
I wouldn't ask you to pick my lotto numbers.Remind me to laugh my ass off, or roll on the floor laughing, depending on the severity of how badly Revolution does end up owning PS3.
This is the guy who called me a fanboy.Then I'll take the liberty to take a shit on you and your PS3, you fucking douche.
Thank you, game developer sharoon.PS3 game development will make developers want to change their careers
Anyway, there's a lot more after that, but these kinds of posts keep growing exponentially. Plus, really, when your argument is "PS3 sucks dicks and I shit in Sony's mouth and Nintendo has a huge dick and shit ass fuck cock shit... oh and you're a fanboy", I can't exactly use rationality to appeal to you.