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Thread: odd qustions

  1. #1

    odd qustions

    now i knwo this might seema bit dumb but here waht i been thinking voer abit. now the 4th seal teh demon fox in to naruto right ?

    now when 3rd hokage used teh same skill he ended up sealing it inside himself and dieing.

    so when the 4th was doing it did he someone cahnge it so the death god sealed it in to teh child ? and ehre my main qustion "WHERE THE HELL THE 4TH GET A BABY CHILD IN THE MIDDLE OF A ABTTLE FEILD TO SEAL THE DEMON FOX IN TO IT ???!?!?!" where he do call out " bring me a child so we can all live??"
    seema bit odd to me

    and i'm wondering if naruto not more like a reincarnation fo the 4th insead of a simple child. they look very simalr and perverted hermit said they are very a like. maybe cause the demon fox huge chakra and pwoer + the 4th was unable to be killed off and instead just reverted to a child body with 0 memeory?

  2. #2

    odd qustions

    You're right! That is an odd question. I wonder why this has never been brought up?

  3. #3

    RE: odd qustions

    i jsut notice small odd things lol my friends all broke out alughing when i said once i noticed this "bring me a baby !!" when i brought this up ;-)

  4. #4

    RE: odd qustions

    The naruto reincarnation theory has been around for a while. I really hope it dosen't turn out to be the case because it is really really dumb. It would ruin the whole series if it turned out that naruto was a genious ninja all along and all of his hard work didn't mean jack shit because he was destined to regain his skills as the fourth. I personally think that naruto is the fourths son.

  5. #5

    odd qustions

    Why not, he already had in mind he was going to seal him into it, so when he was on Gamabunta's back going towards the Kyubi, he already had the baby with him. Ready to perform the jutsu.

    It's a sealing technique a different variation, why would Sarutobi want to seal Orochimaru into a living being, giving him the chance to come back to life? When he can seal him straight away into the Death God. Yes, I know the second part stuffs up the Kyubi, but maybe the Death God couldn't handle the Kyubi, or possibly it was easier to seal it into Naruto. I don't know this part, the technique hasn't been explained properly.

  6. #6

    odd qustions

    Just don't try to guess on this thing guys...I mean, best case scenerio you *are* right about your prediction and you kinda just ruined the ending for yourself or whatever.

  7. #7

    odd qustions

    well if he not the 4th there here another idea. jsut somehting i jsut figured out i think....

    the sealing of the death gods takes the user soul and in teh end the 2 souls are bended together in a entral fight(lest that close to what the 3rd said) so i'm thinking waht if the "gate" that holding the demon fox in mihgt be the 4th soul power keeping it contained ? that might explain while nartuo can learn so high moves so "easy" compaired to others so fast liek teh regensen and his shadow clone skill.

    shadow clone skill was in the forbbin seal scroll(thought we seen a few other used of this skill) i would guess in there 6 rank system it be close to 4 to learn this one

    regensan - a rank 2 of 6 skill high one and took the 4th a while to learn and master it last step, yet naruto learn the final part in a weeks time(from teh bet so might be more like a week and a few days cuase of travel)

    this might be why he seem to ahve a knack of some skill like one the 4th sued. just a idea i like to keep poeepl guessing and think things over in a new light :-)

  8. #8
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: odd qustions

    can you write your sentences coherently next time? thanks.

  9. #9

    RE: odd qustions

    sorry was on my work break and only had 5 msin to type lol i edit it alter to amke ti more read able :-)

    i just saying thought that the cage taht holding the nine tail fox inside of naruto might likely be the 4th hokage soul, that can be why naurto seem to pick up some move very fast, skill the very likely the 4th knew himself like shadow clones and regansen :-)

  10. #10
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: odd qustions

    and maybe Naruto learnt the shadow clone becuase he trained till his hand burnt out?
    and the rasengan, that's pretty much obvious how he learnt it, we've seen him in the process. he didn't wake up one day and said "well, i've somehow mastered this shit overnight in my dreams', he got it right becuase he had been given clues by jiriya and saw that cat and tht toliet water.

