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Thread: Eureka Seven: Psalms of Planets

  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    You heard it here first: Dominic and Anemone will defect from Dewey's squad. Dominic cares too much about the girl, and Dewey seems to be more interested in the Ageha squad right now.
    While I agree about Dominic I think Dewey has a stronger hold over Anemone, even if he doesn't need her now eventually he'll have to field some LFO type offense, and theEND is probobly his ace. Dominic will probobly try to take her with him but she won't go.

  2. #182
    this show kciks ass! it rule you!

    but why Talho change hair? she sooooo hot before!

    Take two of these muchachos and call us in the morning. Yeah, call us, we'll be drunk.

  3. #183
    Talho dressed like that because she was trying to get Hollands attention with her sexuality. Holland didn't care about it, and she knew that in order to be the supporting hand that she wanted to be for Holland, she didn't need to dress so skimpy.

  4. #184

  5. #185
    On a scale of 1 to 10 this episode scored a PWN.

  6. #186
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Another good episode. Damn those half crazed children soldiers are becoming hateful characters, at least for me. I don't know how those soldiers can stand to take orders from them. Perhaps Dominic can't in the long run, and will hit the road. theEND doesn't appear to have a chance against Nirvash, so it's hard to say what happens to Anemone. And it's also noteworthy that Anemone has a separate personality when injected with the medicine, and that makes it even harder to predict what she might do. Probably only simple things and decisions, in the end, based on her behavior, so it shouldn't be too hard for Dominic to manipulate her enough to get her out of Dewey's direct control.

  7. #187
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Quite excellent episode indeed.
    Kind of curious to see what exactly happened when Nirvash avoided? theEND's missile barrage.
    The more this series develops, the more I'm thinking it's going to be difficult to end it at 50 episodes - at least it should mean it remains a fast-paced series till the END ;)

  8. #188
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Cool Masa's 'Blow-by-blow' analysis of e7 episode 32

    done in as close to real-time as it gets, obviously i Pause alot to take in big scenes and to think. On average I spend 40-50 minutes watching an episode of e7, including typing this. There's so much to be appreciated that just watching it straight through isn't enough, too easy to miss things:

    7:03 - Confirmed: Members of the Ageha squad have no souls. "1 head, 1 torso, 2 arms, 2 legs; that counts as one body"
    Those gigantic missing holes were the Scab Coral attacked... Festums (Fafner) all the way
    7:05 - Confirmed: Axel Thurston is one kickass old man.
    7:07 - Hmm: All new scenes start with a pan down onto ground level?
    7:08 - Wow!: Little kid just pissed himself. Coralian eyes... wow...
    7:10 - Axel Thurston: its the one that says 'BAD MUTHA FUCKA' on it!
    7:12 - And now we know why he is always flying kites. See comment directly above.
    End A part thought: Where the hell did Axel's friend come from and why didn't he get more screentime earlier?

    Part B start- Now the scenes start going from the ground up towards the sky: Human attack (first, from sky), Coralian attack (second, from the Planet)
    7:15 - Hmmm: That radio operator looks so much like a character from Cyborg009
    7:19 - Frown: Anemone's attack did no damage? I don't like that...
    Big smile: Brought back the first OP song.
    7:20 - Eureka and Renton: HADOUKEN!!! Anemone: Pwned.
    7:22 - See note from 7:10

    End Reaction: One kickass episode. Axel Thurston is the fucking man. I don't like the Nirvash getting that far ahead of _theEND, but I figured something like that was bound to happen. Seriously though, Dewey had better have something huge up his sleeve to counter with or Eureka and Renton are going to kick his ass (without killing anyone of course)

    I also lost count of whether the direction of the camera angle panning from up to down and vice-versa was what i thought it would be or not. I noticed they'd sometimes switch between locations and do a different opening pan, but alot of major events opened with the pan.

    I say: "Axel Thurston" You say: "BAD MUTHA FUCKA!"

