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Thread: Worst Anime

  1. #161
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    Anyone try watching Narutaru?

    I saw it mentioned in the old gotwoot site, so i checked it out......
    seemed a little slow....started to get even more interesting.....then went back to being slow and boring for about 4 more episodes.......

    by then i lost the ability to stay awake through an episode of i just removed the damn thing.

    Then there's bobobo bobobo......................
    Normally i like random humor, but the nose hair thing would make me ashamed to even affiliate myself with anything remotely like this. The art quality most of the time was on par with old DBZ was no....
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #162
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    I loved Bobobobobbobobbobo~.

    It makes Excel Saga look sane.

  3. #163
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    Bobobobo: I tried reading a bit of the manga, I remember afro guy fighting against bold guys, right? thinking back, it looks like someone took the premise of Hokuto no Ken and just changed the charecters... anyway, I deleted it after a few chapters and that's it.

    Narutaru: one of my all time favorite animes, not becasues it's very good (it could use a bit more work on, and about 13 more episodes so it would make sense), but because it's almost as much of a mindfuck as Evangelion. seriously, the three last episodes are the biggest mood swing i've ever seen, you won't ever see it coming. now, go and watch it again, and remember that housimaru is the cutest little thing ever, and 'ein-soth' is infinite in hebrew. yep, total mindfuck.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  4. #164

    Worst Anime

    I pick Gantz. Heck I've wasted my time on that show.......Eh did it even have an ending ???hmmm nope of course not -.-'. So what else can I say about it???

  5. #165

    Worst Anime

    Sorry, but I wouldn't say that having a bad ending makes it a the worst anime... That's just what it was, a bad ending... It was a pretty good series, it just fucked up at the end...

    I recommend searching for the Budda arc in the manga and continue reading from there, that's where the anime went in a different direction than the manga...

  6. #166

    Worst Anime

    Nobody insults Bo-Bo-Bobo. NOBODY.

  7. #167

    Worst Anime

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Sorry, but I wouldn't say that having a bad ending makes it a the worst anime... That's just what it was, a bad ending... It was a pretty good series, it just fucked up at the end...

    I recommend searching for the Budda arc in the manga and continue reading from there, that's where the anime went in a different direction than the manga...
    Well I agree with you on this. It was good but not the just pissed me off in a bad way.>.>

  8. #168

    Worst Anime

    3. Sonic underground: now this was a piece of shit, best thing was the voice actor of the wolf, who was the same guy who did Kith in futurama
    I agree that Sonic Underground is a colossal mess. Like OMFG!! I thought some animation company pirated Sega's mascot. It didn't seem like it was produced by a Japanese anime studio.
    Thank god there's Sonic X to redeem the hedgehog's reputation. *it's quite a kiddie anime tho'

    One anime which I regretted acquiring 2 episodes of is Meine Liebe. I have no freaking idea what's so interesting about a bunch of beautiful boys in an academic institution. I just fell asleep because the story's going nowhere. The coice acting cast is made of interesting personalities tho', most of them from Gundam Seed.

    Bobobobobobobo is one of the funniest and weirdest kuso anime I've every watched. What I look out for are the voice actors. Bobobo is VA-ed by Takehito Koyasu [Mwu la Flaga of GundamSeed] and Don Patch is VA-ed by Tomokazu Seki [Yzak Jule, Viewtiful Joe, Doraemon]. It's amazing how flexible their vocal chords are. I think the series ran up to the 69th ep.

  9. #169

    Worst Anime

    I agree that Sonic Underground is a colossal mess. Like OMFG!! I thought some animation company pirated Sega's mascot. It didn't seem like it was produced by a Japanese anime studio.
    Thank god there's Sonic X to redeem the hedgehog's reputation. *it's quite a kiddie anime tho'

  10. #170
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    oh I plain forgot about Gilgamesh... that was pretty awful
    I tried really hard to continue watching the series but ughh...
    plus the art pissed me off... i mean... what's up with the thick lips?!?! x.x

    Another vote for Sokyuu no Fafner too. They try too damn hard to be melodramatic by having ultra-slow-moving scenes and by having one young kid die off every episode.
    Nice. *rolls eyes*

    Hack Sign Bracelet??? (or whatever it's called) was another series that I couldn't bear to continue watching.
    Seemed like a totally pointless show. Also, the character design was way too kiddish.

