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Thread: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

  1. #141
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: xat
    IMO Sooner or later Shinn will have to realize that he needs to change; it'd be fitting if such an event were to come too late. As for Neo, it's interesting that people have constantly been referencing the scar on his face; as bad a scar as it is, why has no one referenced the scars on his body? You see them particularly when he's showering, and they're bad--really bad. Now, where did they come from?
    I would have to find the episode but Mwu was shott in Gundam Seed in the shoulder (I want to say when him and Kira were on the random research colony where the each found out about there past) and that is where those scars came from if Neo is Mwu its one of the reasons why when they showed him in the beginning people immediately thought they were showing Mwu instead of Neo.

    I'd say right now its about 75% likely that Neo is Mwu all evidence that has been shown points directly at that however much as Terra says it would be a massive failure on the part of the writers to do something so simple.

  2. #142

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: DDBen
    I'd say right now its about 75% likely that Neo is Mwu all evidence that has been shown points directly at that however much as Terra says it would be a massive failure on the part of the writers to do something so simple.
    I completely agree.

  3. #143

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Kirakun
    Originally posted by: DDBen
    I'd say right now its about 75% likely that Neo is Mwu all evidence that has been shown points directly at that however much as Terra says it would be a massive failure on the part of the writers to do something so simple.
    I completely agree.
    it would indeed be verry simple but I stil think (and hope) that Neo is Mwu and besides most of the story so far was pretty simple

  4. #144

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    I'd have posted about the scars but not many people want to see more evidence supporting Neo being Mwu. If they explain it enough similarily to Kira and Andy's escape from death I'll be content with Neo being Mwu. Its definately a twist. I also can't see how it can be so predictable if people aren't willing to believe that people would do it. Wouldn't that make it unpredictable? Thats a long time thing about calling things that way. If not here I believe I have mentioned the scars in some thread or discussion. They definately lend themselves as evidence consistant with what would happen to someone in the Strike. Thats some serious physical trauma.

    Also they constantly keep referencing Mwu's saving of the AA in flashbacks if anybody hasn't noticed. Its like they want to wave it in front of us. Lets see if we can keep getting more info. For one thing you gotta give them credit for not having something official out that that spoils this.

  5. #145

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    I'd have posted about the scars but not many people want to see more evidence supporting Neo being Mwu. If they explain it enough similarily to Kira and Andy's escape from death I'll be content with Neo being Mwu. Its definately a twist. I also can't see how it can be so predictable if people aren't willing to believe that people would do it. Wouldn't that make it unpredictable? Thats a long time thing about calling things that way. If not here I believe I have mentioned the scars in some thread or discussion. They definately lend themselves as evidence consistant with what would happen to someone in the Strike. Thats some serious physical trauma.

    Also they constantly keep referencing Mwu's saving of the AA in flashbacks if anybody hasn't noticed. Its like they want to wave it in front of us. Lets see if we can keep getting more info. For one thing you gotta give them credit for not having something official out that that spoils this.
    It is predictable because even though we don't believe it is true, we are aware of the possibility and have been for most of the series. Also many of us saw the possibility on our own (whether we chose to believe it or not). What would make it unpredictable is if there were 0 clues pointing in that direction.

  6. #146

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    So did ep 32 turn anyone else? A few friends of mine finally switched after watching that and think its Mwu. Also looks like Kira figured out it was Mwu before hand how he specifically asked Murrue to handle it. It still could be a clon thou.

  7. #147

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    I'll go with that he's mwu, that somehow survived and got amnesia or got a memory wipe and got replaced by another memory.
    as a side note, he's prolly Rey's uncle [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  8. #148

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    So did ep 32 turn anyone else? A few friends of mine finally switched after watching that and think its Mwu. Also looks like Kira figured out it was Mwu before hand how he specifically asked Murrue to handle it. It still could be a clon thou.
    Nope, the only thing "confrimed" in this episode is that Neo looks just like Mwu.

  9. #149
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Yeah, what was up with Kira asking Murrue to handle it before he sliced up Neo's windam. How could he have possibly known about some important person inside the cockpit whose life was worth saving. Maybe Kira just deduced from the pilot's superior skills to regular pilots that it wud be better if the person was saved and made to convert or something.

    Also: I don't think neo has Amnesia(if he is Mwu). He seems to be aware of a lot of things going on and seems quite familiar with the archangel and freedom

  10. #150

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: splash
    Yeah, what was up with Kira asking Murrue to handle it before he sliced up Neo's windam. How could he have possibly known about some important person inside the cockpit whose life was worth saving. Maybe Kira just deduced from the pilot's superior skills to regular pilots that it wud be better if the person was saved and made to convert or something.

    Also: I don't think neo has Amnesia(if he is Mwu). He seems to be aware of a lot of things going on and seems quite familiar with the archangel and freedom
    Keep in mind he had a custom paint job. Most soldiers like that have some degree of importance. He may have just figured they could get some useful info out of the pilot. That also reminds me of a question I need to ask in the ep 32 discussion thanks.

  11. #151
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Curium
    Originally posted by: splash
    Yeah, what was up with Kira asking Murrue to handle it before he sliced up Neo's windam. How could he have possibly known about some important person inside the cockpit whose life was worth saving. Maybe Kira just deduced from the pilot's superior skills to regular pilots that it wud be better if the person was saved and made to convert or something.