    as for the 'naruto is the 4th reborn' crap, it's about time someone blasted that theory, becuase it goes against the entire naruto theme, it's like kishimoto saying 'well, you've read my manga for 400 chapters, only to find out that Naruto was really a genius and even if he didn't have anyone to protect he would have become this strong cuz he was allways super strong', way for the 'fighting against destiny' which the manga has been carrying on....
    and just to make you understand, let's throw in some examples of other animes 'supposed' twists:
    'in the end of berserk, we find out gutts actually has an angel sleeping inside of him and gives him the power to cure people's heart'
    'in hajime no ippo, Ippo isn't only a inboxer, he can suddenly throw counters from any direction and has footwork of an outboxer'
    'touro from fruits basket turns out to be the 14th animal and joins the souma family'
    and in yu yu hakusho, yusuke isn't a noraml human, he's a damn demon with kickass power.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #11

    RE: odd qustions

    I like the idea of Naruto being the son of the 4th, but what gets me about that theory is -
    Why does everyone hate Naruto if he's the son of the not only the great and highly respected 4th, but the son of the saviour of Konoha?? Why has no-one told him he's the son of the 4th Hokage??
    OK, OK, I know they hate/fear him because he's got the kyuubi, but still, wouldn't there be *someone* who would have at least -sniff- loved him?

  12. #12

    RE: odd qustions

    i going to dout the naruto= 4th son for now cause or missing info. but who know if i learn more i post my optins lol.

    if you seen eps 133 here a question waht you think with teh aount of chakra naruto using wiht the fox in mostly control now i would think his body under a huge aount of stress and strain even wiht hsi heal factored in to this. who think naurto going to collapes after this or burn out ? and his body going to be ripped up no amtter what happends after all this. he moving much faster then he sued to, hitter arhder and the chakra pumping out of him. i wonder how long his healing tinme after this mgiht be or blow like a cheap fuse?

    Sasuke on the other ahdn always been abit faster and had training to be super fast so with his cursed seal 2 open he mgiht get fast but i think teh strain be lass on him since he more sued to it, thought the charka being forced out of him cause of teh seal will leave him a bit drained.

    i liek optins on this if you got any.

  13. #13
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    odd qustions

    Originally posted by: Darkcarnage
    now i knwo this might seema bit dumb but here waht i been thinking voer abit. now the 4th seal teh demon fox in to naruto right ?

    now when 3rd hokage used teh same skill he ended up sealing it inside himself and dieing.

    so when the 4th was doing it did he someone cahnge it so the death god sealed it in to teh child ? and ehre my main qustion "WHERE THE HELL THE 4TH GET A BABY CHILD IN THE MIDDLE OF A ABTTLE FEILD TO SEAL THE DEMON FOX IN TO IT ???!?!?!" where he do call out " bring me a child so we can all live??"
    seema bit odd to me

    and i'm wondering if naruto not more like a reincarnation fo the 4th insead of a simple child. they look very simalr and perverted hermit said they are very a like. maybe cause the demon fox huge chakra and pwoer + the 4th was unable to be killed off and instead just reverted to a child body with 0 memeory?
    those arn't odd questions you amiture

    These are odd questions

    1) Is sasuke gay?
    come on people there are girls all over him and hes not interested. What kind of guy is he?

    2)Are tsunades breasts real or fake?
    Just look at them they are so fake.

    3)Are soldier pills nothing more than glorified ecstacy?
    Lets see they make you stronger faster and able to go days without sleep if thats not speed i don't know what is.

    4) How much frog spawn would a frog that big have?
    just look at the size of gamabunta a frog that big would fill loch ness

    5)Why does choji not market those pills (ep 190) for dieting?
    Atkins diet my ass he went from 300lb to 200lb in like 30 seconds he could make a fortune

    6)Why are they called hidden villages?
    hidden leaf, hidden sand, hidden sound..etc. They arn't exactly hidden they even appear on maps. How else would people know where to go to hire ninjas?

