Originally posted by: r3n
when i bought my 20gb iriver over a year ago i never thought that i would need more than 20gb of storage, but ive been refining my music on it for months now, as i have about 30gb worth on my computer. its so irritating have to delete an album from my mp3 player cos its not large enough [img][/img]

might buy one of those really swish new irivers with the touch pad in the middle (sorta similar to the ipod circle, but its a strip instead) when im out in malaysia this summer. should be able to pick one up for around £100 ($200ish)
thats why you dont put ALL your mp3s in your player at the same time........

after going through my roommate's mp3 collection, i probably have 60+ gigs now....but i can only have 160 mb of music in my player at any given point in time...not that big of a deal unless you're stuck for more than a week or so without access to your computer