    Also: I don't think neo has Amnesia(if he is Mwu). He seems to be aware of a lot of things going on and seems quite familiar with the archangel and freedom
    Keep in mind he had a custom paint job. Most soldiers like that have some degree of importance. He may have just figured they could get some useful info out of the pilot. That also reminds me of a question I need to ask in the ep 32 discussion thanks.
    The impression that I had was that Kira had already felt Neo/Mwu's presence when Neo's Windam attacked Freedom. He must have sensed something perculiar, because he said "That Windam....... Why?"

    Therefore, Kira tried notto injure Neo when he cut up his Windam, but I must say he was really confident to ask Marrue to handle Neo before taking him down instantly.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  12. #152
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    Originally posted by: Curium
    Originally posted by: splash
    Yeah, what was up with Kira asking Murrue to handle it before he sliced up Neo's windam. How could he have possibly known about some important person inside the cockpit whose life was worth saving. Maybe Kira just deduced from the pilot's superior skills to regular pilots that it wud be better if the person was saved and made to convert or something.

    Also: I don't think neo has Amnesia(if he is Mwu). He seems to be aware of a lot of things going on and seems quite familiar with the archangel and freedom
    Keep in mind he had a custom paint job. Most soldiers like that have some degree of importance. He may have just figured they could get some useful info out of the pilot. That also reminds me of a question I need to ask in the ep 32 discussion thanks.
    The impression that I had was that Kira had already felt Neo/Mwu's presence when Neo's Windam attacked Freedom. He must have sensed something perculiar, because he said "That Windam....... Why?"

    Therefore, Kira tried notto injure Neo when he cut up his Windam, but I must say he was really confident to ask Marrue to handle Neo before taking him down instantly.
    I think its much easier then that Mwu was talking to shinn right before that and Kira likely just heard his voice and made the assumption so he took him out in order to see if he was right.

  13. #153

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    Therefore, Kira tried notto injure Neo when he cut up his Windam, but I must say he was really confident to ask Marrue to handle Neo before taking him down instantly.
    Giving a reason why Kira tried not to hurt someone is not much of an arguement. Kira tries not to hurt anyone.

  14. #154
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    I wonder what happens to Neo from now on. Will he get a new MS, and if so what will it be like. Or will he just stick to piloting an exus or mobius zero type moblie armor. Is he even gonna stay on the archangel or is he gonna somehow escape.

  15. #155

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: splash
    I wonder what happens to Neo from now on. Will he get a new MS, and if so what will it be like. Or will he just stick to piloting an exus or mobius zero type moblie armor. Is he even gonna stay on the archangel or is he gonna somehow escape.
    I don't really see how he can become a pilot again. He was responsible for too much working directly for Djbril.

  16. #156

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    The thing is this isnt the only time Kira has gotten a strange feeling from Neo/Mwu. Earlier he was confused when he seemed to sense Neo/Mwu's presence aboard the ship during an earlier battle. Then he gets another feeling from when he fights the Windam. He can definately tell something was unique about the pilot and then I think he figured out what it was that he was sensing. Its the reason he specifically asked for Ramius to handle the situation and disabled the windam to bring it down. He could of just taken out the weapons but he specifically brought it down. He has never called out for Ramius to handle something before. He wanted her to go and check out that Windam.

    We've seen Kira showing newtype like abilities for awhile now since way before in SEED when he triggered Rau's newtype ability. Then he started gaining a greater spatial awareness practically the same as Rey's maybe more so. In destiny he starts sensing the people battling in battles in space or in other places when he was staying with Lacus. Eventually getting to the point I mentioned with Sensing Neo/Mwu and then the disabling of the windam. I'll stick with Kira's intuition since its been pretty damn good so far. It may be an obvious outcome that they will put Neo as a brainwashed Mwu. But if they want to do that they can. They have enough to fit it in. They just have to explain it. I really want to see what they do when Neo/Mwu comes to and they can talk to him. I wonder what the first question they'll ask will be. And will seeing Ramius bring him back over time like Stellar did with Shinn.

  17. #157

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Ok, first of all we should have all learned not to jump to any conclusions. There are answers to questions, and questions to answers. Everything has to make sense, right?

    Right now, I haven't FULLY DECIDED yet on whether Mwu is Neo, or a clone of his. Why? coz it hasn't revealed anything regarding on his identity yet. Neo didn't say "I am Mwu" or "I am a frreakin clone".

    But regarding on hunches or predictions, I feel more convinced that it is possible for Neo and Mwu to be the same person. But to be honest, I dont want it to be that way, altough it sounded a happy-ending-type of scenario. He did look like Mwu, he did sounded like Mwu, heck even his genetic structure suggests that HE IS MWU. But lets not jump into conclusions. Its safe not to decide yet.

    In the meantime lets think about other possibilities, besides having a clone or brainwashed. Can it be possible that Neo is Mwu's unknown twin brother? I do remember something about him being the only son, but still who knows what his father's lifestory is. Perhaps when his dad decided to clone himself, he also whispered to the scientist to clone his son as well while he was sleeping.
    heck i dunno what think..

  18. #158

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    its mwu

  19. #159

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    I think it's Mwu too...

  20. #160

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Im afraid your right, its very likely that its Mwu, oh crap.

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