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Thread: Eureka Seven: Psalms of Planets

  1. #201
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Do I remember wrong, or didn't they dig up Dewey from some prison in an earlier episode? And I don't think this series is exactly one of those where one man matters that much. One bullet would be enough to stop Dewey. It just looks like the leaders of the world don't have a better plan to get things to the state they like other than Dewey's way. Obviously he has been given a lot of authority. And so it's also good to remember the kids themselves don't actually have any authority (as they have pretty much told themselves): Take Dewey away, and the military would probably kick the annoying kids out of the aircrafts (without parachutes).

  2. #202
    when kid pee his pants I almost did mine too while laughing! Baby needs a diaper!

    Renton's old man owns joo! But his firned was so loyal, way too gay like. Who almost drive off a cliff to help some crazy old man?

    Anemone fight so hard and even hit Renton, but not hurt him at all! Then she get 0wned!11 w/haxorz aimbot! It was like 'Hey Aneomone, check out this bitchin' homemade tesla coil!'

    Take two of these muchachos and call us in the morning. Yeah, call us, we'll be drunk.

  3. #203
    Adult Swim Acquires Eureka 7 (2006-03-27 10:17:44)
    Adult Swim has listed an April 14 online premiere for Eureka 7. The midnight Saturday/Sunday morning slot on April 15/16 is also listed as "TBD" on Adult Swim's TV schedule. Thanks to Keith Tyson for the catch. [ discuss ]

  4. #204
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Ripped straight from ANN:
    Eureka 7 Premiere Banner Pulled (2006-03-27 13:48:56)
    Adult Swim has removed from its site a banner announcing Euraka 7's April 14 online premiere. Thanks to Herb Kirchhoff for the update.

    dunno if this means they've decided to reschedule the premiere, or if they're going to put it on TV instead or what...
    probably just a change in timeslot/scheduling

    more e7 in the news:

    Winners were announced for the 5th Tokyo Anime Award competition at the Tokyo International Anime Fair. Contenders were separated into two general categories (each with subcategories for awards): The Nomination Entries category for outstanding anime broadcast, screened, or sold in Japan during the past year and the Open Entries category for general animation submitted from new talent all over the world. The results of the Nomination Entries category, selected from 120 submitted works, are listed as follows.

    Television category
    Eureka 7
    Black Jack

    Individual category: Best Screenplay
    Dai Sato ("Eureka 7")

    Individual category: Best Character Design
    Kenichi Yoshida ("Eureka Seven")

    Getting the props it deserves. There so needs to be an Anime Review done on this show on the frontpage (looks at Bud)
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Mon, 03-27-2006 at 03:31 PM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #205

  6. #206
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    I don’t think that I have ever seen a bad episode of eureka seven. They are either good or great. The ones that don’t have much action in them make up with the good story line. This was one of those episodes.

    Am I the only one who thinks that Talho is getting sexier and Eureka is getting scarier??

    I need a picture or Renton and Eureka reffing on the long board.

    The next episode seems interesting with all the three sages meeting the Norbe. We might actually find out what they want and who they are?

    I thought we were getting a 4th opening?

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadugar
    I don’t think that I have ever seen a bad episode of eureka seven.
    Wait until episode 39, totally useless.

    for the longboard pic...


  8. #208
    I love eps like this one.
    Puts a huge smile on my face.

  9. #209
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nice picture, Icealchemist. (And bad, very bad forecast. I'm sure nobody here wants to hear Eureka Seven will present bad episodes in the future )

    This was certainly a good episode. It only reinforced the image of Gekko-state as a bunch of surfers fighting for a lifestyle. Of course they are really heroes fighting the bad military and for the indigenous lifeforms, but somehow it's much more believable and sympathetic when they remain the hippie types they appear.

  10. #210
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Cool Masa's 'Blow-by-blow' analysis of e7 episode 33

    7:00: More than halfway into this series and they finally decide to give us a timetable on the setting. About damn time!
    7:01: Goddamn Icealchemist! Just stick with a damn name for stuff already!
    7:03: Ken-Goh, "We weren't too late. They were just too fast." Well... if looking at it with that perspective will help you feel better...
    705-06: Fat man made Renton look slow And his important memory is symbolized by a candy
    End Part A thought: Best scenes in this episode so far have all been with Talho. Thought right before the break that a different title would be more appropriate...

