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Thread: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

  1. #101

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: cybercoin
    Yeah, Sasuke does like a fag
    haha he'll love oro then

  2. #102
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by:Natural Cause
    There was never realism to begin with.
    Wrong, there WAS!
    In the beginning, it was said that a ninja has to fight secretly, out of a hidden position, with tactic and such stuff.
    And now, there are only offensive fights, eye in eye......thats not very ninja-esque.
    And with the Naruto vs. Sasuke fight in this new episode, it has reached its climax.
    Stone is crumbling, the characters are withstanding the deadliest attacks, and both combatants are turning into SSJ (Naruto) or SSJ4 (Sasuke).

    Yeah, in the beginning, there WAS kind of realism.

    What would you all rather have? Quality art but sacrifice animation for shitty flash backs.
    Or sacrifice the art for longer, more forfilling exciting animation .
    Why not do it like in the fight "Rock Lee vs. Kimimarou" ?
    Great art AND great animation?

    Anyway, this was a great episode, Naruto Kyuubi Level 2 rockz!
    Canīt wait being able to play him in the next Naruto game for Nintendo Gamecube ^^

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  3. #103

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    i thought the animation on this ep is beetter than rock lee's. like i don't know if it's just me, but the rock lee fight had abit of those super saiyan movements where they have that multiple punch "lines" going on. but in this ep, you can see naruto link up the punching combos with clearity.

    by the way, i liked the way naruto attacked sasuke like a shark in the water. lol.

  4. #104

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: MFauli
    Originally posted by:Natural Cause
    There was never realism to begin with.
    Wrong, there WAS!
    In the beginning, it was said that a ninja has to fight secretly, out of a hidden position, with tactic and such stuff.
    And now, there are only offensive fights, eye in eye......thats not very ninja-esque.
    And with the Naruto vs. Sasuke fight in this new episode, it has reached its climax.
    Stone is crumbling, the characters are withstanding the deadliest attacks, and both combatants are turning into SSJ (Naruto) or SSJ4 (Sasuke).

    Yeah, in the beginning, there WAS kind of realism.
    Yeah i guess your right, having a star hit you in the spin wouldn't kill you in real life so episode 1 has realism

    Having 10's and 100's of ice needles thrown at you stabbing all over your body wouldn;t make you bleed in real lift so the first arc has realism.

    Then the whole enviroment been weird cos they have cameras and such yet if it was like real life we would have cameras but no cars or anything else like we do now *rolls eyes*


    Originally posted by: MFauli
    What would you all rather have? Quality art but sacrifice animation for shitty flash backs.
    Or sacrifice the art for longer, more forfilling exciting animation .
    Why not do it like in the fight "Rock Lee vs. Kimimarou" ?
    Great art AND great animation?

    Anyway, this was a great episode, Naruto Kyuubi Level 2 rockz!
    Canīt wait being able to play him in the next Naruto game for Nintendo Gamecube ^^
    How long was the rocklee/kimimaro fight taking out all of the flash packs and small enviroment? I mean naruto/sasuke were fighting on water, the water effects looked pretty cool :/ BUT OMG WOW rock lee and kimimaro were fighting on grass with far less difficult scenary to create thus they could spend more time on characters. Get a fucking clue dude you have absolutely no idea whats involved in making a cartoon let alone a simple picture. They make the episode in 6 days. I would like to see you make a 15 second video of the same quality in 6 days. I doubt you could do it.

  5. #105

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    That episode was INTENSE!! I've been looking forward to this fight and HOLY CRAPPOLA it blew me away!
    The fighting animation was brilliant, especially the kage bunshin rope, and the first time when Naruto throws Sasuke into the cliff by flipping him round by the ankles..
    And another cool bit was near the end where you could see Kyuubi-Naruto's eyes glowing in the settling dust..

    As for the random logs perfectly cut for them to stand on (and this is for *all* the stuff people are saying is unrealistic) - this isn't just action going on here, it's drama people!!! Come on! Standing on the logs obviously represents 'stepping outside of the current situation' to talk seriously about their feelings... and the ridiculous level of action going on was just a reflection of their inner turmoil*

    Otherwise, this episode KICKED MUCH ASS.

    And Sasuke should get a different colour lipstick, the one he wears really doesn't suit.

