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Thread: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

  1. #21

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    the filler flashbacks were boring and needlessly dragged on! iruka sensei and the noodle house?....Unacceptable!!!

  2. #22
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Jesus Christ, this episode had more vibrant action than the last 10. Are you being sarcastic?

  3. #23

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    I didnt think the art was bad. I thought everything was perfect and I loved the effects. I loved how they added so much more stuff to it cause I read the manga and it gets boring when everything is the same. I dont get one part though. When naruto used kage bunshin and threw sasuke to the mountain and sasuke used a fire jitsu and then later tossed naruto to the ground head first, sasuke started puking. Why was he puking?? And when naruto said "amazing" to sasuke after getting toasted, that just seemed strange. He looked like he's under water or sumthing?

  4. #24

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Jesus Christ, this episode had more vibrant action than the last 10. Are you being sarcastic?

  5. #25

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: heero

    I dont get one part though. When naruto used kage bunshin and threw sasuke to the mountain and sasuke used a fire jitsu and then later tossed naruto to the ground head first, sasuke started puking. Why was he puking?? And when naruto said "amazing" to sasuke after getting toasted, that just seemed strange. He looked like he's under water or sumthing?
    my guess is sasuke was trying way too hard, you know when you over-exert yourself... and naruto, he just got owned... that's all. I guess he would've died there if it weren't for the Kyuubi.

    anywayz, best episode since the neji one =o

  6. #26
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Jeff_from_MD, why don't you actually try posting something? Or just don't post at all if all you're going to type is 3 characters. Shit, 2 characters, one twice.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  7. #27

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    I really don't normally like to swear, but the only way I can think to describe the episode is fucking awesome. The art was almost as bad as one of the hokage fight episodes but I can look past that, the action was just great.

    And thanks for posting that manga clip Mut, I wish they woulda put that in the anime, instead of just "I can see!" like against Orochimaru.

  8. #28
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Infuckingcredible! This totally blew past all my expectations of this fight!

    I don't care what people are saying about the artwork. I think its great. I think using the less detailed drawing is what allows for the more fluid movement, which is much more important here. And, honestly, I think Naruto's face in this episode looked the best I've seen it look while he was in Fox mode. Like the guy said, this is the same animation team that did Sasuke Vs. Oro and Oro vs the 3rd, and I like the work they do, I think it just works for fights.

    Fox chakra naruto is just awsome. Its nice to see that apparently killing Naruto just makes the fox revive him, but also gives the fox control, cause I really don't think Naruto has any control over himself anymore.

    And you guys who are complaining about the way Sharingan was watching Naruto need to go back and watch it again because that effect in the manga is totally there in the anime, where there are red "phantom" images telegraphing naruto's moves.

    The only sour note in this symphony is Sasuke's lvl 2...why lipstick? I mean jesus fuck. And the hair? Good god.

    And yes, Jeff WAS being sarcastic. I caught it at least.

  9. #29

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Oh man this episode was sooooooooooooooo boring. I mean, how many times do they have to go back to Kakashi and the dog? And did we really need anymore flashbacks in this episode too?? I mean, come on guys, this is getting ridiculous. When do we get to see any real action? I hope the real fighting starts sometime soon.

    that's good sarcasm.

  10. #30

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Great stuff. I was really hoping they would crank up the animation for this figth and they did not disapoint. The art was all over the palce, it looked like they had four different studios animating the scenes as the character designs, fluidity of animation, and the effects all changes as the episode progreses. Alot of the scenes reminded me of FLCL it was so exagerated and disjointed, but don;t get me wrong I loved it. I liek it when artists and animators aren;t afraid to expirement with different styles. It dosent always work, but in this case it really did.
    The more cartoony look of the characters in the rally high action parts of the fight seemed to exagerate the extreme level of power being used and lent itself to more fluid animation.
    The more detailed designs in the more dramatic moments were great. i loved the way you coud see throught the transparent cornea of the eye in the one scene where sasuke first gets the 3rd dot. I also noticed the cord of the necklace the tsunade gave naruto showing on his neck when they showed the first close up of his face after their first exchange in the fight.
    I really enjoyed the additions to the fight the animators threw in, most fit perfectly. The only thing that bugged me was the extended figth scene on the cliffside- they completely shifted not just the characters but apparently the physics of the entire world 90 degrees, but thats a relatively minor nit pic on an other wise phenominal episode.

