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Thread: Eureka Seven: Psalms of Planets

  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by chobits1217
    40!? 40+ pages!!? wut on all those 40+ pages!??, when ur scanner is fixed can u plz scan them , i am so interested in anything about eureka seven
    its mostly just staff interviews and credits.

    There are a few pics here and there.

  2. #242
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Thumbs up Masa's 'Blow-by-blow' analysis of e7 episode 34

    well, it's that time again! Here I go
    7:01 - Finally figured out who that random Military guy in the intro (radar operator) reminds me of! He looks just like 004 from Cyborg 009 and Moe the bully from Calvin and Hobbes!
    7:03 - rather unrefined speech for Norbu, that took me by surprise. Dewey looks bout ready to pull a coup d'etat. Fucking confident as hell.
    7:05 - Doggie got demoted. Burned. Poor guy...
    7:06 - That the same room Anemone was kept in in the start of the series?
    7:07 - Where in god's name did that rifle Eureka's LFO used disappear to? That thing is fucking wicked! The military in this show are fucking retarded
    7:09 - Norbu pwns KLFs with his barehands, awesomest part of episode
    End part A thought - Norbu is the fucking man!

    Hope for part B - this is going to be all flashback isn't it...
    7:11 - A Coralian interaction with humans before Eureka... Sakuya eh...
    7:12 - Eureka's eyes contract, instant change in behavior. They say eyes are the windows to the soul... I'm wondering if the sight of the kids changed her, or if it was 'seen by the planet' and then the planet changed her. Next line is Norbu saying: "Her birth was of the planet's will." Coincidence? I think not. Makes me wonder how much of Eureka is actually Eureka and how much is input from the planet?
    Confirmed: Maurice is going to stop having Eureka as his 'mother' eventually...
    714-15: Norbu pwns again. Dialog here was a bit cheesy tho.
    7:18 - Is that sage bitch just going to let Dewey pull the rug out from under her? Does she know what he's planning and agrees with it or does she just trust him?
    7:19 - Doggie's moving back up!
    7:21 - second time they've focused on Holland tieing his boots. Last time was before del Cielo, this time is before the Capital... Wonder what they're hinting at...
    7:22 - BOMBSHELL!
    End episode 34 thought: Norbu might be even more badass than Axel Thurston.. but what exactly is he got in mind?

    goddamn this show is awesome... but maybe i've just become less attentive to them, or maybe there's been less of them, but I felt that there weren't alot of 'subtle' hints or themes to this episode... that's one of the things I love the most about this show, and while the plot is good I hope they'll continue with them.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #243
    Great series. I was looking into watching this until one of my friends said they saw this was going to be released for adult swim. I'm glad I decided to download the episodes nanashi has released. The character developement is awesome. I have to admit there were some times in the series so far that made me very sad and was moving. Great anime overall I can't wait for nanashi to finish up the series. Good job guys.

  4. #244
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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  5. #245
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Great episode with nice music to go with the attack sequence. Got my heart beat up and my blood pumping. Too bad Nirvash didn’t join the party. So Renton and Eureka are not going to fight any more? How do they plan to use Nirvash in near future?

    So Dewy is Holland’s brother. That was a shock, didn’t see that one coming. That wasn’t enough, Dewy gave us another shock that Holland ended up with the woman his brother used to be with. How did that happen? When? Where? This show has too many questions and we still haven’t seen any glimpses of Renton’s sister.

    The Sages must be pretty upset by their recent loss. What are they going to do next? More importantly what is Norbe going to do with Eureka and Renton?

    More, I need more…………

  6. #246
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    No, Renton and Eureka got over their temporary pacifism. I hope it's permanent. In a much better way than the "We're skilled enough to not kill anyone, so we'll fight that way" argument we've all seen way too much of. Renton convinced himself and Eureka that by not fighting, more people will actually get hurt, especially the ones they care for. I've always appreciated that kind of reasoning, because in worlds like that, where a large scale war is always going on, passifism just can't work.

    Never saw the Dewy Holland connection. I never even suspected it. It was incredibly satisfying watching Holland knock Dewey down a few pegs though, first time we've really seen him lose really. A really great moment seeing the sky light up, then the Nirvash swoop down. The animation seemed really good in this eps (I know it wasn't really any different, just some really attractive action scenes, a lot like eps 26).

    I wonder who they're talking about in the preview. Was it one of the creepy girls, or were they talking about Anemone? I'm assuming they meant Anemone, but after the Dewey-Holland bomb, I really don't know what to guess anymore.

  7. #247
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Nice contrast to last episode, which was mostly drama-based without much action (not that I like that kind of episode any less of course).
    They certainly are giving some interesting ties/pasts as the series develops - once none of the main couples are brother/sister/cousins, I'm happy though

  8. #248
    the action was great!!!, sorta reminds me of Macross
    man i love the music, i love how they use the tech musics in battles, they bring out the mood sooo well!

    one thing i didn't like, wtf was Eureka's problem?