    *This statement may contain a pile of smelly BULLSHIT

  6. #106

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    To everyone who is calling naruto DBZ-esque:

    first of all, it is unavoidable for naruto to have some DBZ elements seeing as how many characters are concerned with gaining power.

    Secondly though, Kyuubi is not a ninja. It doesnt make sense for Kyuubi Naruto to still fight like a ninja. Notice how orochimaru (when fighting sasuke) doesnt use massive kyuubi-like attacks. I guess its their own style. But for ppl who are complaining about Naruto no longer being a ninja anime, well Kyuubi, or Gaara's demon are not ninjas to begin with. Remember how in episode 1 Kyuubi was causing massive damage to the village. Well, this episode is nothing in comparison.

    I highly doubt Naruto would become a second DBZ

  7. #107

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    *still hopes that Rock Lee comes in, beats the crap out of both of them and shows that determination surpasses both genius and demon nine-tail-fox power*

    I'm still not sure how to feel about it- the animation/fight scenes were spectacular, but for a moment there, a very long moment there, ok, most of the episode, the art and drawing made it feel like I was watching an episode of something other than Naruto.....

    Props to Naruto for smashing Sasuke in the face to the point that he had t o hold his face in pain- When Naruto was hit in the face, he didn't do that ^_-

  8. #108
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: basey_69
    lol yea naruto has lost some of its realism, some of u might ask wat realism was there to begin with, but there was slight realism at the start, eg. wen sasuke throws shurikens at hits kakashi, sakura and naruto think kakashi has died (yes it was a log but they didnt know that) someone probably wouldnt die now if they got hit by a shuriken
    it appears someone has forgotten about a giant shuriken lodged in iruka's back in the first episode
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #109

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    First, Naruto just wants to bring Sasuke back. "Are you sure you want to fight me?" And Naruto really doesn't want to, but Sasuke just keeps pushing it. He reveals that he's friends with Naruto, and Naruto finally says "fine. I'll fight you if that means bringing you back". So, Sasuke ends up breaking Naruto's neck with his piledriver after he recognizes Naruto as an equal. To naruto, it is a deep betrayal. Sasuke won't listen, he doesn't care about anyting except himself, because he just wants power, and to Naruto, that is what really hurts. No, not anything physical. So, what happens? The Nine tails gives him a bit of power. That is the Nine tails chakra in it's purest form. Naruto is in control of it, I believe, but he just seriously pissed. Sasuke, is going to get messed up, I don't care what level he is.

    Kakashi NEEDS to get there.

    Yeah, I agree with most folks, the fighting was awesome, I think the art created more fluidity to thier movements, but it took also detracted a little bit from it. But who cares, the episode made me say "Hole Shyt" about a dozen times, so why should I complain?

  10. #110
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: Natural Cause
    Okay, well, then you wouldnīt complain, if there were suddenly flying pigs in Neon Genesis Evangelion, or dragons in Great teacher Onizuka?
    Son-Goku dying īcause of a heart attack?
    Spike from Cowboy Bebop transforming into a giant coconut, which destroys a planet?

    Every anime/cartoon has its own "reality", and yeah, in Naruto there are some points, where this realitiy is disturbed.

    How long was the rocklee/kimimaro fight taking out all of the flash packs and small enviroment? I mean naruto/sasuke were fighting on water, the water effects looked pretty cool :/ BUT OMG WOW rock lee and kimimaro were fighting on grass with far less difficult scenary to create thus they could spend more time on characters. Get a fucking clue dude you have absolutely no idea whats involved in making a cartoon let alone a simple picture. They make the episode in 6 days. I would like to see you make a 15 second video of the same quality in 6 days. I doubt you could do it.
    It doesnīt matter what could do.
    Iīm no anime developer.
    Iīm a watcher, as everyone around here.
    And what are ya talking about water and grass?
    Especially the grass in the RockLee vs. Kimimarou fight looked so was great.
    And i couldnīt find any special water effects in episode 133....that was normal drawn great wter reflections, exceptional the characters, nothing extraordinary.
    And yeah, if its soooo difficult to draw an anime as good as in the RockLee vs. Kimimarou fight, then they should have taken 2 weeks for making this episode, and noone could have complained because of the importance of this episode.

