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Thread: Gundam Battle

  1. #1

    Gundam Battle

    If all the Gundams from all alternate universes fought each, which one do you think will be the best of the best.

    I think it would be either Wing Zero or Gundam Double X

  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Gundam Battle

    Wing Zero Custom would destroy everything.

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  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: Gundam Battle

    Super Freedom of course.

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  4. #4
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Gundam Battle

    I have to say Wing Zero Custom, out of all the gundams I've ever seen that was my favorite design, the wings were badass

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  5. #5

    RE: Gundam Battle

    *agrees with Knives and Mut@t@*

    Wing Zero Custom was awesome, indeed.

  6. #6

    RE: Gundam Battle

    *Another favourite gundam thread..... sigh*

    Wing Zero Custom. no doubt.

  7. #7

    RE: Gundam Battle

    I would be inclined to go with the Double X Gundam. However there are several factors. Does the place they are fighting have the DOME facility, are they fighting within a direct line of the moon, etc.

  8. #8

    RE: Gundam Battle

    if is a gang fight and if is in space.....
    no question.....RX-79 GP-03D will blow everyone up real fast.....
    I-Field will block all beam type weapons(w0c's twin buster, DX's satellite cannon..etc)
    and if is a gang fight.....RX-79 GP-03D stands absolute power......

  9. #9

    Gundam Battle

    Originally posted by: Rik
    If all the Gundams from all alternate universes fought each, which one do you think will be the best of the best.

    I think it would be either Wing Zero or Gundam Double X
    Sorry but the GP03 doesn't qualify for the original question...damn shame too.

    My vote is for Destroy then. "Schneid Schuetz SX1021 positron reflector beam shield" closest thing to an i-field, plus it has a shit load or armaments.

  10. #10
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Gundam Battle

    Wing Zero can't even fire it's beam rifle at full power without harming itself or self destructing. My vote goes to GP03's Dendrobium. GP02's nuclear weapon and Gundam DX's beam weapons are pretty strong in their respective animes as well.

    From the question, you are asking who would be the best if they FOUGHT each other right? If that's so I have only 1 answer: God Gundam! Heck it's a mobile fighter designed to destroy other Gundams!
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  11. #11

    RE: Gundam Battle

    I think the question excludes UC suits so if thats the case then I'd be picking Freedom in Meteor. Its speed and add the rest of the equipment I think in a one on one fight it could beat any opponent.

    But the big question would then be who is the pilot of these suits. Is it their respective pilots? Or just some random person, or the same pilot for every suit?

  12. #12
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Gundam Battle

    freedom with metoer would be my choice. i take it that the suits pilots from the show is piloting for example kira pilots freedom, heero pilots wing zero custom etc. etc. in my opinion wing zero custom is the weakest. it got one weapon which it cant fire at full power, thats just retarded.

  13. #13

    Gundam Battle

    Freedom or Justice (they seem equal) - or maybe Destroy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    EDIT: With seedmode or newtype pilot, of course

  14. #14

    Gundam Battle

    alternate universes <<
    sorry..but does that mean by all universes?

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Gundam Battle

    What kind of answers are the wing zero custom fanboys giving us. Its a battle against gundams. Not a beuty pageant. He may have a cool design but if the target's not moving he won't be able to hit shit.

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  16. #16
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Gundam Battle

    That's one of the dumbest responses ever. ALL super cannon blasters in every gundam series has the exact same effect. One shot can decimate everything and anything that is 500 yards in the radius of the beam.

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  17. #17
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Gundam Battle

    then i guess freedom or any other suit that is up against your wing zero just needs to get the hell out of the way while watching wing zero destroy itself. wouldnt be to hard.

  18. #18
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Gundam Battle

    Try making sense or at least understand what I'm talking about.

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  19. #19

    RE: Gundam Battle

    Why don't you try and think about making sense before criticizing other peoples posts. Specify what suits your even talking about. And give the name of the weapon you are referring to. If you are talking about the Wing Zero Custom from EW it used the Twin Buster Rifle. It fell apart because it was getting shot all to hell by the serpents and fired off the gun in the atmosphere.

    The gun isn't a beam or anything. Its seems to fire some form of plasma I think. Its not an energy beam or a laser. Anyways for all that power behind it the thing can only fire 3 shots. Or it can seperate the rifle for 6 shots. Either way its unimpressive. I don't know why they gave the Wing Zero such a limited arsenal while making it the main suit.

    So Mutata help us out here and give us alil bit more of a clearer answer. Thanks

  20. #20
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Gundam Battle

    Guardian_2000, shut up with your elite Gundam knowledge. Trying to flex that to me means absolutely nothing in this type of thread where the 'conclusion' ends up being a personal preference. I'll be honest, the only gundam series I clearly remember are GW and GS/D. I have seen other earlier ones a long time ago, but I barely remember them. And I don't bother learning the names of most mobile suits, characters, gundams, etc. But I do know one thing for sure. All gundam series give a gundam with really powerful beam/laser/plasma cannons/rifles (like I give a shit what it really is) that can obliterate anything around the fired beam/laser/whatthefuckever. For example, Kira's gundam could fire one shot into a mass wave of gundams or mobile suits and all we'll see is just bright circles that represent explosions. So the target doesn't even need to be hit directly, it just needs to be in the vicinity of the destruction. That's the only point I'm trying to get at. Now, get off my dick. Thanks.

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