  9. #249
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Please, write intellegently. Your posts have consistently bordered on crossing this rule:
    Horrible grammar/spelling/AOL talk
    You don't have to have the best grammar or have no spelling errors, but do make the effort to write something that's semi-coherent and legible. If you keep posting like you hate the English language, we will murder you.
    Quote Originally Posted by chobits1217
    one thing i didn't like, wtf was Eureka's problem?
    Well, if you watched the eps and paid attention to the dialogue, you'd know. The above posts also allude to her problem. Eureka didn't want to fight because she knew that people (especially children) would get hurt, like Maurice, Maeter and Linck almost became when she attacked their city. Eureka was afraid that there would be too many victims from collateral damage.

    For the time being, the problem has been alleviated.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 04-14-2006 at 11:57 AM. Reason: consistency after prev edits

  10. #250
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Question Masa's 'Blow-by-blow' analysis of e7 episode 35

    7:00 - New footage for the first few seconds of the OP... just Eureka falling as opposed to the old one with just footage of the clouds. Wonder if that means anything?
    7:03 - lol at the computer generated voice in the army defense post. Zoids Genesis anyone?
    damn Doggie isn't doing to bad, flying at that low of an altitude with a huge ship like that. Maybe he should have been the pilot all along?
    7:06 - they're getting all bookish on us! The Bible (but i don't know from where Dewey pulled that 'Let there be words' as the 1st command from God line... i've never heard such a line from any religious text...) and then it's a Dostoevsky reference (i love that).
    What the hell is Eureka being such a wimp about? They're fucking shooting at you bitch! Shoot back!
    7:11 - Anemone is fucking scary looking when she's bugging out. An upgrade eh?
    End Part A thought: Someone please feed Eureka a can of "Bitch shut the fuck up"!

    Hope for Part B - And you better eat every last bit of it!
    7:15 - For someone who looks so old Dewey sure talks a hell of alot of trash about Norbu's age...
    7:17 - Bombshell! I did not see that one coming in any way shape or form...
    Give me a needle and thread, I'm gonna sew Eureka's mouth shut
    7:19 - Renton finally sounded like a real hero, and not just some run-of-the-mill anime trashbomb. Now let's see him slice some KLFs up
    7:20 - And Dewey lands a low blow on Holland! Oh that's gotta hurt!
    7:21 - Heroic arrival. Blah. Dewey shoulda had those two Ageha squad kids pop Renton and Eureka between the eyes when they were stupid enough to open up the Nirvash cockpit...
    7:24 - Dewey is pissed, and rightfully so. He just blew it big time... So why does he look so eerily confident when he goes to face the Sages?

    35 Good: Dewey. Dropping plot bombshells like it's his job!
    35 Bad: Eureka. God I didn't think that becoming more human meant regressing into a child...
    35 Overall: Some excellent action, good music, mixed dialog, real heavy hitting plot elements. But this time I don't think I saw even one subtle metaphor or carefully placed detail or anything. It looks like they're relying more and more on the plot, animation and music and sorta pushing those small things to the side... This was still a pretty good episode, but they need to tune down the 'cheese' factor especially with some of the dialog. Thank god Dewey was in this episode...

    edit - wow just read everyone elses' reactions and i certainly seem to be in the minority on this episode... guess i'm just growing numb to flashy fight scenes (they were awesome, i'll give them that) and all the heroics...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  11. #251
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Please, write intellegently. Your posts have consistently bordered on crossing this rule

    Well, if you watched the eps and paid attention to the dialogue, you'd know. The above posts also allude to her problem.

    sorry about my bad grammar...i was way too excited after watching 35 and wanted to share my joy with all the fans of E7 XD.

    i did get what was wrong with Eureka, but just like Masa said, "Someon shut that bitch up!"
    wasn't expecting to see her whine like the typical "i am innocent, i don't wanna kill," cry baby, i always thought she is a stronger girl, but she has turned into a weak girl listens to whatever others say. we can tell Rento has grown mature, but Eureka is becoming more like an annoying "i don't wanna fight" crying girl.

    or maybe all girls in love are like that?

  12. #252
    She is Dealin with emotions she did not have before... like Before She killed peopel becuase she felt nothing... then after she got coated in That nasty hard Skank Skurve and Got all veiny She got more emotional......

    Heh its kinda Funny when she stresses tho looks like she is Extra excited becuase her VIENS are all Poppy like they should be throbin.. but its not even really Veins I guess.. Just Skank Coating Foldy Skin thingies

  13. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    7:00 - New footage for the first few seconds of the OP... just Eureka falling as opposed to the old one with just footage of the clouds. Wonder if that means anything?
    I'd also like to point out that the sky in the background was significantly brighter then in previous openings. Almost as if the sun was rising.

  14. #254
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EpyonNext
    I'd also like to point out that the sky in the background was significantly brighter then in previous openings. Almost as if the sun was rising.
    you are absolutely right! I can't believe I missed that

    episode 34 shot

    new episode 35 shot

    at first i thought that if it started with showing her falling it was hinting towards her facing some kind of despair in the near future. But the fact that it is significantly brighter in the ep 35 OP suggests just the opposite, that things are going to get better.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #255
    Um I think that is Reading a bit much into the opening... There are alot of things that could have cuased that gamma shift..... could have even been caused by the network broadcasting it.

