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Thread: Bit Torrent

  1. #1

    Bit Torrent

    i downloaded Naruto 76-100 and it my first download from here, so the problem is when i put it up on bit torrent it says 29 DAYS!!! till its done so does anyone have any ideas???

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    GotWoot Moderator

  2. #2

    Bit Torrent

    Ok i tried on Bit Tornado and it still seems to be hella slow (about 850 hours till its done). Can someone please give me advise

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    GotWoot Moderator

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Bit Torrent

    How many seeds are you connected to? Seeds = Speed when it comes to BitTorrent. Also, if your using a router, did you forward the ports your BT client uses? If not, go to the following site: Port Forwarding Tutorial

    Find out your routers type and model #, then find it on that site, and follow the tutorial that shows up. But this is only if you have a router.
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