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Thread: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

  1. #121
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: OmnislashXX
    Argh!!! Stop bringing DBZ references into Naruto discussions. This is not "compare everything that is Naruto to DBZ". They are TWO DIFFERENT SHOWS, get over it.

    The Nine Tails Demon Fox was a HUGE creature with a shitload of power. It took a Hokage to imprison the thing. And I say imprison because if you think about it, they would have rather killed the damn thing rather then imprison it if they had had such power. Naruto going this crazy and letting out this much chakra is possible, because you already should know about how immensily strong it is.

    Sasuke has his own power in that cursed seal of his. I'd rather expect it gives him just about as much stamina and power as the other Sound Five, and THEY weren't pushovers. Yeah there is alot going on and there is alot of chakra between the two. This is NOT a strategic battle folks, this is about two friends who are giving it thier all just to beat the living piss out of each other. Stop complaining and enjoy the show.
    I don't think anyone said it wasn't possible for them to be so powerful...I was saying earlier how it's just so radically different from anything we've seen before in the show. The only real complaints I've seen so far are about the how the "animation" sucked...but they've already been told to shut up. hehe
    But you're mentioning sasuke made me think of another point. Why is it that the sound 5 were all beaten by Genins (albeit amazing genins), but it looks as if Sasuke will compete evenly with a freakin' demon fox???! Doesn't make sense to me. Any thoughts?

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  2. #122

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    The people arguing about Naruto 'realism' sound like a bunch of Star Wars nerds fighting over how the force works.


  3. #123

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    All animes with some kind of super power or techniques or how ever it is called create their own kind of 'realism', they use throughout the show. The problem here is, that the fight is not convincing concerning the shows own 'realsim'. And of course it is not Naruto, but Sasuke leading to this impression. Sasuke just took too much hits and used too damn much chakra ( 2 chidoris and a whole bunch of fire ninjutsus) for his normal self without even using the seal and showed no signs of damage or just fatigue

  4. #124

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    ohh I love this episode. It was great reading it from the manga, and I think the new crew did a good job with its representation. &lt;3

    i love sasuke and naruto. they're freakin awesome XD

  5. #125

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    I can't believe all of the bitchin you people are doing about this episode. I just finished watching it and all I can say is that it surpassed my best expectiations. MUCH MUCH better then in the manga. There is a bit of loss of realism but so what? This fight kicks some major ass even if the art work leaves a bit to be desired the fluid animation more then makes up for it. Damn I love the giant kage bushin chain and the narutorpedos. This fight kicked ass period so please just shut up and enjoy it. I can only hope that next weeks episode has just as much kickass content not seen in the manga.

  6. #126

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    I still wish they had shown what Sasuke could see with the full sharingan...that would have been cool, seeing Naruto from his perspective.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  7. #127

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: Myran
    I'm starting to notice that Sakura seems to be getting a little bit behind Naruto and Sasuke, anyone else noticed this?
    wow it took u 133 episodes to realize that naruto and sasuke left sakura behind??

    I thought this episode was one of best episodes n all that realism shit everyone's talkin about.. just deal with it damn its just an anime.. dont like it dont watch it... simple as that

  8. #128
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: Roko
    I still wish they had shown what Sasuke could see with the full sharingan...that would have been cool, seeing Naruto from his perspective.
    They did, with the manga. Sasuke did say that he could see Naruto's next movement in the anime, but everything was moving too fast so the viewers couldn't really tell the difference. In the manga you can tell that Sasuke clearly sees and anticipates Naruto's everymove. And when Naruto powers up in the manga you can also clearly see the charka moving by itself.

    I liked both the anime and manga versions, the anime was cool with all the fast moves and good animation, but the manga was more dramatic especially with Sasuke putting on the forehead protector and saying he will break the bond with Naruto. Naruto thought that Sasuke has finally changed his mind, but in the anime this was not highlighted very much. Another thing is that in the manga more focus was put onto what Sasuke could see using the sharingan.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  9. #129

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Great comparison Psyke. The manga, as always explains more and in more detail, the anime jazzes it up and intensifies it, or at least tries to.