  11. #31

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    wow, just wow, that episode was fantastic

  12. #32
    Chuunin hopeknight's Avatar
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    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    The animation team that did this episode (and the ones previously mentioned by others in this thread) IS the reason I watch the Naruto anime, otherwise, I'd only follow the manga. Being an animation student I can really appreciate the fluidity of motion that they achieve, I hope I can animate like that before I graduate.

    Awesome episode.

    EDIT: Also, the 'Narutorpedoes' were fricking hilarious.

  13. #33
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    so the action was good and it looked good but the art blew ass? Elaborate please.
    Art refers to how the character is drawn. If you look at still frames of naruto or sasuke during the first part of the episode, their faces and such are clearly in different proportions than how they are drawn in "normal" episodes.
    Animation refers to how the images / art flow and move. Most people agree that the animation in this episode is great, which I agree with. Some people don't like the art, others do. That's what's being discussed.

    I dont get one part though. When naruto used kage bunshin and threw sasuke to the mountain and sasuke used a fire jitsu and then later tossed naruto to the ground head first, sasuke started puking. Why was he puking?? And when naruto said "amazing" to sasuke after getting toasted, that just seemed strange. He looked like he's under water or sumthing?
    My interpretation is that the viewer is supposed to be led to believe at this point that sasuke has just killed naruto (with a renge-similar technique?), thus prompting a now-I-vomit-because-I-just-killed-my-best-friend-OMG reaction from sasuke.
    I think naruto saying "amazing" was like saying "wow that was an incredible counter, there's fiery-molten-something left on the landscape."

    My take on the episode... while I thought some of the art was laughable, and some parts were incredibly lame such as sasuke going into various stances after landing a hit on naruto or random logs being ready to be used to prop naruto and sasuke up after falling into the water, I also felt that the episode gave the viewer (or just me) a feeling of getting better and better as it moved along just from the sheer quantity of action, quality of animation, and character ability development that was introduced. This episode was like the beginning of the storm after the... calm before the storm. The pace picked up, and it was fun to watch; it was one of those episodes that hook people to a series despite random lameness inserted here and there.

  14. #34
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    EDIT: Also, the 'Narutorpedoes' were fricking hilarious.
    As was the "skating" over the water that he did.

    Oh, and the super shout that blasts away fire! New powers out of the ass! Woo!

    And forget what I said in the other thread about Naruto should learn taijitsu from Kiba, because apparently drawing on the fox gives you awsome taijitsu automatically.

  15. #35
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder

    Oh, and the super shout that blasts away fire! New powers out of the ass! Woo!
    New powers? He reflected shit with chakra alone waaaaaaaay back in episode 17.

  16. #36

    RE: Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Best episode EVER. As much as I like the anime as a whole the main reason I keep watching is for the Naruto/Kyuubi moments. To me that is the backbone of the series and to finally see it brought to the foreground really makes me excited.

    I was about to go to sleep before I watched this and now I'm wide fucking awake (damn it). I was literally yelling stuff like "Yeah, suck it sasuke, you little bitch!" at my monitor when Fox-Naruto was doing his thing. I'm not normally that crazy of a fan, but... well Kyuubi will do that to me.

    The whole time I'm wondering... what exactly is Kakashi trying to get there before? Before Sasuke transforms all the way? Before one kills the other? Or before Kyuubi gets more control over Naruto than he should...?

    Oh I can't wait until next week. I suppose I could read the manga, but as much as I like manga I don't think still pictures could compare to an animated fight scene like the one I just saw.

  17. #37

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    whow nice epi.
    did anyone liked the new drawing style i didn't..-.-
    and sasuke lvl2 looked very feminine.

  18. #38
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    HOLY SHIT! that was spectacular!

    my only thoughts outside of amazement and awe are that Sasuke really seemed to act like Neo in this episode, even his stance, especially at about 10:08.
    Also, when Naruto became Narutorpedo's Naruto look very much like some kinda freaky flying fish, or a salmon trying to get upstream to spawn and die.
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  19. #39

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    "I think using the less detailed drawing is what allows for the more fluid movement, which is much more important here"

    dong ding ding ding ding
    we have a winner! thats exactly what its about

  20. #40

    Episode 133 Discussion!!!

    Haven't seen the episode yet (damn you bittorrent download FASTER) but I'm just wondering. If it ends with Sasuke going level 2 does that mean we get to see naruto use the kyubi armor as I like to call it?

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