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Thread: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

  1. #61
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    deblas your a moron. i was responding to Y's and some others views on the parallel between iraq and germany.
    dont put words in my mouth.

  2. #62
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    If you'd actually put words in your mouth instead of using bumper sticker phrases and half-remembered Fox News bulletins, it'd probably be harder to mischaracterize you.

  3. #63
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    as for me, this is my final post here. i know exactly what will happen if this thread continues, and i really dont feel like watchign a flame war. i come here for anime, not for politics.
    There's nothing wrong with this topic as long as people don't back their debates up with name calling. Why should this thread be closed? If you don't want to watch a flame war, don't post. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] I don't see the difference in the Naruto forums, there's way more flaming going on other there.

  4. #64
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    oops hit button twice.

  5. #65
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    obviously we cant, theres too many assholes like Y who are unable to have a discussion. its out of Y's character to not flame, this is the only place he can act like a tough guy after all.
    EDIT: why bother? all you do is drop rude comments left and right with no reasons for giving them.

  6. #66
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    obviously we cant, theres too many assholes like Y who are unable to have a discussion. l.
    Stop spouting rhetoric and bumper sticker quotes and I'll debate you.

    The reason I don't take you seriously is because you do things like lie about your IQ in a ridiculously obvious fashion and assume that emotional appeals like "crying_solider_holds_child.jpg" somehow constitute an effective argument.

  7. #67
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    and i would lie about my IQ test why? you love to judge people you know nothing about, for instance, would you have any idea that i received a free scholarship to Worcester Academy because of my test scores? No.
    i was not trying to start a debate over the war, i just wanted to share the picture.

  8. #68
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    In your very first post you said "look at this picture before protesting the war".

    Clearly, you were trying to make an emotional appeal in favor of the war. Don't weasel out of it.

    Also, you claimed you had an IQ higher than Marilyn vos Savant.

  9. #69

    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: Xollence
    If you don't want to watch a flame war, don't post.

    are u implying that by refusing to participate in this discussion im egging ppl on to start flamming? care to elaborate?

    Why should this thread be closed?
    because of stuff like this....

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    obviously we cant, theres too many assholes like Y who are unable to have a discussion. its out of Y's character to not flame, this is the only place he can act like a tough guy after all.
    EDIT: why bother? all you do is drop rude comments left and right with no reasons for giving them.
    and the post after that, and the one after that. and most likey, the one after this.

  10. #70

    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Their leaders understood the situation better than you do. Saddam Hussein had no army. His "elite" guards surrendered by the thousands to unarmed civilian camera crews, in both Gulf Wars. There is absolutely no parallel with Nazi Germany as far as military strength goes.
    I know Y. My point was not that Saddam would have had a large enough army to take over Europe if left alone, but rather that Germany was shrugged off much like BoC would shrug off Saddam. I was comparing how people thought both Hitler and Saddam were no threat.

    My point is, don't think that Saddam was harmless just because of your preconceptions on his military power. In the early 90's it was much easier to gauge strength (size of army being one of the main contributors back then) than now since nuclear and biological arms are much easier to conceal yet it was still messed up in a very large way. It is foolish to simply assume Saddam had no WMD's because if he did one of them, depending on how large he made the bomb, could devastate an entire country.

    Military intelligence is not always accurate (heh, obviously) however, that does not mean that everyone else's information was correct, only that it had a better chance to be.

    Leaving an instable person such as Saddam in command was a bad move in my opinion, though I understand the reasoning behind doing so. For the most part, war is not fought for peace but rather stability.

    Sorry for being kind of all over the place, but I have a test now so I'm not going to refine it much. My apologies.

  11. #71
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    No I guess I worded it wrong, I meant either way there's gonna be a few flame posts, so if you don't want to be stuck in don't bother posting.

  12. #72
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    what the fuck are you talking about i scored 204 and she has 230. and when i said 'look at this picture before protesting the war', i did not meant it in a literal way, and for people to start debating the war in the thread.

  13. #73

    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    ah ok....well precisely why i decided to stop.

    although i must admit, readign some of these posts im SOOO tempted to respond [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  14. #74
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    i say respond, as long as we are doing it in a respectable manner and not flaming people for their views.
    EDIT: link please Y.

  15. #75
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    what the fuck are you talking about i scored 204 and she has 230.
    Methods developed in the 1960's reclassify Savant's adult IQ as 180. An adjusted IQ score of 206 (which is what you originally claimed) would be higher than every eminent genius who has ever been measured by the scale including Einstein and Bill Gates. You would literally be the smartest person who ever lived.

    EDIT: And I don't mean by a small margin, you would outrank Albert Einstein by the same gap that Albert Einstein outranks the average person.

    Frankly, I wouldn't estimate my adult IQ at anything above 135 and that's being generous to me. I sure as hell wouldn't put yours at anything above average (no offense, buddy), and if you took a test that gave you a 206 score it was not a worthwhile test.


    You cannot seriously tell me you posted that picture and said "look at this before you oppose the war" and didn't predict a debate.

  16. #76

    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    You know, I was thinking how to reply to all that has been said and maybe present my humble analysis of what is going on, but then I thought of the topic title... In my opinion these are probably the defining pictures not only of the Iraq War, but the image of the United States as percieved by people in the Middle East and beyond.













    Jesus christ, have more common sense when posting such pictures, you idiot.

    GotWoot Moderator

  17. #77
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Jesus, link those instead of directly posting them.

  18. #78
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    yea lets make generalizations.
    edit: ok lock it.

  19. #79
    Missing Nin
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    ah good old geneva convention. doesnt apply to america apparently!

    really do hope they burn in hell.

  20. #80
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    yea lets make generalizations.
    edit: ok lock it.
    This is your response to my post without any insults in it, and it's the reason I don't bother having a discussion with you.

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