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Thread: Worst Anime

  1. #181

    Worst Anime

    One Piece and FLCL....

  2. #182

    Worst Anime

    Originally posted by: Naroku
    One Piece and FLCL....

    Are you CRAZY?! One Piece is awesome!

  3. #183

    Worst Anime

    Originally posted by: xDarkMaster
    Originally posted by: Naroku
    One Piece and FLCL....

    Are you CRAZY?! One Piece is awesome!

    personally, I stopped watching it because of the art and the fact that the clown guy arc went to become kinda lame. I guess it picks up, but i can see how someone dislikes it if he's only watched those eps. and well, when you don't like a show, usually you STOP watching it (which is the logical thing to do as some people forget sometimes).

  4. #184
    Missing Nin
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    Worst Anime

    Originally posted by: Darknodin
    Originally posted by: xDarkMaster
    Originally posted by: Naroku
    One Piece and FLCL....

    Are you CRAZY?! One Piece is awesome!

    personally, I stopped watching it because of the art and the fact that the clown guy arc went to become kinda lame. I guess it picks up, but i can see how someone dislikes it if he's only watched those eps. and well, when you don't like a show, usually you STOP watching it (which is the logical thing to do as some people forget sometimes).
    First off I hate Buggy and that arc was indeed fairly bad. Second if your watching the Dub of One Piece that could certainly be the worst anime ever. Basically I would have to say however its impossible that anything with 100+ episodes much less the amount One Piece has could in any way be considered the worst anime ever.

  5. #185
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    I've been usually watching the animes that many people suggest, so I haven't had any horrible experiences yet until...
    Unfortunately, a friend suggested Bakuretsu Tenshi (Burst Angel). At first, it was interesting, but as the series continued, it just kept going downhill.

  6. #186

    Worst Anime

    Yep, Bakuretsu Tenshi was a load of crap... I enjoyed some parts of it, but as a whole it was a crappy anime. I hope the OVA that's supposed to come out later will be good though.

  7. #187

    Worst Anime

    Erementar Gerarad was pure garbage.

  8. #188
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    Erementar Gerarad was pure garbage.
    i thought it had some good qualities to it. But the ending was definitely pure garbage. It wouldn't make it THE worst anime though.....

  9. #189

    Worst Anime

    A medieval RPG cliche anime isn't a bad idea but all executions of it are amateur crap. ragnarok the animation is no exception, and it has to be the worst anime i've ever seen.
    The mad wizard dude was class, though. They did him just right. Lunacy builds character.

  10. #190
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Damn, I had to dig up my copy of necronomicon and resurrect this thread just for this purpose. After 12 episodes of Gantz, I can already say it has to be one of the worst animes I have ever seen. Not the worst, because I watched the first episode of Tenchi Muyo: Magical Girl Pretty Sammy, but I'd say this could be even as bad as Jubei-chan 2 - The Revenge of Siberia Yagyuu.

    I simply have never witnessed as stupid, cowardly, weak and loser main characters as in this series (The leading character of Tide-Line Blue looks like a super hero compared to these fellows). If they were even a bit stronger, I'd just think they are simply badly written, but now they are actually so miserable that they are works of art as such. And that's also the only reason why I intend to finish this series: Every single fight scene so far has been so unbelievably moronic that I just can't drop this show.

    I know there are people here who liked this series to some extent at least (I checked this thread), and I assure you I mean no offence. We all have our different tastes, and on the other hand the technical aspects of this series aren't bad, and there have been good scenes outside of the fights.

  11. #191
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Any fan of the manga will not argue with you in the slightest. I use it as an example of how terrible an adaptation of a good manga series can get (the made up, half-assed ending anyway).

    The Gantz series is the biggest joke and waste of time I've ever bothered with, second only to Mother: Saigo no Shoujo Eve (aka E.Y.E.S. of Mars). That is hands down the worst anime movie I've ever seen. Fortunately, I only wasted 80 minutes of my time on that one. The cast is good and the acting is decent, its just the plot has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. It's like Star Wars Eps II, good actors can't help it if the script is crap.

  12. #192
    Gantz was just 24 (or was it 26?) episodes of pointless blood and gore. In the end you still have no clue what the hell is going on. This show makes Elfen Lied look like Barney.

  13. #193
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    @ Kraco: Whiny characters was exactly the same reason why I stopped watching this show. Although, according to many, the payoff to sticking with this series is pretty damn good. Still, not enough to convince me. I need to watch shows whose main character I can actually root for.