    713: Aren't the military a little concerned about where the fuck all the top scientists from Tresor went?
    713: "And brighten Eureka's mood with your feelings" *barfs*
    714: Talho's voice sound way off during this scene to anyone else? Wish they'd stop with the dramatic music in the background...
    716: The theme of 'toys' really hits me. Was wondering why the bloody hell Matthew was playing with his music equipment during the meeting (and why they focused the camera on it), and the shot from Moondoggie and the older guys Reffing to the orphans' box of toys really brought it out.
    717: Excellent contrast shift. Trust in emotions, trust in science.
    718: Hearing 'Hey Stoner!' cracks me up
    719: The sun sets as Holland takes his (pitiful) last ride...
    720: Rings! Holland is lost to the scourge of marriage! Lament, lament!
    722: Like any of them were ever going to leave? I mean, most of them are still going to be on 'Wanted' posters for being Gekko-go members, even if they say they've disbanded... I hate those 'Oh my god what's the chances you guys would stay?' bits.
    I think this is the first time we actually see what Moondoggie does on the ship.

    End Reaction: A little too 'feel-good' for my morbid tastes, but still a pretty good episode with some well-done moments. Only towards the end did I get the idea that the overall theme in the episode was 'Dawn-Day-Sunset' but ending on a point of 'Tomorrow is another day also'. Also the 'toys' and 'mementos' themes were pretty heavily stressed.

    Preview reaction: Dewey on the throne (if Norbu is some possible diplomat to the Coralians Dewey (or rather, if I were Dewey) should put a bullet through his head), flashback to Eureka finding the kids (Maurice gets more attention, i hope). Hoping for some action!

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  11. #211
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    @ IceAlchemist : Thanx for the picture.

    @ masamuneehs :

    I really wanted someone to throw those kids out of the Gekko-Go while at 10,000 feet.

    Moondogie does a lot of stuff on the ship. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

    When the series is finished and a DVD version comes out then you should do commentary on the entire episode.

  12. #212
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Absolutely correct. Moondoggie was the member who previously was abused like Renton. He did everything that no one else wanted to do. It was the premise of an entire eps.

    I understand how you can dislike Linck and Maurice, but how can you hate Maeter? She's the least annoying one. Maurice is old enough that he gets all depressed and weird (definitely an emo kid), and Linck is young enough to still be constantly annoying. Maeter may be the only one I really like, but the kids aren't that annoying. At times some of them are more mature than Holland or Renton.

  13. #213
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i meant like what he does during a battle or what official position he actually has. Even Renton has always sort of been a 'co-pilot' of the Nirvash since joining, in addition to his duties as Pledge/Puppy/Newbie.

    Heck, even the old man makes tea (and probably provides some kind of psychyotherapy or some other help) for the crew. I don't ever remember Moondoggie reporting in from the Catapult room or anything like that (unless they just used his voice and never showed a shot of him, or maybe I just have a shitty memory)

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    i meant like what he does during a battle or what official position he actually has. Even Renton has always sort of been a 'co-pilot' of the Nirvash since joining, in addition to his duties as Pledge/Puppy/Newbie.

    Heck, even the old man makes tea (and probably provides some kind of psychyotherapy or some other help) for the crew. I don't ever remember Moondoggie reporting in from the Catapult room or anything like that (unless they just used his voice and never showed a shot of him, or maybe I just have a shitty memory)
    I could tell you guys but it is sort of a spoiler, and since i dont know if there are spoiler tags, i wont tell. That is unless you really wanna know.

  15. #215
    No spoilers here thank you, or you'll be on a vacation from here for a while.

  16. #216
    Not that we see you all that often icealchemist, but spoilers are a big no no here. Good work with E7, every release brings me a little more joy.

    This show is just excellent, I love pretty much everything about it to some degree, however there are some things that bug me. i.e. Did Holland really expect his crew to abandon him over a risky mission...that doesn't seem in charachter, I think he knows how loyal his people are, that's why they're there. I also have several questions and i'm not sure if an answer exists yet, which irritates me imensely.

    What is the point of firing the giant space laser?
    Why are the Coralians being attacked...What did they do to humanity to warrant this response?
    What role do the sphere-clouds play in all this?
    Why does theEND have kick ass weapons while typeZERO only has a knife (not counting the PWN-UR-ASS aka Amita drive powers)?
    What are LFO's and how are they related to Coralians if at all?

    And my #1 Question, WTF is Scab/Skurve/S*****?

    If an answer to any of these questions exists, someone please let me know.