    7) How bored is kyubi being stuck in side naruto 24/7 ?
    He must be so bored with nothing to do all day. I don't know perhaps it has an Xbox or ps2

    8) Whats with the morality in naruto?
    He can go out and fight to the death but he can't get served in a bar

    9) How come kakashi hasn't been done for indecent assault?
    Come on he stuck his fingers up Naruto's backside

    10) Why dosn't tsunade become a plastic sergeon ?
    She should be teaching people how to make themselves look younger she could make a fortune in hollywood

    11) Why is there a sock on the floor ?
    In ep 97 when naruto enters the room to find its been trashed theres a sock on the floor have you ever seen anyone in naruto with socks on

    12) Does Orochimaru get indigestion?
    Snakes a sword whats he gonna pull out of his stomach next a kitchen sink

    if your gonna ask odd questions make them as odd as possible [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  14. #14

    odd qustions

    1) Is sasuke gay?
    come on people there are girls all over him and hes not interested. What kind of guy is he?
    A. he to busy to deal the girls he fosuced on getting stronger and does nto want to waste time or energy on girls yet, maybe after itachi dead he go dating.

    2)Are tsunades breasts real or fake?
    Just look at them they are so fake.
    A. they are fake she lok how she wants to with her specail jutus she using to keep her self looking young. and juriya called her as a teen no break ;-)

    3)Are soldier pills nothing more than glorified ecstacy?
    Lets see they make you stronger faster and able to go days without sleep if thats not speed i don't know what is.
    A. this ahrd toa nswer we knwo teh have proteins in them(they said as much the first tiem they shown) and herb liekly some speed like herb in there somewhere.

    4) How much frog spawn would a frog that big have?
    just look at the size of gamabunta a frog that big would fill loch ness
    A. i really do not want to know :-P

    5)Why does choji not market those pills (ep 190) for dieting?
    Atkins diet my ass he went from 300lb to 200lb in like 30 seconds he could make a fortune
    A. cuase the red pill that makes him lose weight would kill the user and death the best diet on the amrket [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] by turing fat/cals in to chakra.(now i wander how that works...)

    6)Why are they called hidden villages?
    hidden leaf, hidden sand, hidden sound..etc. They arn't exactly hidden they even appear on maps. How else would people know where to go to hire ninjas?
    A. maybe long aog they where hideen and the name just stuck on out of habit.

    7) How bored is kyubi being stuck in side naruto 24/7 ?
    He must be so bored with nothing to do all day. I don't know perhaps it has an Xbox or ps2
    A. liekly he bored and jsut watching naruto like like a tv show and hoping for good fights sence and wish he coudl change the show lol

    8) Whats with the morality in naruto?
    He can go out and fight to the death but he can't get served in a bar
    A. hey he picked to be a ninja but teh lord of teh land said no under age drinking taek it up wiht him, and ebsides you want a drunk ninja kid doing a mission ? not me i like to get finsihed some year.

    9) How come kakashi hasn't been done for indecent assault?
    Come on he stuck his fingers up Naruto's backside
    A. cuase naruto did nto say anything and thought it was a legit move :-P he used it too on garra .

    10) Why dosn't tsunade become a plastic sergeon ?
    She should be teaching people how to make themselves look younger she could make a fortune in hollywood
    A. cuase all good dr. do not want a it to be a easy one tiem thing, she would want tehn to keep coming back voer and over again so money can be made. now if she could make other poeel look young but not ahve that skill taken that make her money.

    11) Why is there a sock on the floor ?
    In ep 97 when naruto enters the room to find its been trashed theres a sock on the floor have you ever seen anyone in naruto with socks on
    A> maybe wears them to bed to keep hsi feet warm. i do even fi i wear sandle all day. don't ask me way it a habit

    12) Does Orochimaru get indigestion?
    Snakes a sword whats he gonna pull out of his stomach next a kitchen sink
    A. i say yes cause teh sanke in his belly not really in there it like a summon it shows up when needed. thought i'm sure he does not get it offen he in good shape getting a new body ever 25 years or so lol

    well those my answer waht ya think :-)

  15. #15

    odd qustions

    Ugh. What I wouldn't give to get some people some spelling lessons....

    To answer these questions....

