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Thread: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

  1. #21

    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    look at that picture before protesting the war.
    It is a heartbreaking picture, but I'm still against the war in principal, emotional pictures or not...I'm not against the troops, so for me that isn't a reason as to why I should change my opinion.

    The pro/anti-war thing has been done to death though (especially in the original thread that was here...I think everyone (bar newcomers) said everything there was to be said then) and its too late for such an argument anyway as the invasion went ahead ages ago...

    It won't stop anyone from continuing the debate though...

  2. #22
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    hmm. i guess i just think differently. when i see pictures like these it makes me think of how much those people suffered and are still suffering, and our troops are fighting and dying for them. i cant be against a war that is freeing a people who were living in terror.
    ( btw dont bother calling me naiive, i know the u.s isnt doing this solely for the freedom of the iraqi people)

  3. #23
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    You're naive.

  4. #24

    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    HO-LY CRAP! sharingan -kakashi, y the hell would u make a thread liek this? you know full well what the result will be.

    i cant believe this thread has gone on this long, and whats worse is the attidue of ppl who i would've thought were more mature and civil....and no im not referring to just turkish-shikamaru.

    everyone has thier opinions, and theyre welcome to. forums arent the place for somethign like this. you wanna debate the war, do it in person with actual evidence, not pictures off cnn and random gossip/rumors you may have heard elsewhere.

    lets get a few things straight:

    1) Saddam was a dictator. he bombed "his own ppl", or so the popular phrase goes. and yes this is true.
    2) his "people" were the rebels opposing him after the gulf war and they were assured the help of the US military (which never came to thier assistance, resulting in the masscare), and the bombs were the same ones provided by the US before the gulf war. this is also true.
    3) saddam needed to be removed from power. theres no doubt about that.
    4) there are other ways then an all out unprovoked war to get a single man hated by his own ppl out of power.

    and one lst thing.....

    ok. i guess saddaam mudering thousands of kurds is no big deal.
    stuff like this is an absolute joke in terms or arguments. ppl love to bring up this topic, but they either forget or ignore the 0.5 million kids that died as result of sanctions.

    Mistakes have been made by both sides. if you really care, go out and do somethign about it instead of posting and arguing over the internet. crap like this only fans the flames on both sides and creates negative stereotypes in the minds of otehrs.

    This post ought to be the last one in this thread. mods need to lock it now, and ppl need to stop bickering like little kids.

  5. #25

    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    damn... ure right guy''s the way i write things down that brings up all the fuzz ageanst me.i will just quote the opinions which i have the same opinions with:
    swollow your soul: It is a heartbreaking picture, but I'm still against the war in principal, emotional pictures or not...I'm not against the troops, so for me that isn't a reason as to why I should change my opinion.
    this is what i meant with my first post.-.-
    @assertn: i really don't know how to stop dictatorship or terrorist groups rain flower petals from above. but if you start a war ageanst a country it will take down alot of innocent people. so i find the solution to start a war just wrong..
    and this is really my last post on this so just go back on topic.
    (and alright will try not to post emediatly and be looking first at my grammer and spelling.)

  6. #26
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    imo, sadaam was asking for it when he wouldent allow un inspectors in.

  7. #27

    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    its posts like assassins that everyone should read, or know the info that assassin knows before posting.

    now while i know a little bit about this war and the preceding gulf war, thats not nearly enough for me to make a proper informed post on this subject
    however i will say in my experiance basically you have to choose which evil to follow, and in this case i support america. yes i hate bush, and our stupid leader johnny howard acts like bush's labrador, but as soon as we entered we had to see it through till the end, there cant be any of this lets get all our troops out by xmas crap, that would just leave the people of iraq even more fucked than before. i was refering to australian troops by that comment. also what kind of allies would we be to pull out after we've sworn to help.

    if anything happened to australia i know that i would very much like america to rush to our aid, but that doesnt mean howard has to be his fucking puppet

    sorry i kinda rambled on there didnt i, some of it u might have to be from oz to understand but i think ill finish up here. enough of me venting

  8. #28
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: basey_69
    however i will say in my experiance basically you have to choose which evil to follow, and in this case i support america. yes i hate bush, and our stupid leader johnny howard acts like bush's labrador, but as soon as we entered we had to see it through till the end, there cant be any of this lets get all our troops out by xmas crap, that would just leave the people of iraq even more fucked than before. i was refering to australian troops by that comment. also what kind of allies would we be to pull out after we've sworn to help.
    Definitely. And it's good you guys are there cleaning up the mess and putting the Iraqi's back on their feet again, if not it would turn into Afghanistan 2.