    P.S: Whoever said throw the kids off the ship, while in flight...props to you, though they seems to be keeping the kids away from the storyline more and more, which is just as good, although unfortunate there's always a chance to bring them back in.

  17. #217
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    1. What is the point of firing the giant space laser?
    2. Why are the Coralians being attacked...What did they do to humanity to warrant this response?
    3. What role do the sphere-clouds play in all this?
    4. Why does theEND have kick ass weapons while typeZERO only has a knife (not counting the PWN-UR-ASS aka Amita drive powers)?
    5. What are LFO's and how are they related to Coralians if at all?

    And my #1 Question, WTF is Scab/Skurve/S*****?
    These are my interpretations to your questions using the current content of the show released by Nanashi.

    1. I assume you mean the missles that Dewey has had his girls shooting into the planet that the engineers developed. Those damage the planet hard enough to draw out the Antibody Coralians, so that Dewey can lure out and find the 'true' Coralians, to kill them all off so mankind can exclusively own the planet. At least that's what his plan seems to be.

    2. The Coralians are being attacked by Dewey so humans can own the planet. There was a intro by Renton or one of the other characters a few eps back talking about how the planet was not an easy one to live on. Earthquakes all the time, Coral thrusting randomly out of the ground all the time like at the rave, people being affected by Dispair, etc. Dewey and his allies believe that this is caused by the Coralians, and by killing them, the planet will be the humans.

    3. The sphere clouds are a form of Coralian as I recall. The entire crew of Gekko-State called them that. This was before we knew about Coralians at all, but one appeared when the first loaded missle was fired from space, so I assume Dewey is trying to get them into a form he can kill. (This is a tough question to answer, because we still know so little about Coralians, and so far, neither does anyone else really in the show, except maybe Adrock Thurston.)

    4. So far I think the Nirvash is doing quite well on its own with the boomerang/knife. theEND and Anemone more and more seem to be a sort of parody to Eureka and Nirvash. An imitation that Dewey made, found, or by some other means created to attempt to get to a similar end that Eureka could achieve for him. A perversion. Where the Nirvash is has clean lines and is very humanlike, theEND is twisted, bulbous and bristling with unnecessary, and now with the new specs of the Nirvash, not very effective, weapons. It's not that different from Ray and Charles' models ultimately, except that Anemone pilots it in a very awkward position, and it has a lot of freaky eyes.

    5. LFO's are Scab (alt. Skurve) coral that was given armor and a means to pilot them. Generic KLF's are made from crappy, weak and impure Scabs, where the high-end LFO's like theEND, Nirvash, and Ray and Charles' KLF's are made from older, more pure Scabs. In the case of the Nirvash, it was the first Scab to emerge from the earth, and came with Eureka in tow. There's a whole bunch about it in the eps where the Gekko-Go is stuck in the mine, rewatch those eps for more details. There is also a little more about the process in the recent eps where the Nirvash was getting an overhaul at the base. Watch the old film for the details.

    I suspect that Scabs come from the Coralians, as a means to communicate and empathise with humans. This sentiment is expressed by some of the characters throughout the show in the last 15 eps or so, and there is some talk about it in the mine episodes as well. I suggest rewatching those for decent enough answers to your questions.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 03-30-2006 at 02:37 PM.

  18. #218
    Thanks a lot for all the detailed info. I really appreciate it.

  19. #219
    newtype USA e7 info, if you havent seen it already.

  20. #220
    OK I am Just curious... Why is it that all the Anime that has subtopics ... Well Isn;t very good .. I know that is just one persons opinion But Naruto has gone to poop and hopefully the Fillers will end and yadda yadda,Bleach has gone down the drain .. though wasn;t really my favorite to begin with...... BLOOD+ Which USEd to have its own topic is Actually Pritty Good,..... And NOW I find this........

    COME ON? What does it take for an anime to have its own sub topic? does it have to be in its 100+ episode? does it have to be after its worn out and has some strange die hard fans which are BRAINWASHED by it to the point where they think its good (epople who enjoy naruto fillers.... or one piece to a large extent... I just dont get One Piece...)....

    This Show SHOULD get its OWN sub topic up front... Its very good. The story line is Decently done, The Animation IS GREAT, And now even though I am only into episode 13.....ITS lookin Much bettter THEN anything else in the Sub Topics...

    I guess What I am saying is What gives anyone know why thisdosent have its own SubTopic?

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