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Thread: Worst Anime

  1. #201
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    I more then likely mentioned Noir at some point in this thread as I found it absolutely dreadful to try and watch. The action was just flat out boring and the plot was trivial and one that has been overused more then enough. The series simply never at any point grabbed my interest and by episode 16 was literally putting me to sleep. I still have the entire series burned somewhere as a friend of mine had lent me a ton of cd's and I just copied them all and then went back and watched them. I honestly never finished Noir though I have never had any urge to do so at all so it might have some amazing ending but for me its in the top 10 worst I've watchedand I've seen a LOT of anime.

  2. #202
    AonE Staff Bread-sama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeluxSkillz
    Samurai Champloo, Soukyo no Fafner, Texnohlyze, DBGT, Last Exile, Ikkitousen, Ninja Scroll TV, Noir, Madlax there's some more but i can't remember them right now
    Wtf, are you crazy? Samurai Champloo? That series was so awesome hehehe.

    The ones i hate:
    Ah My Goddess (yes, call me crazy)
    Daa! Daa! Daa! (don't kill me)
    Mahoujin Guruguru

  3. #203
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    LOL seriously, you guys have not seen truely bad anime if you think series like last exile, samurai champloo, and even DBGT are anywhere near the worst ever made.

    Last Exile and Champloo are pretty good, anyway..

  4. #204
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bread-sama
    Ah My Goddess (yes, call me crazy)
    Must be hard to be in the AonE staff, if you hate Ah My Goddess! Har har...

  5. #205
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    ... i agree with DDBen?

    While not the worst anime ever I found Noir about as entertaining as watching flies circle my stool. Wait, no, the action with the flies is better to watch even. I made it through like 20 episode of Noir before I stopped downloading because I was simply wasting my time.

    One of the most disappointing 'girls with guns' series I've ever seen. Big conspiracy plot that deals with the characters' tragic pasts and two pretty (albeit one pre-pubescent by like 2 years) girls shooting at uncapable enemies does not a good anime make. I'll pass on that cliche-rolled joint thank you very much. I recommend others to do the same.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  6. #206
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Saint Beast.....what a piece of crap that was...

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  7. #207
    Don't know of many that's seen it but for me Mouse TV was one the worst animes I've seen in a while. It felt like a cheap rip-off of Lupin the Third and a waste of hard-drive space. Cyborg 009 (dubbed version) was a big disappointment too, hopefully I can be my hands on the original so I can tell the difference.

    "If you don't shut up.... I'll introduce your mouth to my fist." - Zetsubou Sensei

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix20578
    Saint Beast.....what a piece of crap that was...
    I think there's a TV Series for this in the making... so you'll have to go through the torture once again.

    But I have to say the shittiest anime is Musashi -Gundou-, couldn't even watch the first episode.

  9. #209
    I didn't like Air. Maybe I missed a big piece of the plot or something, because everyone thinks so highly of that show.

  10. #210
    These are some of the animes I really don't like:

    Dragonball Z: My love for anime didn't start with this series so I never had the nostalgia factor attached to it. I never could get into it. When I closed my eyes it felt like I was listening to porn with all that grunting and powering up that could last one whole episode.

    Ninja Scroll TV: I was really looking forward to this as the movie is one of my favourites. This series really destroyed the Ninja Scroll franchise.

    Blood The Last Vampire Movie: All that hype surrounding its release and nothing interesting happens it. I do one day plan on watching the series which I hear is much better.

    Tekken Motion Picture: Need I say more.

    Street Fighter Alpha: The Trailers made out there would be a epic battle between Ryu and Akuma but all we get is a shit fight between Ryu and a mad scientist that has never been in the "Alpha" storyline.

    X The Movie: Nice animation but I was lost all through the movie. I do plan on watching the series that came after it someday, since it's meant to be much better.

    Full Metal Alchemist Movie: FMA is one of my favourite anime of all time, but I REALLY HATE the direction the story took with this movie. I also felt they rushed the ending of the series.

  11. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    Then we have the fact they changed Zoro to Zolo
    Hi this is my first post, and FFS just learn somthing about jap language! Jap. people see no difirence between R and L (Its one letter/sign to them!).

  12. #212
    The Super Milk-chan Show.

    Honestly, how anyone can watch an anime without any relevant plot and too much fill noise is beyond me. I watched two episodes of this series and I thought I was going to gouge my eyes out with a fork.

  13. #213
    Three letters : DBZ

  14. #214
    If the Devil may cry anime goes on like this, it will become one of the worst anime for me! I expected much more from this serie...

  15. #215
    Some shitty anime along the names of something Musashi. I saw it streamed cause I was bored, and it was awful. It had really really really bad animation, the main character looked like shit, the art looked like shit, and he ran around carrying a pistol during the Edo Era(?). It was so awful.

  16. #216
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Divergence Eve.

    Why? Simple, because it tried to be decent but horribly failed.

    Other sucky animes almost come with a disclaimer, and almost make fun of themselves.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

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