    ON a side note anyone see the English dubed version?

    The voices are Freakin Terrible and do not fit the characters at all...

    Is it just me or are the ONLY good English subs of any anime from the stuf done by Hayao Miyazaki?

    I cannot decide if its just lack of good american voice acting talent or just piss poor casting by whoever is in charge of creating the english dubs.

    The more I think about it I really think it might just be lack of american voice tallent, since the Hayao Miyazaki dubs are good and they all have decent actors backing them.

    Voice acting is hard and I guess there just isn;t enough money behind subbing of anime to get talent that fits the bill.

  16. #256
    Well you also have to put in the fact that we speak english and notice the 'bad' voice acting alot more then if we watch a sub. Since most of us don't speak japanese we don't really know a bad voice acting from a good one... well i don't anyway

    but if you have someone who watches the first 15 english episodes then goes to the original version, they would say the same thing about the original version

  17. #257
    Dunno, Rah Xephon had an excellent Dub casting, as did Those Who Hunt Elves(but I thinks thats more in the translation).

  18. #258
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSuperHACKER
    Um I think that is Reading a bit much into the opening... There are alot of things that could have cuased that gamma shift..... could have even been caused by the network broadcasting it.

    ON a side note anyone see the English dubed version?

    The voices are Freakin Terrible and do not fit the characters at all...
    Well since this show has proved time and time again to be pretty deep with its subtleties and minor details and that the beginning of the OP was intentionaly different at the same time that the 'brightening' in the OP occurred I don't think it's reading too much into it at all. Besides, some actual thinking once and awhile never hurt, you should try it

    I haven't had the (dis)pleasure of seeing the dub yet, so maybe you could provide some examples of which dub voices are horrible and don't fit the characters? ...or you can stick to your incredibly general and dimly voiced broad opinions...

    edit to below: whatever. i decided to call you out and i'm sticking to it. At least I got you to further your explanation on why the english VAs weren't up to your hopes.
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Tue, 04-18-2006 at 09:31 AM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  19. #259
    Well I dont know exactly why you decided to flame me all I was saying is that the opening WAS intentionally different BUT the gamma difference between the two scenes could have been caused by alot of things. Just becuase the scene was brighter "Reading" what that suggests as you did was a bit me flashbacks to when I was an art Major.

    The simplest explanation for it would be that Renton and Eureka are coming Closer together... so they wanted you to see it clearer.

    OF course instead of trying to back up what you say ... you took a shot at my intelligence...asking me to try out thinking. I spent 3 years of my life listening to abunch of jackasses making works of art then explaining them using otherworldy EXTREEMLY obtuse explanations like yours...and if that is what you call thinking then no thanks ... I will stick to logic.

    This whole rep system is stupid and only breeds comments like the one you made, chalk full of self righteous intent. I didn't even give you crap.... all I asked was if it was a bit much?

    As for the voices all of them are pritty much bad... the worst by far was Matthieu's voice... he sounds like a whiny 16 year old. I guess the voices for Eureka and Renton are not totally terrible... but they are pritty sickening.

    In Regard to the "we dont speak japanese" thing I actually speak some Japanese, just not enough to deal with the speed that most of the anime goes at.... I am gettin the hang of it and I figure another year of study and I wont need subs too often anymore.

    The Toughest thing in understanding all of the japanese in these shows is the multiple "levels of politness" which is basically the worlds most organized system of slang; even without a full understanding of the language dont look at the screen and only from their voices try to tell what is going on......with the original voices you can...with the dubs its always like they are not in the situation in the anime. In the english dubs it really seems like they are just reading from pieces of paper.....and the only reason why you know what is going on is the understanding of the language.... and sound effects.

    The reason why I claimed it was lack of voice talent is becuase in america cartoons and voice overs are just something done by some people....In japan anime creation and voice acting is akin to hollywood. I just think they have higher standards over there for voice acting is all. Think of all the great american cartoons... all of them are voiced with Film actors.

  20. #260
    What great american cartoons were voiced by film actors? Do you mean animated movies or TV cartoons? I'm not trying to poke at you i'm just curious.

    To the point, Hollands VA is pretty good, at least from my experiance listening to his work. As one who prefers his own language when available, the main problem I have with any dub would be voices I can't agree to the charachter having. I.e. Yugi's VA playing Kyo in Samurai Deeper Kyo....i've done this rant before, nvm. But anyway, many of the VA's for E7 seem to be from GitS: SAC, guess its the same company or something. Most of the voices were tolerable, well Eureka made me sad, and Stoner sounded weird, but Holland was okay, as I realized that his japanese VA sounds a little older than I think Holland should sound. Matthew sounded alright to me, however, I can usually let the new voices overlay the old japanese VA's after just a short time no matter how bad the dub is. Enter Naruto, i'm getting used to that shitty Rock Lee week by week. Maybe it's a curse.

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