    I think the whoel argument for realism in naruto, or anime in general, come down to one thing- does the story obey its own rules?
    Look up "stupid movie physics" on google for a good comparison to entertainment ie: movie physics and the real thing, I Think the the site that does it the best was called the intuiter guide to stupid movie physics, or something like that. If you can find it, read their review of the amtrix films- it doesnt flame the matrix for getting the ohysics totaly wrong in the real world, which it does, btw, but for its total lacl of obeying the rules they define for their own reality IN the matrix. In othe words, the writers tell you up front that the world you see is based on rules, here they are, hear is what we can do to with them, and then proceed to ignore their own rules and guidlines. Thats whats upsets alot of anime fans.
    The anime universe allows for tons of improbable or impossible things, like giant humanoid mecha moving faster than light, or human beings tossing around fire balls and teleporting across dimensions. But what most good series do is define what is possible and not possible, or to what extent the rules can be bent, or at least give you a quai realistic techno bable explanation (minofski particles anyone?). Whats anoying is when the writers break their own rules withou explanation or out right contradict themselves. Its not that we are truly appaled at the lack a realism, its the lack of writing.

    look at dbz as a perfect example. right in the begining of the sayan saga, we are shown vegita causualy destroying an entire planet with minimal effort. We also see goku moving at basicly mach3 or faster, and other minor characters causualy destroying whole armies of regular guys and shrugging of nuclear blasts as if it was a light snowfall. Then we see them struggling to toss a freball to desroy a single cliff ro door, or actually gettign hurt by being hit with a rock that their infant son was teething on 2 episodes earlier. It didnt make sense for the characters to display such awesome power in one scene and then get whacked by a kidney punch from some elderly guy in a bad hawaiin shirt. And it just got worse from their, until the point where they littleraly could not make the characters any stronger and had to resort to totaly arbitrary plot devices like turning them in to kids or alternat time lines just to make them temporarily seemingly weeker, then just to have them rebound with just as little explanation or reason. It was frustrating and boring to watch after a while.

    Naruto started off by clearly explaining the laws and reasoning behind ninjitsu and their universe, and also introduced a few deus ex machina right from the beging so they could break the rules as needed without totaly breaking character for the setting (ie: kyubi and the sharingan, then other blood-line limits). Whats tripping up some people is that it seems like the writer(s) are not reading their own material. Thet are breaking their own rules without explanation, like how sasuke, apparently not powered by a demon (pyscological ones dont count here) or using his seal or other allready introduced reasons, can withstand being hammered in to a cliff repetadly without sever damage, or how they can cause rubble to fall sideways while standing on a cliff, or use all their abilities without suffering the detrimentle effects there of that were very clearly explaned in earlier episodes.

    I for one dont think that the manga violates the cannon very much, if at all, but hey really stretch it with the anime, purely for entertainment purposes as i said in my previous post, but I can see why that would upset other people who value continuity and substance over melodrama and creative exageration. Some people just want their chocolate to remain chocolate and kept as far away from their penut butter as possible. Others like to mix it up and enjoy the taste no matter how mixed up the ingredients.

    I'm retiring from my soapbox for the night. ciao.

  10. #130

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: Crows_Kill

    Some people just want their chocolate to remain chocolate and kept as far away from their penut butter as possible. Others like to mix it up and enjoy the taste no matter how mixed up the ingredients.
    Strange that you posted this cuz I'm eating Reese's pieces right now. But that's not the point the episode rocked and I kinda liked the 'rough' animation. It was refreshing for them to change things up a bit.

  11. #131
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: Natural Cause
    Originally posted by: hopeknight
    Have you noticed that there are several different animation teams handling the show?
    I'll believe you when im able to read the credits and see for myself. Or unless they said they use different animators. But what ever floats your boat. You didnt understand my post.
    Please note I said that there are multiple animation teams, not several different animation studios working on Naruto (I cannot confirm whether or not multiple studios work on the show, but since the series obviously changes styles from one episode to another, it is clear that there are different people working on one episode from the next).

    A studio can also potentially have multiple 'production houses', so one group could be working from Tokyo, while another could be in Korea ( I cannot confirm this, but I feel the art speaks for itself).

    The animation team working on episode 133 is not the same team that worked on 132 or 134, it is blatantly obvious just by looking at it.

  12. #132

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    IMO (this is just my opinion and im not attacking anyone with this except the naruto makers) this episode was a great shit, i dont know where to start bithcing about, there is so much crap...

    I hope that after this stupid turn in naruto they will come again to their senses after sasuke vs. naruto fight. We all know that naruto was a though guy, he was good in only one thing, never giving up, so i can understand in some way that he can withstand some major blows and get up injured, or even that healing chakra of the kyubi, is what he has, but what I CANT understand is how the hell sasuke is thrown into mountains beaten up and he gets up without even loosing his hair style!!

