This is so bad I couldn't come up with something worse even if I tried. Click the links to find out exactly what I mean and do yourself a favor and click the video link within the article.
This is so bad I couldn't come up with something worse even if I tried. Click the links to find out exactly what I mean and do yourself a favor and click the video link within the article.
i think i remember another topic about this. this has already been discussed.
EDIT: ow damn yeah it was on another forum srry...
nah i like the oldscool they all look the same the new one's.
I actually don't see anything the matter with them.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach it hasnt?Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
i think i remember another topic about this. this has already been discussed.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
they look evil.....not sure if thats the direction they should go. Cool looking would be fine but as said these guys look evil. Don't think it will last long....we will see though i guess.
Sig made by Lucifus
holy shit...nooooooooooooooo, I want the old looney tunes back :<
and where's tweety in that pic?
I'm under the impression that those characters are only going to be used for that "Loonatics" show.
Whats not wrong with them? Whats not wrong with them? Didn't any of you read the article. It takes place 700 years in the future and they all have supers powers!! Bugs bunny is now buzz bunny and he has martial arts and lazer eyes.
If something is not fucked up with that I don't know what is. I mean common these are classic characters now there more EXTREME for the internet/anime generation. This is a horrible idea, it sounds like some kind of simpsons or family guy parady but it's not it's an honest to god real show. if you need a further argument for how bad of an idea this is the informative flash animation does a great job of pointing out just about everything that is wrong with the new loony toons, or should I say loonatics.
what the hell did they do to them, the original creators are rolling over in their graves now
this is just horrible
R.I.P Captain America.
well i can imagine a line from it...
"I'm hunting a wubbit... but not in order to eat it or to protect my crops from it, I'm hunting a wubbit to test my new destruction laser gun, which i built not for self protection against orgnaized crime, but for shooting at innocent bystanders who happen to stick thier heads up above my fence... or happen to walk out at the streets in nightime!"
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
i'll give it about half a season
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Best we can hope for is that it should die a quick painful death. This is like that episode from the simpsons where they introduce poochy to itchy and scartchy only magnified by a 100. These are classic characters they don't need extreme high tech make overs.
Here's a list of the characters and their respective abilities.
Buzz: Team leader with laser and martial arts expertise
Duck: Weapons expert with built-in sonar
Roadster: Super speed
Spaz: Team muscle with jaws of steel
Lexi: Disguise expert with super hearing
Slick: Vehicles and surveillance; regeneration abilities
God how I yearn for the days of fun and intelligent children's televsision. Like animaniacs and pinky and the brain. Also by any chance have any of you seen the new dumbed down batman animated series?
wow this looks incredibly stupid. the flash was damn funny tho. havent seen new batman but i have seen a worse new version of turtles, they seem to rape all good shows these days.
I actually didn't think that the new turtles remake isn't that bad. I kinda liked the direction they took. Although the batman is just really really dumb. The old batman cartoons from the early 90's were great and created a accurate portrayal that didn't compromise the characters integrity. In the new batman all of the complex moral dilemas are more or less glossed over. They even have a reimagined rastafarian joker. Generally it just sucks but when it comes to suckitude I think that this new reimagining of loony toons is going to take the cake.
I saw that flash long ago, didn't know back then that it was poking fun of these designs...
"You wanna know what's up doc? My cock in your ass!"
and this is supposed to be a childrens show?? the damn things look like they work for satan!
no wonder todays kids are all fucked up.....and they're blamming video games, pfft!
Yeah it's kinda sad how bad some of the shows targeted towards children are these days. Another sad thing is that power rangers is still continuing to this very day spawning new incarnations. I think there on there tenth incarnation by now. Grrr I miss the intelligent children shows there were produced by steven spielberg in the early 90'. They were extremely well written and filled with all kinds of great humor that in many ways puts alot of other primetime sitcoms to shame. There were also some really good super hero shows such as the batman and superman shows. Only piece left of really good children's television is probably the justice league IMHO.
we need some tom and jerry for these cartoon EVER!
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'