    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  9. #29
    Missing Nin
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    i hate the fact that any country other than america helped the "war" effort in iraq. it wasnt a war it was an invasion. america use this excuse of WMD to move into any place they like (usually with oil on tap), when america has the most nuclear weapons in the world. theyre the last country id trust with nukes. such hypocrites.

    oh and maybe a different view of the iraq war:

    kinda sums up my view of america atm; powerful and stupid

  10. #30
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    "freedom isnt free, brave men pay that price."
    i think people should remember that quote.

  11. #31
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    "freedom isnt free, brave men pay that price."
    i think people should remember that quote.
    Brave men. More like innocent civilians who are caught up by the bombings and shootings while the ones doing the actual fighting are miles away. People who have guns and bombs are never brave. There is no good side or bad side, or bright side in war. Everyone is gonna end up losing something dear to them.

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  12. #32
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    i hate comments like these. so the allies werent the "good side" in World War II?

  13. #33
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    i hate comments like these. so the allies werent the "good side" in World War II?
    In your point of view, yes. But what about their enemy. Won't they say that they are the good side?

    Iraq may be free of tyranny but, people who don't deserve or aren't even remotely involved in the fighting died. To me, that is not a great accomplishment.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  14. #34

    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    This post ought to be the last one in this thread. mods need to lock it now, and ppl need to stop bickering like little kids
    is this so hard to understand?

    ans SK, yes allies were the "good" side. do you know why? because they were protecting themselves from foriegn invaders, and helping others who had also been invaded.

    jee, wonder who's doing that in this war?

    dont make generalizations. the world isn't black and white. theres no such thing as good and bad. even in ww2, not all the german soldiers were "evil". alot of them did what they did out of fear.

  15. #35
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    um no, i dont think most modern germans would say they were on the good side. they murdered 6 million people.
    EDIT: why does this thread need to be locked, we cant have a debate like adults?
    EDIT 2: there will always be casualties in war, but in my opinion the people of iraq will be able to enjoy a better life after the war is over than under the rule of sadaam.

  16. #36

    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    thats precisely UR opinion. everybody has thier own opinion about what the ppl of iraq want, and then they wonder y theres all these attacks on american soldiers everyday. could it be that they want to be left alone?

    sadams out of power, a new governments been setup, so y is there still a need for military presence. iraq has its own military now, and they can handle whatever civil unrest there is. the only suppsort they need now is financial support so they can rebuild the civilization thats been utterly destroyed due to 10 years of sanctions and bombings

  17. #37
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    hmm that was a dumb comment. you cant leave now, or there would be civil war immediately. one ethnic/religious group against another.

  18. #38

    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    iraq has its own military now, and they can handle whatever civil unrest there is.
    anyway, if you believe that theres still need for the military tehre, then thats fine. everyone has thier own opinions.

    as for me, this is my final post here. i know exactly what will happen if this thread continues, and i really dont feel like watchign a flame war. i come here for anime, not for politics.

  19. #39

    RE: Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    @ sharingan: so the allied were good in wo2?? since when is dropping 2 NUKE's on 1 country belong to the good??
    DAMN another post of me, this is really the last one.

  20. #40
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Defining Picture of the Iraq War

    Well it was either droping two nuke's in an attempt to scare Japan into surrender and killing a few hundread thousand people in process or let the war go on for like another three years and millions more killed in the process. It's still a great travisty but you look at the people it did save it's the lesser of two evils. Sacrifice of the few for the many.

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