Originally posted by: Psyke
I guess it's a matter of culture. From where I live, there's a very distinct difference in anime and cartoons. Anime to us are perhaps kiddy at times, but more often than not aimed at teenagers at least. Recently more and more adults are getting into anime, but this maybe due to the generation difference...... the people who once watched Astroboy are now parents of children who watch Pokemon. Thus, in the eastern counties, Japan/HK/Taiwan/Singapore, we usually classify the animated shows to 2 major categories cartoons and anime. There are stores which only sell anime, and of course you won't find any disney stuff in there. Anime to asians has a slightly different meaning to perhaps western counties.
What I'm saying is that different people from different cultures have different perspectives, and what I've said is just my perspective from an asian point of view. Dakara, anime wa cartoon ja nai~ : )