    None has seen that naruto, bleeds, screams, complains, has ribs broken, coughs blood, is injuried and his clothes tear appart? he is beaten up, he passes out for a few seconds and sasuke is inmune to damage he is allways up without dirt in his clothes he only makes ugly faces and some screams but in 2 seconds he is up again as if nothing had happened (regeneration amulet?) , i know that naruto never has much realism but this is bullshit!

    And what the fuck are those narutorpedos?? they are aerodinamic!! Have u stop the episode and see their faces and forms, they arent human, is this a new jutsu? kage torpedo no justu? And that kage bunshin chain (which of course doesnt damage sasuke at all, is he an omnipotent god?) is the most stupid thing i have seen dont they need to breath under water, how the hell do they make the chain of 100 ppl in just 3 seconds and how can u make it spin that way?

    Naruto standing on the lava while saying: amazing! (what the fuck is amazing, that your clothes have fire inmunity?), those logs perfectly cut in the water, kyubi making a giant hand of chakra, sasuke of course uninjuried even if he makes holes in the walls bigger than those of undergrounds, saying : you are special but im more special than you (best crap ever heard in naruto, im waiting for the: u are handsome but im more handsome than u because i use lipstick, im sasuke and im so cool that im in love with myself).

    Im just bitching about the story the animation was outstanding even if the art sucks i have seen 2 sasuke faces where he looks like another person. Im sad that they made things this way only trying to be crapstacular without having any respect for the other 132 episodes (where they did some stupid things, but this episode has one stupid thing per 30 seconds!). In the manga makes much more sense, things better explained and with much more dramatic aura.

    I know that u are going to say that it is anime, but im sure that u would bitch a lot if tomorrow sasuke appears with a gundam fighting with picachu, and for me what they did in this episode is more less the same (this is a bit exaggerate). I can understand that ppl liked this episode but this is what i think and i cant change it, dont flame me up too much [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].

    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  13. #133

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: Bakko
    The people arguing about Naruto 'realism' sound like a bunch of Star Wars nerds fighting over how the force works.

    seriously. ANIME IS JUST ANIME

  14. #134
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    loved the episode good fight scenes and the music (the tune when they where both balancing on the logs in the water at about 4:27 - 7:08 ) was just quality

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  15. #135

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    I thought the episode was very very cool. I never noticed anything wrong with the art or whatever it is you keep whining about.

    Heh. Sasuke's poses after he started to predict Naruto's movements were a little funny.

    Hopefully Sasuke will look cooler once he starts moving around, but we already knew he was going to look strange from the hair puff he had when he got out of the barrel.

    I hope Naruto becomes more fox-crazed and everyone's like, "Oh, no, Nine Tails gonna getcha!" Naruto ranting about wiping out humanity would not be amiss, either.

  16. #136
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    dude......we've established long ago that different studios work on the series......
    isnt there somewhere in the credits that easily points out the ones that the korean studios work on?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #137

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: deadlydreamx
    wow it took u 133 episodes to realize that naruto and sasuke left sakura behind??
    Well, her pink hair easily trumps 2nd level sharingan, and normal demon-fox mode. But now that they upgraded both fox and sharingan Sakura needs something new for her to catch up.. I'm thinking a pony tail maybe? Or maybe even pig-tails, maybe pig-tails would power her up a bit too much though.

  18. #138

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    I'd just like to applaud Crows_Kill for a spectacular post.
    I love peanut and chocolate together.
    But one guy I knew used to eat ham and banana sandwiches (with lettuce for extra crunch).
    It seems for some people, this episode was more like ham and banana.
    But for me, it was peanut and chocolate.

    (please ask me if you don't get the point of this message)[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  19. #139
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Wah I finally got to watch it. I just have to say this episode is perfect imo. It hadn't been this good for a while so I'm really sad to see it end so soon.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    I tried my best...

  20. #140
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Edort4, I think you completely missed the point. It's anime. Unrealistic/impossible stuff is ok to happen. That's what makes it cool and for a lot of people.
    Imagine if this episode of Naruto was a stand alone. That episode 133 was the only episode of Naruto. I don't think anyone would be complaining as much because it'd just be aN anime movie about ninjas beating the shit out of eachother and doing impossible things. But it's because of the 132 episodes before this one that makes this not so. It's tearing apart the reality it has created for itself. However badass the episode is (which I quite agree), that fact is still true.
    I think Crows_Kill put it very well. *applauds*

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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