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Thread: How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

  1. #41

    RE: How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    About 4 years, whereas i got nearly every sub by dc++ in that time.

  2. #42

    RE: How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    fansubs i think maybe 5 or 6 years don't know exactly when i started but yeah 5 or 6 is about right

  3. #43

    RE: How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    Lets see here. Since I had to buy Flame of Recca on VHS in B- quailty for 20 bucks. So that was when I was a junior in high school. About 5-6 years now.

  4. #44

    How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    I only started watching fansubs less than 7 days ago, started with naruto, well i've only been watching naruto but am sure there will be lots to come. I cant understand why i've left it this long it's great [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  5. #45

    How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    I've been watching anime for about 3 years now but have only been watching fansubs since augest 2004.

  6. #46
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    A little under a year, one of my friends started dling it and showed it to me after and iv been hooked since. i used to bitch about the subtitles (i was used to dubs) but now i dont even notice it and from my experience the japanese voice actors are better anyways

  7. #47

    How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    Bout a year... maybe 1.5

  8. #48

    How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    First ever episode of Anime I saw was a Teknoman episode, back when it was the ONLY anime released in Australia, aired at a decent time for the primary-schooler that was me.

    So I suppose i fall into the 'been watching it for as long as I can remember' crowd, though I only started watching Fansubs when my friend gave me the beginning of the Trigun series on CD (quite a few years ago), and since then I've been into anything I can get my hands on.

    Wait, that doesn't even answer the question... I don't really know - I think 6 years, maybe a bit more?

  9. #49
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    Hmm.... about 3 1/2 - 4 years.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  10. #50

    How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    I remembered my first discovery of fansubs were Love Hina ones. Back then they still are in low resolution 320x240's and all that, but to me to looked so good already back then.

    My first fansub I downloaded myself was Angelic Layer ep. 1. Amazing that I got it because of my 56K back then.

  11. #51

    How long have you been watching fan subbed anime?

    watching fansubbed anime about 3 years maybe. 3 years allready huh.. times goes by!

  12. #52
    I've been watching fansubbed anime for 6 years, but I started watching anime itself 17 years ago.

  13. #53
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Oh well.. since this topic was bought back from the dead..

    Since I first watched Tenjou Tenge. There was around 11 episodes out when I started watching it.

  14. #54
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    4-5 years ago.. that was when i got addicted to Geusomaden Saiyuki

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  15. #55
    Going on 5 years ago a bunch of nerds kept coming into my dorm room and watching/talking about this show called Naruto all the time with my roomate. After a semester of listening to them talk about it all the time I broke down and downloaded the first season. I was kicked off the school network 2 weeks later for for downloading every anime I could get my hands on.

  16. #56
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    i've been watching fan subs since 2001/2002 when i used to have to buy them off of ebay because i only had 56k modem and couldn't dl any large files *sigh*

  17. #57
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    about 6 or 7 years.

  18. #58
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I started actively maybe 2 years ago.

    First anime was in 78 or so, on TV.

  19. #59
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Fall 2001 was the first time I started going out and finding stuff.

    But holy hell, thread necromancy!

    You get a custom avatar, YaGaMi
    Last edited by complich8; Sat, 07-14-2007 at 03:17 AM.

  20. #60
    4 years I think. As a lot of other people here, I got introduced to Naruto by a friend. He read the manga, and always spoiled me. After that I got about 5 friends to watch it, and forced my cousin to watch trough 35 eps( I literally kept him locked in my room). He didn't start liking it until the 20th episode or so, that's when I could unlock the door. He's so stubborn.

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