    1) Is Sasuke gay?
    Oh, get over it already! No, he isn't gay. Period. He has two goals in mind, which he will pursue. The main one he's chasing right now is to "kill a certain man." The next is to rebuild his clan. Through all of the character's plot twists, I don't see these goals changing. And of course, in order to rebuild his clan, he's going to need some offspring, which involves getting busy with the opposite sex.

    2) Are Tsunade's breasts real, or fake?
    I can't say I'd ever imagine any female ninja getting a breast augmentation, as they would most likely be very cumbersome and get in the way. And I've seen girls in real life with bigger ones which WERE real. I'll have to go with real here.

    3) Are soldier pills nothing more than glorified ecstacy?
    Not hardly. MDMA and it's effects aren't even quite similar to the "speed" you mentioned. Though highly improbable in the real world, I'd say their closest relative would be a andro-steroid.

    4) How much frog spawn would a frog that big have?
    If it were male, none. I can't recall a female of that size anywhere in the anime. If it were female, still none. Size matters, even if frogs don't truly copulate.

    5) Why does Choji not market those pills for dieting?
    Some ninja tools were meant to remain in their respective families/clans/villages. If he began to market them openly, I'd imagine a few ANBU would pay him a friendly visit.

    6) Why are they called hidden villages?
    When was the last time you found one of them?

    7) How bored is Kyubi, being stuck inside Naruto 24/7?
    I'd imagine this would be a question of what Naruto might have eaten that day. If it's something like Brussell's sprouts, then yeah, I'd say the day is shot to hell...

    8) What's with the morality in Naruto? He can go out and fight to the death but he can't get served in a bar.
    Yeah, but look at Lee. Drunk as hell from time to time, and I don't think he's much older, certainly not of drinking age in many so-called "civilized" nations.

    9) How come Kakashi hasn't been done for indecent assault? Come on, he stuck his fingers up Naruto's backside.
    Well, Naruto WAS bent over in front of him. Some might call that consent. Then, there's the whole "age of consent" thing, which I might add is not followed throughout the world. But in any case, you wouldn't want to know what he threatened his lawyer, his judge, and any possible jury members with... it would involve a strange book, a couple of bells tied with string, and no lube....

    10) Why doesn't Tsunade become a plastic surgeon?
    Well, with running a ninja village, training a young genin, fighting off guys who drool at the sight of her chest, and still managing to look good doing it, PLUS her own personal regimens, you might wonder if time might be a bit too tight to pursue other hobbies, interests, or careers.

    11) Why is there a sock on the floor?
    It's the one thing the underpants gnomes just couldn't carry off....

    12) Does Orochimaru get indigestion?
    Snakes are good eating. With swords? You'd only really have to worry about cutting organs and tissues, indigestion wouldn't be much of a factor. Then again, I'm sure there's some ninja medicine version of rolaids.

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    odd qustions

    Originally posted by: Bishounen

    And of course, in order to rebuild his clan, he's going to need some offspring, which involves getting busy with the opposite sex.

    I got to thinking about that.. even if Sasuke had like 6 children, it would take forever to rebuild a whole clan.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    odd qustions

    Number one odd question for Naruto....
    with all the advanced technology, Telephones, computers, FUCKING HOLOGRAMS even!

    Where the fuck are all the cars? Not to mention guns! Come on!! Not everyone is a fucking ninja (despite the show making you think so)

    Oh, and Darkcarnage, "Hooked on Phonics" is a proven program.

  18. #18

    odd qustions

    ok ok i get it my typing sucks geez. beat me in the head with it why don't ya :-P . oh well but i am suppired anyone read my post to begin with :-)

  19. #19
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    odd qustions

    all your questions have only been discussed 8,009,034,277 times. heres a question, can you put effort into typing, or are you just that stupid that you cant spell for shit?

  20. #20
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    odd qustions

    here comes another question, why is it when naruto signed the frog contract, next to his name was jirarya's but, gamabunta said the 4th stood on his back which should mean the 1 next to naruto was the 4th's signiture. If jirarya taught the 4th, the 4th's sig should be after his.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

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