  11. #171

    Worst Anime

    Anyone watched LOVELESS and survived?
    It's about this angsty kid called Ritsuka with kitty ears who gets in some kind of relationship with his dead elder bro's partner who happens to be some kind of zombie. It's screaming SHONEN AI and I have no idea where the hell the story was.

    Loveless Synopsis-click if u got guts!

  12. #172

    Worst Anime

    Anyone watched LOVELESS and survived?
    It's about this angsty kid called Ritsuka with kitty ears who gets in some kind of relationship with his dead elder bro's partner who happens to be some kind of zombie. It's screaming SHONEN AI and I have no idea where the hell the story was.

    Loveless Synopsis-click if u got guts!

  13. #173
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    christ Arzen try not to double post so much will ya? Only a matter of times since the mods boot you, as I've noticed you've been getting flack about signatures from them. Shape up or ship out.

    Soukyou no Fafner as the Worst Anime ever? I don't think so. Sure it indulges alot of the typical over-dramatic, over-angsty cliches while being a quasi-Evangelion ripoff, but it's actually pretty well made.

    Loveless sucked some horrible balls. Granted I've only seen the first four episodes, but they were absolutley terrible. Angsty-emo to the extreme. What young kid is actually like that? And what kind of zombie/older man kisses them full on the lips and constantly says stuff like "I love you" to that illegally younger kid? That show borders on shota yaoi.

    I also absolutley loathe all of those "relationship" / "high school" shows that are on. I just can't sit through episodes of them, I just press Delete. Why do I need to bother wasting my time watching about some made up, over the top drama when there's plenty to be found in real life? Also, lots of the characters are so stereotypical and unoriginal. That said, some of those shows can be good for a laugh, just not frequently enough that I would bother keeping up with the show.

    Bobobobobo is hilarious.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  14. #174

    Worst Anime

    Be sure to read the Bo Bo Bobo manga, dont watch the anime. If you think the anime is funny, you'll shit your pants reading the manga.

  15. #175

    Worst Anime

    I haven't really seen any "bad" series because I only watch the popular and/or high rating ones. Sure, there were some I didn't like, in particular...Berserk. WTF was that all about? I mean, it starts "interesting", goes on to develop a very good story over ~20 episodes, then the ending comes and karate chops you in the nuts. Others I'd have to say Fruits Basket. I did NOT like that show at all.

    And btw, Fafner is DEFINITELY not a bad show. In addition, the OVA "Left of Right" is amazing.

  16. #176
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    Berserk is another 'bad ending' series. That by no means makes it a 'bad series.' Anyone who's read the manga will tell you that that is barely half the story, and that it is perhaps the greatest series that's still running. Other than Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, Berserk is probably the only "Epic" (in the true sense of the word) anime/manga.

    The same goes for Fruits Basket. It is a rushed chop shop ending. The series ends at volume 6 of the manga, barely a third of the way through the story at present. They also took the boring parts of the series for the most of the last half of the anime. It is a bad series, but the story is a lot better than the anime gives off.

    Take Neon Genesis, liberally cross with RahXephon, kill people off more often, and you've got Fafner. The series is garbage. It tries to be profound like the other two (arguably RahXephon isn't that great either) and just comes off as another clone of them.

    Gungrave is bad series. Take an awesome mobster arc, and then switch aburptly back to the retarded monster-undead genetic zombie killing cliche-fest. They should've just kept it to the mob arc and called it something else. Why bother to cross it with a game that was decent, but nothing spectacular?