  14. #194
    For me, I did NOT like Fruits Basket nor DNA 2. Yikes, bad bad bad.

  15. #195
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'll try to keep this brief since its not the right thread for this:

    Spoiler warning for GANTZ plot, don't read if you haven't seen it

    The problem with Gantz is that they only show you maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the story that's out now in the manga (admittedly, its gotten a little sidetracked). They cut a huge amount of the character development out, so you never really are able to get attached to all of the new characters that show up every round but ultimately die. What they leave you with is the whiny pacifist long-haired friend, the idiotic girl, and Kurono. They only show the briefest of glimpses into the real world, so you don't really get to see how positively Kurono is getting affected by the 'game.' Then, right after the one of the bloodiest arcs in the series, instead of going into the story arc that changes the entire series, where it gets into even more characters depth and starts showing a much larger cross section of their world outside of the hunts, they slap together a bullshit ending where Gantz makes everyone hunt Kurono. The amount they leave out makes it not worth watching. I cannot even fully express how much better the manga is.

    End spoilers

    With Fruits Basket, the reason a lot of people dislike it is unfortunately the same. They stop the story at volume 6 of a series that is at least 20 volumes. It does get a lot better and addresses a lot more mature issues.

    DNA2 is mediocre, I agree. It's not the worst I've seen, which is somewhere back in this thread.

    Added some spoiler warnings for GANTZ.
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 06-08-2006 at 05:47 AM.

  16. #196
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aye. Aside from the fight scenes, there are actually quite a lot of good humour in the series, and some other scenes. Especially the scoring and other comments given by Gantz are hilarious. That's why I really expected a lot from this series during the first episodes.

    However, since the series is so heavily based on battles, it really should have better ones. I suppose they were aiming for a realistic view of how people who never have shoot or killed couldn't just suddenly start to do so. But it was taken to far extremes here. If your friends or at least acquaintances are being slowly killed in front of you by some robots or monsters, or you are being threaten by the same things, and you have a one-hit-kill weapon in your hand, I doubt many people would hesitate that much in the real life. Or so I thought until the person who neg repped me for the initial post proved me wrong. Apparently there are people like that also in the real world (fortunately not among my friends)...

  17. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    That's why I really expected a lot from this series
    I agree with what most of you guys have said about GANTZ, not that I think it is the worst I have seen, I actually enjoyed the most of it. The series turned to shit during the later half of the series, but I found the first part very refreshing. It's not often that you get an anime where you see the whole thought process of the main character, and it's pretty accurate with many people, including myself at times when I think most people around me are lame and such.

    With that said, I find that when people dislike a series/show/movie it really has little to do with the series/show/movie itself rather they dislike it based on their expectations. I always find it a weak argument, saying something along the lines of "this series is so bad because I expected better". Yeah, then do me a favor and have lower expectations, it really pisses me off when I recommend something to friends of mine, something that is actually good and they come to me later and say the movie was OK, I expected better. I'm not talking to Kraco in particular, just sharing a common trait I find most of the times I see someone disliking something.

    I'm the opposite, I usually expect the worst out of everything, I guess that's why I enjoy most of the things I watch and why I rarely consider that I've wasted my time with something.

  18. #198
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, that's a pretty profound difference. I haven't watched anime for a very long time, and still today I always expect every new show I start to watch to be an exquisite experience. This is a worst anime thread, and there's one really important point here that's easy to miss: It's relative to whatever animes the person who posts has happened to watch. And aside from the first episode of Magical Girl Pretty Sammy, I have watched exactly zero bad anime series. This is mainly because I have only chosen good series to watch, and because I appreciate anime so highly (and maybe I have just have good luck or a knack for picking the good ones).

    It's more than likely many people here have watched very lousy series compared to the worst I have seen. And thus when I say Gantz is one of the worst I have seen, people might be puzzled by it. This is why I enjoy most of the things I watch and why I rarely consider that I've wasted my time with something, to quote Bud.

  19. #199
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Some person(s) here mentioned Noir in this thread. I don't remember if it was because of that that I decided to have a look at it, but after 4 episodes, I don't think it's nearly that bad. Sure, all the battles those two have fought have been pretty miserable with the opponents fighting like 8 years old kids, but otherwise I like the series. Not as much as something like Gunslinger Girl, but there is something nice about this series. I just hope if they keep encountering resistance it would be a bit more intelligent in the future.

  20. #200
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Noir was an average series. Definitely not the worst ever made.

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