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Thread: The Phrases Thread

  1. #1

    The Phrases Thread

    I was inspired by 2-25 to put up this thread...

    basically if you know a foreign language or a really wierd idiom/phrase, put it up and educate/entertain some americans... (just kidding... we know we will never be able to educate them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])

    OK so 2-25 gave the "Playing the piano to a cow"

    which means talking to a wall

    I'll give something relevant.... Chinese: "A fresh flower planted in cow shit"

    that means: "a hot girl stuck with an ugly/bad guy"
    in case you guys thought you were the flower... think again you cow shits

    to make things more interesting, try to make a connection with the previous post

  2. #2

    The Phrases Thread

    that throwing stick of yours has boomeranged on us

    lol not really thats from the simpsons

    this thread is stupid

  3. #3

    The Phrases Thread

    dutch: De maat van de liefde is liefde zonder maat.
    english: the measure of love is love without measure.
    explenasion: Real love knows no borders.

    kinda stupid...

  4. #4
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: The Phrases Thread

    "y the alien"
    the act of turning a minor incident into a major debate and the attempt to use big words in order to make your arguments more plausible.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #5
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    The Phrases Thread

    English: "Jack of all trades" and the phrase, "small potato" hahaha
    Chinese: "half a bucket full of water"- something similar to jack of all trades, like, not quite there yet.

  6. #6

    RE: The Phrases Thread


    Fuck your mother's pussy Mother fucker Trippping FAT PUSSY


  7. #7

    RE: The Phrases Thread

    Alright I'll counter with something i came up with:

    Translation: Gum Yao Tiew your dad
    Definition of Gum Yao Tiew: A stick of oil you stick up your ass when you have constipation

    Directions to use Gum Yao Tiew:
    1) Tear off package if there is one
    2) OPTIONAL: Ask someone (e.g.Terra) to help you enlarge your passageway with their fist... if you can't find someone, you will have to do it yourself
    3) shove in the stick
    4) wait
    5) enjoy the pleasure of the melting oil in your love hole
    6) shit away
    7) collect remaining oil and use as substitute for cooking oil if you run out

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Shoppingcart in sweden

    The Phrases Thread

    Well i have several..

    Om du är med i leken, får du leken tåla! = If you play the game, you have to take the consequences of the game!

    That one pretty much explains itself..

    Mycket snack i liten verkstad! = Much talk in a little workshop!

    Det låter stort när katten skiter! = It sounds big when the cat takes a dump!

    They both means that your all talk and no action.. Maybe something like your's "He talks the talk, but does he walk the walk" exept those swedish is more in past tense, and that english is is not (at least that is how that english saying sounds to me)..

    There is more swedish sayings that mean the same but i cant remember any of them right now..

    EDIT: if you wonder about these " å , ä and ? " they are 3 swedish letter that dont exist in the english.. And the forum probably dont have support for those letter's so only come cubes.. It's one A with a ring above it, one A with two dots above it and a O with two dots above it.. Just incase you wonder about it..

    EDIT2: i have another..

    Han är dummare än tåget som backar framåt! = He's dumber then the train that backs forward! (or maybe "the train that reverse forward")

    Well it's a saying to that just tells about how fucking dumb/stupid someone is..

  9. #9

    RE: The Phrases Thread

    Originally posted by: 010577
    Alright I'll counter with something i came up with:

    Translation: Gum Yao Tiew your dad
    Definition of Gum Yao Tiew: A stick of oil you stick up your ass when you have constipation

    Directions to use Gum Yao Tiew:
    1) Tear off package if there is one
    2) OPTIONAL: Ask someone (e.g.Terra) to help you enlarge your passageway with their fist... if you can't find someone, you will have to do it yourself
    3) shove in the stick
    4) wait
    5) enjoy the pleasure of the melting oil in your love hole
    6) shit away
    7) collect remaining oil and use as substitute for cooking oil if you run out
    LOL, you kno alot about gum yao tiew

  10. #10

    The Phrases Thread

    I have a few Greek ones that I remember:

    Greek: Spoothea ta lahana
    English: Special the greens
    Translation: Basically means "good for you." Its a saying for rejoicing about something.

    Greek: Siga to polealo
    English: Slow the chandalier
    Translation: Basically means to "calm down" and take it easy.

  11. #11
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: The Phrases Thread

    well, i can't think of a hebrew cook expression, but my brother told me of an arabic one two days ago, i don't remember how it's said, but it's traslation is: "The shadow won't be stragiht if the stick is twisted'.
    meanning, if you're a twisted basterd, then it will reflect in what you do.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  12. #12
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: The Phrases Thread

    hmm ill try some swedish ones.

    some simplified versions of twists sayings

    Mycket snack lite verksamhet = much talk less do, thats the best translation i can come up with, it sounds much better in swedish basicly means you talk alot but does nothing. empty words is a nice and easy explanation.

    dum som tåget = stupid like the train, yea this means that you're really stupid just sound funny in swedish

    om du är med på leken får du tåla steken = if you're in the game you have to take the stake, means if you you're in the game you're in it 100%.

  13. #13

    RE: The Phrases Thread

    Los ninos hablan cuando las gallinas mean--Children talk when chickens pee

    Its really the only one I could remember atm. Pretty much kids shouldnt talk.

  14. #14

    RE: The Phrases Thread

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    well, i can't think of a hebrew cook expression, but my brother told me of an arabic one two days ago, i don't remember how it's said, but it's traslation is: "The shadow won't be stragiht if the stick is twisted'.
    meanning, if you're a twisted basterd, then it will reflect in what you do.
    i like that one

    How bout this one?

    Chinese: Sow Ju Dwoy Toe
    Translation: Wait at a tree for a rabbit
    Story: There was once a farmer that walked by the woods and saw a rabbit run and crash into a tree. It died and he took it home to eat it. The next day, he kept waiting at the tree for another rabbit to crash into it."
    Moral: Don't waste your time with the tree... GO BUY YOURSELF A LOTTERY TICKET!

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: The Phrases Thread

    I have one though its the only one I can remember for now.

    Buscando las cinco patas al gato- Looking for the five paws of the cat
    It means that your thinking to much. Like those literature critics who read a book and start saying this simbolizes this and this can be compared to the bible and such which in reality it doesn't mean anything. Just that the author put it that way.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  16. #16

    RE: The Phrases Thread

    Chinese: chi bao le cheng de?
    Translation: Eat too much?
    Meaning: When someone says this to you, it means you did something really stupid and pointless.

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: The Phrases Thread

    Comistes cotorra- Did you eat parrot
    Someone who doesn't shut up for a moment.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  18. #18
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    Feb 2005

    The Phrases Thread

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    I have one though its the only one I can remember for now.

    Buscando las cinco patas al gato- Looking for the five paws of the cat
    It means that your thinking to much. Like those literature critics who read a book and start saying this simbolizes this and this can be compared to the bible and such which in reality it doesn't mean anything. Just that the author put it that way.
    That one is really interesting.

  19. #19

    RE: The Phrases Thread

    Sounds like Shakespeare fanclubs.

  20. #20

    The Phrases Thread

    Spanish:= Un hecho vale mas que todo un mundo de promesas
    English:=A fact is worth more than a whole world of promises.........

    I'm love of this one.... because with this one you can realize many things about a person......[:0

    hmmm... realmente me gusta este provervio..

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