  17. #177
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    Berserk is another 'bad ending' series. That by no means makes it a 'bad series.' Anyone who's read the manga will tell you that that is barely half the story, and that it is perhaps the greatest series that's still running. Other than Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, Berserk is probably the only "Epic" (in the true sense of the word) anime/manga.

    The same goes for Fruits Basket. It is a rushed chop shop ending. The series ends at volume 6 of the manga, barely a third of the way through the story at present. They also took the boring parts of the series for the most of the last half of the anime. It is a bad series, but the story is a lot better than the anime gives off.

    Take Neon Genesis, liberally cross with RahXephon, kill people off more often, and you've got Fafner. The series is garbage. It tries to be profound like the other two (arguably RahXephon isn't that great either) and just comes off as another clone of them.

    Gungrave is bad series. Take an awesome mobster arc, and then switch aburptly back to the retarded monster-undead genetic zombie killing cliche-fest. They should've just kept it to the mob arc and called it something else. Why bother to cross it with a game that was decent, but nothing spectacular?
    Wow, I've never agreed so much with someone's views on an anime for the first half of a post and then TOTALLY disagree with them on the second half.

    Gungrave, bad? Fafner, bad?

    Fafner was a pretty big knockoff, granted. They took alot of elements from Eva and RahX, but I still thought the series was pretty good. Even if it wasn't original, it was a good knockoff. Yes it was angsty and sometimes over-dramatic, but what else can you expect in a situation like that? And the OVA was fantastic.

    Gungrave did shift gears towards the end. I'll agree that I liked it better when it was more into the mafia scene. But there were some absolutley incredible parts in the "monster-undead zombie killing cliche-fest" as you call it. And let me ask you this, how the hell would Gungrave's story have continued without the Necroriser factor? I thought the series tried, and did pretty well, at doing something new after 'the mafia' part.
    And what game are you talking about?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #178

    Worst Anime

    Gungrave is in no way, shape or form a bad series. I agree they went overboard with the monster stuff, but if you view the story from the characters' points of view, the huge contrast between the mafia part and the monster part really helps to develop the dark atmosphere. At the beginning everyone is human and normal, especially Lee. As the series progresses they become less and less human and by the end they're literally not human. At the very end all the monsters are gone and it's just back to Brandon and Harry at the bar. I don't believe the monster stuff was added for cliche at all, but rather to show the development of the characters in a sort of metaphorical way.

  19. #179

    Worst Anime

    I liked gunGrave A LOT. but i have to agree that its mostly because of the mafia parts. they actually could have kept the necro-rised parts, but the Superiors were just ridiculous.
    also, I personally like RahXephon even if some parts were weird, I liked it better than Eva. as for bad series, I haven't watched anything really bad. I usually stop after 1 or 2 eps so i can't really have an opinion.

    oh and B_o_c, Physics don't kill people, Biology does! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  20. #180
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    It wasn't the necro-rise part of it, admittedly, it was a necessity to finish up the revenge part of it, but the other people on Harry's side are just rediculous. You could have gotten the same effect with just the regular zombies and Brandon. I couldn't stand those eps. The parts where they showed in some of the cases why they ultimately chose to become monsters was fine and interesting, but them actually turning into the monsters and the fights just came off pointless to me.

    Don't get me wrong, I loved the flashback parts of the series, and enjoyed them thoroughly. But when Harry's lieutenants start becoming the superiors, the whole experience really just soured to me. All the effort they had put into all the great character development, storyline, and build-up to Brandon's death, finished off with Yu Yu Hakusho style battles (Not that YYH is something negative, just a comparison). I lost a lot of interest in the series, even though I had to have expected it from the first eps. I almost didn't even finish it.

    Either you've never heard of it or people forgot about it because it was an incredibly mediocre game.
    Gungrave the game
    It came out a year before the series aired.

    I also like RahXephon, but there are a LOT of people who hate it and say its garbage, which is why I put 'arguably.'

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