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Thread: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

  1. #81
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Those were pretty stupid parallels.
    Except for the Kyuubi/SSJ thing. That's pretty much true.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  2. #82
    Sasuke's Goddess

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo

    question: how the HELL does naruto survive with a puddle of lava in his face and all around him?

    since when does lava stay there for good effects only?
    They're amazing ninja, don't underestimate the amazing heat resistance.

  3. #83
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo

    question: how the HELL does naruto survive with a puddle of lava in his face and all around him?

    since when does lava stay there for good effects only?
    How does Sasuke run at superspeed? The friction would peel the skin from his face. How does he breath fire? How do giant animals teleport when you wave your hands in a certain direction?

  4. #84

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Some people are starting to have Naruto and Life merge in their minds. Quit making dumb "that doesn't seem very realistic" remarks.

  5. #85
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Don't forget all the face smashing in this episode.
    How many times were they each thrown into rocks or a cliff?

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  6. #86
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    all i gotta say, is that sasuke should NOT be able to withstand the attacks he got in that ep......
    back in the 1st saga, i dont think anyone couldve withstood those attacks
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #87
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Too true. Getting thrown into a mountain and having the mountain break apart is the very definition of a DBZ fight feature. And I'm surprised the series is already at that level where the characters are able to shrug those off.

  8. #88
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Some of the mountain smashing jazz wasn't in the manga, but Sasuke taking the hit from Kyuubi Naruto and being smashed into a cliff was. I don't have a problem with it.

  9. #89

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    They are ninjas. End of Story. Deal with It.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  10. #90

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    lol yea naruto has lost some of its realism, some of u might ask wat realism was there to begin with, but there was slight realism at the start, eg. wen sasuke throws shurikens at hits kakashi, sakura and naruto think kakashi has died (yes it was a log but they didnt know that) someone probably wouldnt die now if they got hit by a shuriken

  11. #91
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Still, even in reality, I don't think almost anyone can die from one shuriken normally. The piercing damage is somewhat low, compared to many other stabbing weapons, which is why ninjas use throw multiple shurikens. It's just my analysis anyways.
    Yes, Sasuke taking all those beatings and such can be a little bit ridiculous, but hey, it's just a fantasy world. Who cares about these details. Just sit back and enjoy as much as you can.

  12. #92

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    that was an insane episode, they coulda made sasuke look better as curse lvl 2, but overall i thought it was pretty dam intense, when sasuke got the 3rd comma that was cool.
    cant wait for the next one!

  13. #93

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    One thing to keep in mind about he fights int his episode- alot of it was just inserted by the animators to extend the fight and make it more interesting. If you paced it the same way they did in the manga, it would have lasted 10 min tops, even with the flashbacks. That means most of the action was not "sanctioned" by the original author and was never meant to exagerate the fight to that scale. Yes, the figth was very dragonball esque, but in a good way. They used about 10 times the number if frames you would ever see in a dbz episode, had much fewer redudant attacks and screaming matches, and aside from sasukes jitsus, no one yelled out the name of their attacks or their transfromations.
    Over all, it was on eof the best fights in the entire series. I think the fight was so over the top because the producers knew their audience was almost entirely jaded anime fans like ourselves and they had to do somethign to grab our attention. If it was just a few body blows and near misses with a few singed whiskers thrown in, we would have been so diapointed most of us would have never watched the show again. They chose to make the attacks more violent, more damaging, and much more spectacular just to wow us.
    After the bone crunching and limb severing action of shows like ninja scroll, kenshin, basalisk, elfin leid, and gantz just to name a few, they had to amp it up so it would stand out not just in the tone of the series but to compete against other shows airing against it and fighting for dvd space. I think they made a good choice.
    For every show thats stretches the creative envelope like eva, samurai champloo. flcl, or now naruto i t semms, we have dozens of db-gt's, sailormoons, and semi mythical samurai opera's that suck more than a cheep hooker stuffed into a hoover in a black hole. I support creativety and expirementation in animation, especially if it;s in the cause of a damn good fight.

  14. #94
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    I got no problem w/all the smashing around and rIdiculous montain crashing and impossible-to-withstand beatings. I loved the over-the-top fight. It made it much more exciting. The exaggerated movements and explosive attacks really made this episode stand out (as many have already commented) and seemed very appropriate for this fight. But...
    I guess all of that seems to make Naruto a different show than before. It wasn't untill basey mentioned an ealier arc that I realized this used to be a show about ninjas, not crazy powered up fights. It seems that each of the story arcs has a different feel to it so far. Thinking about each respective story (ie. the wave country, the chuunin exams, the gaara fight, etc) leaves it's individual impression upon the series. This most recent fight between Naruto and Sasuke, which I had been looking forward to, did not disappoint. It's brought to surface a rivalry growing since the beggining. My only problem is that it seems to be taking place in a part of the story where Ninja tactics and jutsus and the like have been substituted for a mass powerup competition between characters of now unbelievable strength. The awkwardness of the aforementioned "I'm stronger...but wait...I'm stronger...oh no...I'M STRONGER" as each character reaches a higher level of power is a good example of this. I'm glad all of the emotion is still in the series - which is great because it helps define the characters and keep the viewer intimate w/them as the story progresses. But it seems as if the show has now gone in a completely different direction. Don't get me wrong - I already said this was one of my favorite eps as of now and it IS damn cool. I just miss the feel of the earlier episodes I guess.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  15. #95

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    just watched the DB fansub of Naruto episode 133, and it was badass! Is it just me or has the animation style changed considerably in the fighting and actions scenes? The animation style looks familiar, but i cant really think of what anime it kind of resembles...

  16. #96

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    holy crap... I don't care what anyone says, this episode gave me a massive mindgasm. XD

    ...I actually had to go back and check what flashbacks people were talking about. I honestly hadn't noticed. My impression- "HOLY CRAP THE FIGHTING RAWKS ohquicknothingflashback OMG SO DAMN COOL"

    hehheh. gotta love it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  17. #97

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    What bothered me is that Sasuke didn't even seem phased by any of Naruto's blows in the begining. I don't mind the fact that he can withstand some of these blows and try to shrug them off, but it's as if the blows never happened. He didn't really look beat up or anything either. That's the only thing that was wierd about the episode, everything else was good.

  18. #98

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: basey_69
    lol yea naruto has lost some of its realism, some of u might ask wat realism was there to begin with

    There was never realism to begin with.

    I don't see why your all sitting here bitching about the ART (Yes its been mentioned 100's of times already that the ART was shocking, NOT THE ANIMATION). What would you all rather have? Quality art but sacrifice animation for shitty flash backs. Slow scenes that consist of 1 image repeated for 3 seconds to give the illusation that sasuke is shocked because naruto took a hit with no damage.

    Or sacrifice the art for longer, more forfilling exciting animation with no flashbacks, filler or reused frames that is made in 6 days by a team who i bet hardly any of you know what consists of to actually get the job done.

    End of story it was a good episode and they redeemed themselves from all the flashbacks we recieved for the last few weeks. Stop fucking bitching.

  19. #99

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Yeah, Sasuke does like a fag

    heh ^_^ Sasuke-chan XD

  20. #100

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: cybercoin
    Yeah, Sasuke does like a fag

    heh ^_^ Sasuke-chan XD
    you mean naruto or "look like"

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