    Buth ey, its no big deal, i like this episode very well, i watched it yesterday, and i watch it today again two times.
    But it could have been way better.
    Thatīs what i wanted to say.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  11. #111
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: Natural Cause
    They make the episode in 6 days. I would like to see you make a 15 second video of the same quality in 6 days. I doubt you could do it.
    You honestly think they made this episode in 6 days? Have you noticed that there are several different animation teams handling the show? I guess not. This animation team has handled around 5 episodes in the series, they are saved for some of the more spectacular fights for the great animation they do. This episode took alot longer than 6 days to produce.

    I takes a regular animator about a week to do about 30 seconds of animation. There aren't fifty animators working on this team, there are probably under twenty. Also, it also takes time to color characters, paint backgrounds, special effects, etc. After they're done that, then they record the dialogue (anime has a weird system, they should be doing the audio first so that they can actually lipsync the dialogue).

    Too many people are clueless to the amount of work that goes into this stuff.

  12. #112

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: hopeknight
    Have you noticed that there are several different animation teams handling the show?
    I'll believe you when im able to read the credits and see for myself. Or unless they said they use different animators. But what ever floats your boat. You didnt understand my post.

  13. #113

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Although cartoons aren't like real life, this show is based on a true story. So there should be realism in this show.

  14. #114

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    okay, seriously.

    back in the day, naruto DID have more of a sense of realism, which is why I liked it a lot initially. it was strategic. Now you idiots who are like "yo yo then why didn't iruka die from that giant shuriken yo that crap is so fake, how can that be realistic" ... okay dude, shut up. it's a hell of a lot more realistic to have real ninja stuff going on than shooting a fireball.


    The fact that the series is converging into a different fighting style, meaning less strategic, is open to interpretation. They're growing, so of course all of us want to see how their power grows. Right now I really enjoyed whats been going on, but I hope the reason why this fight was more about power as opposed to strategy was to exaggerate rivalry between Naruto and Sasuke.. that's really what they're competing for, who's stronger.

    DBZ was good in like 4th grade but we're older now. The reason why i get chills when you guys make that comparison is because that would really suck balls for it to converge into that kind of series and it sucks ass that some you guys have to say that kind of thing.

    #1 reason why it won't become DBZ....... DUDES! Everyone has their own special skill that they use in their own creative way. I don't care how powerful they get, if their skills don't match their opponents, its over. I don't care how strong Rock Lee gets, his chances of beating that bone dude is just really really low. THAT's what I like about this series. There ARE limits.

  15. #115

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    >.O whats wrong with all of ya...sasuke looks cool even though its alittle girlly...>.< stop calling him a faggot thats a horrible word!......i hope sasuke comes back to leaf village.....

  16. #116

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    EDIT: removed

    Don't talk about episode previews in the discussion threads. Create a "134 Preview Thread" if you want to discuss it.

    GotWoot Moderator

  17. #117

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    wtf are u shitting about realism?? its a ANIME OF NINJA"S who can do all kinda TRICKS. why don't u say matrix has no realism its just to entertain us nothing more.

  18. #118
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    I agree w/the loss of realism thing.
    I think whoever said that each series has it's own sense of reality was on to something. I do think naruto is stretching it's own sense of realism. Still good though.
    I agree with most of what y4but has just said.

    All in all I think...
    This episode: 9/10!!!

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  19. #119

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Argh!!! Stop bringing DBZ references into Naruto discussions. This is not "compare everything that is Naruto to DBZ". They are TWO DIFFERENT SHOWS, get over it.

    The Nine Tails Demon Fox was a HUGE creature with a shitload of power. It took a Hokage to imprison the thing. And I say imprison because if you think about it, they would have rather killed the damn thing rather then imprison it if they had had such power. Naruto going this crazy and letting out this much chakra is possible, because you already should know about how immensily strong it is.

    Sasuke has his own power in that cursed seal of his. I'd rather expect it gives him just about as much stamina and power as the other Sound Five, and THEY weren't pushovers. Yeah there is alot going on and there is alot of chakra between the two. This is NOT a strategic battle folks, this is about two friends who are giving it thier all just to beat the living piss out of each other. Stop complaining and enjoy the show.

  20. #120

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    I'm starting to notice that Sakura seems to be getting a little bit behind Naruto and Sasuke, anyone else noticed this?

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