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  9. #189
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    I say: "masamuneehs" You say: "BAD"...........................thats not right, again

    I say: "masamuneehs" You say: "BAD MUTHA FUCKA!"

    Never have I seen so much in depth review by anyone. Not that Eureka 7 doesnt deserves it. You just went an extra mile. You are right that there is too much to be appreciated and it isnt just worth watching straight through. You certainly need a moment to pause and think about what just happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    7:20 - Eureka and Renton: HADOUKEN!!! Anemone: Pwned.!
    That was funny seeing a Hadouken.

    Although the second opening was awesome, the third is started is starting to grow on me along with the new ending.

    Human and a Coralian?

    What would their children be like? Nirvash? ( Not robots obviously but the core structure of Nirvash like)

    Just going to quote you again. Why? I loved it.

    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    I say: "Axel Thurston" You say: "BAD MUTHA FUCKA!"

  10. #190
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadugar
    Human and a Coralian?

    What would their children be like? Nirvash? ( Not robots obviously but the core structure of Nirvash like)
    Assuming they even could reproduce, it would only depend on whether Eureka is what she is because she developed that way from the beginning or whether she was somehow molded from ready material to human shape. If she indeed developed that way right from the beginning, the offspring would obviously be more human than Eureka and a little less human than Renton. In practice, quite human. If she was just artificially made to look like a human, then it's more likely they couldn't even reproduce.

    Has it been told if Eureka was a baby in the beginning? If she was and then develop to her current form over time, then it would indicate the human form is her natural form, and it would give better chances for the family Thurston to continue.

  11. #191
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    If she was just artificially made to look like a human, then it's more likely they couldn't even reproduce.

    Has it been told if Eureka was a baby in the beginning? If she was and then develop to her current form over time, then it would indicate the human form is her natural form, and it would give better chances for the family Thurston to continue.
    Check episode 30. When Renton and Eureka meet the doctor at the Tresor facility Eureka recognizes her and says, "This is where they brought me when I was discovered." And then there's a shot of Eureka, semi-covered in Coral, and quite obviously older than a baby. Renton's voiceover uses interesting words, "That's right... Eureka was discovered as a Coralian."

    It's the 'as a Coralian' thing that makes me feel she's just using a human form. The Scab Coral have been seen in numerous different physical forms, (the most interesting to me is still the Trappar that attacked/crystallized the miltiary KLFs way back when) and since they 'appear' and 'disappear' from the planet it seems that any physical manifestations of Coralians are not their natural form.

    The only possible exception is the Nirvash and all the other LFOs... In the cave it certainly looked like the Nirvash-like forms were growing quite naturally in that form, indicating that they do have a fixed physical form and can not 'disappear back into the planet' as easily as the Scab Coral.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #192
    Glad to see you guys like the show. If you want any clarification from episodes 33+, or anything in general, let me know. I will try my best to answer it :P

  13. #193
    You are icealchemist from Nanashi right?

    Welcome if you are.

    Episode 32 was awesome, but the "Renton, I'm falling apart, what do I do?" act and crying from Eureka is getting a bit tireing. Good thing Talho was there to slap the heck out of her.

  14. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    You are icealchemist from Nanashi right?

    Welcome if you are.

    Episode 32 was awesome, but the "Renton, I'm falling apart, what do I do?" act and crying from Eureka is getting a bit tireing. Good thing Talho was there to slap the heck out of her.
    Yes Eureka did need a good slap, and the kid pissing himself after looking into Eureka's eyes was priceless.

