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Thread: Worst Anime

  1. #41

    RE: Worst Anime

    Noir is certainly different, but it's nowhere near the worst.

  2. #42
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    RE: Worst Anime

    Tekkaman blade II. I thought it was the worst thing ever put down to cell. Granted the first one wasn't the greatest seires ever made but it was entertaining to watch and had it's good moments atleast.

  3. #43

    RE: Worst Anime

    dammit are you being serious? im halfway from downloading this series in boxtorrents... it better be worth my download

  4. #44
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Worst Anime

    Sword For Truth

    Some of you might have seen this gem on VHS somewhere complete with a wonderful dub.
    Quick synopsis:

    A samurai with a swastika on his back goes through a city and gets his money stolen by a thief whom he later fucks. Meanwhile a princess engages in a lesbian orgy and afterwards gets kidnapped. Swastika guy sets out to save her and defeats various badguys on the road (some of these being a spider-looking guy with a gasmask who makes webs and a turtles reject who dances on lamps in a river), later they face off against a steroid-pumped guy with a beard who slashes female ninjas up and their dresses conveniently fall off to reveal their boobs everytime one of them die. The movie then unexpectedly ends as a fist-fighting retard snaps the neck of a rich samurai and says that his daughter, whom the latter wears a photo of, is pretty cute. This has nothing at all to do with the rest of the movie. All of this accompanied by the best dub ever done.

    Seriously, see it, it's brilliant.

  5. #45
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Worst Anime

    so you want us to see this movie because the dub is good(even though its horrible)?.......alright I'll give it a try

    R.I.P Captain America.

  6. #46
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Worst Anime

    I was sarcastic. Don't see it. Unless of course you want to be defeated mentally and have a sensation of being castrated by a chainsaw.

    Btw the opening of this epic 60 minutes samurai movie is awesome too as it features horses being slain for no apparent reason!

  7. #47
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Worst Anime

    yeah I dont plan on seeing it; my sarcastic reply at the end was not that obvious...although the slaying of horses is tempting

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #48
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Worst Anime

    You'll get all your expectations fulfilled as you see the glorius black blood (yes it's black, guess they can't afford red) along with the superior animations (half of the movie is composed by stills)

  9. #49

    RE: Worst Anime

    i think i have the dvd-rip dual audio by a4e somewhere... i'll check it out and see how "good" it is

  10. #50

    RE: Worst Anime

    Baku Tenshi

    Bakuretsu tenshi was promising. After watching the first ep. I thought the plot would get more didn't. Not that it was the worst ever but surely nothing to write home about....I was able to atleast watch the first ep. unlike Soukyuu no Fafner....that thing was God awful. What a waste of time for A-Keep who subbed 11 eps. till they finally realized wut a piece of crap it was. 11!

  11. #51
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Worst Anime

    Oh and Samurai Deeper Kyo sucks too.

  12. #52
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Worst Anime

    god strike me with lightning if i understood how they got to the final battlefield (those who watched SDK know what i mean), I mean, sure, the grand ninja demon and the spanish samurai (watch the dub, he't totally spanish)can send them to diffrent places, but i really wasn't expecting this...
    and after tha, what the hell happened?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #53

    Worst Anime

    my first post.

    id say the worst would that rein the emperer or however the hell you say it.
    if you know what i am talking about then you will agree with me.
    i dont even know if that counts as anime.

    Please read the rules before posting. That means fix your sig. Read.

    GotWoot Moderator

  14. #54

    Worst Anime

    Does everything suck just because it gets on CN? Just cause it got dubbed? Or is it just because younger people like it more? You have to look at DBZ from the standpoint of when it came out and whom the anime was meant for. Anyway, worst anime I ever saw... For an anime I actually saw all the way through I'll say "Star Ocean" for the unoriginal story and blah characters. I might also say "Narutaru" for how messed up the anime got.

  15. #55

    RE: Worst Anime

    the messed up portion of the show is what saved it from being mediocre

  16. #56

    RE: Worst Anime

    Maybe, I will say I usually love dark story, but killing and basically raping 12 yr old girls is just too much for me. Maybe if they expanded on the world domination story they were working on I would have enjoyed it a little more.

  17. #57
    Missing Nin
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    Worst Anime

    Ok Noir is HORRIBLE it moved so slow the grass was growing and I found myself unable to finish watching it.

    Samarai Deeper Kyo was increadably mediocre but I have seen worse its still a terrible series but not close to the worst.

    Slam Dunk had amazing biplay I don't like Basketball yet the series always entertained me it doesn't belong anywhere near this topic.

    I forgot to mention Avenger and Peacemaker (whatever) both of these series took a good premise and did there best to make the anime as uneventful and boring as possible. Now that takes tallent.

  18. #58

    RE: Worst Anime

    Samurai Champloo, Soukyo no Fafner, Texnohlyze, DBGT, Last Exile, Ikkitousen, Ninja Scroll TV, Noir, Madlax there's some more but i can't remember them right now

  19. #59

    Worst Anime

    Noir!? That's one of the best animes I have ever seen. It moved slow like and old movie cause it was supposed to have a dramatic effect. It may not have been an action packed Naruto series but it was tense. It's like unfolding opening a piece of mail that could change your life (ex: SAT scores/college acceptance letter). Maybe it was cause I saw all 24 eps in one day so I didn't wait a year but I still thought it was great like Gunslinger Girl (which I did watch slowly).

  20. #60

    Worst Anime

    Dark myth, Pokemon, Beyblade.. and some freaking weird high school anime with mist and girls dissappearing. =_= What a waste of time...

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