    And yes I would be from Nanashi

  15. #195
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain


    oh, look what the cat dragged in? Abandoning the Nanashi forums for this one Icealchemist? I can't really blame you

    As someone who sees episodes of e7 more times before the release than most of us ever see in our lives I'm sure your comments and clarifications will be most helpful in the future.

    btw, what's the deal with the Nanashi torrent tracker? Is it going to limit releases that badly? What donation goal are you trying to reach?

    edit to below: my bad. i still don't know shit about the tech stuff.
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Fri, 03-17-2006 at 11:02 AM.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  16. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    oh, look what the cat dragged in? Abandoning the Nanashi forums for this one Icealchemist? I can't really blame you

    As someone who sees episodes of e7 more times before the release than most of us ever see in our lives I'm sure your comments and clarifications will be most helpful in the future.

    btw, what's the deal with the Nanashi torrent tracker? Is it going to limit releases that badly? What donation goal are you trying to reach?
    There is no deal with the tracker, it was the archive bot that is close to overages on bandwidth. We already reached our donation goal for the year, but if we can get more we would like to get you all another server to either serve files on irc with or seed the bit torrents. As of right now we have a little over $2300(USD) in donations.

    *is clueless to why episode 32 went un-noticed for the most part*
    On release day the torrent never got to over 1000 peers.

  17. #197
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by icealchemist
    ...and the kid pissing himself after looking into Eureka's eyes was priceless.
    That was indeed a good detail. It gave a lot of impact factor to the kid's terror.

    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Episode 32 was awesome, but the "Renton, I'm falling apart, what do I do?" act and crying from Eureka is getting a bit tireing. Good thing Talho was there to slap the heck out of her
    That's quite intesting actually. We know in the beginning Eureka was a remorseless killer in the Spec Ops squad, and later on she has also shown clear lack of emotions and understanding of emotions. Only later she apparently acquired any deeper feelings, after Renton entered the stage. However, despite having those feelings and emotions now, she still doesn't know what to do with them or how to follow them. I see it so that Talho brought her back to the real world from going overboard. Thus it didn't (yet) bother me that much.

  18. #198
    Wow,ep 32 had so much pwnage that i'm right there next to that kid cleaning my pants.

    Since it hasn't been mentioned...Nirvash Spec-2 (Is that the proper name for it now?) is awesome. Zeta Gundam with a Kamehameha/Masenko-Ha/Dragon Slave/insert favorite anime projectile. Everytime I looked at the new Nirvash I thought how it didn't look all that different from the original, then when I saw the new board I figured that was the big change...then I saw waverider mode (forgive me I've been watching Zeta this week ) and seven swell On-DEMAND and I went nuts.

    Though this has been mentioned, Axel is sick, just a balls out fantastic charachter. THough unlikely, I hope he somehow meets up with the Gekko-Go so he can be awesome even more.

    Eureka's guilt over the actions of her 'bretheren' seemed well done to me. While it did make her a bit whiny she reacted in a very believeble way considering she probobly could see through the eyes of the Coralians that killed all those people. I assume she'll learn to communicate with them and try to get them to not take Dewey's bait, causing a rather large setback in whatever he's planning. Dewey is just plain crazy, why is he stirring up Coralians in inhabited areas...does he plan on having the human race wiped out along with the Coralians and starting over with just him and his crazy little girls? This series brings it so well, I can barely believe its real.

    @Icealchemist, thanks to you and your group for all the work you put in bringing us this show

  19. #199
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I thought Dewey was doing that just to get public opinion against the Coralians and in support of a war against them. The public doesn't know those were provoked attacks, after all. They only know suddenly large hordes of Corallians appeared and attacked everything that moves (and don't move).

    Since it's not Dewey working alone but the military alongside him, there needs to be some reason the military also accepts. Even if it's a corrupt military. But for the military to annihilate all the civilians would obvious be a suicide.

  20. #200
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's a another good point and possibly a large part of what he's doing, but he really doesn't even need support to be able to do it. The military is entirely afraid of him. No one in this world other than Holland even DARE oppose Dewey.

    He was saying that he was doing these pinpoint attacks to drag the Coralians out. He's been trying to Find them. Once he knows that, he can attack them at free will.

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