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Thread: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

  1. #101

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Yeah, it's only in the 3part Special edition DVD compalation (that cut out half of my favorite scenes, btw) that the helmet is cut out - personally I think it's a stupid thing to remove, especially on such a remote source, does this mean we are to accept the DVD Special Ed as pure Cannon?

  2. #102
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    If they really did so something as drastic as edit out the helmet we can safely bet that Mwu is still alive..... which will yet start another string of arguments.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  3. #103
    Missing Nin
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Roko
    Rey never was Zaft's topgun. Shinn always was, which was the reason he was given Impulse. Mwu was a topgun, yes, but with mobile armors, not suits. And Kira was never part of the EA before being forced to pilot Strike. Athrun was annihilated by Kira because Kira is the ultimate coordinator, and ultimate coordinator>coordinator. And because Kira is the ultimate coordinator, he can kick anybody's butt anyday. There, I'm done contradicting you.

    Um first off Rey is a top gun and direct comments were made as to he should have been given the impulse and not shinn. Next Shinn has developed and this was noted by Dullindale who saw the possibility of Shinn becomming a top gun based on his DNA.

    As for Mwu yes he was a topgun in the EA with a mobile armor. However considering that Zaft invented mobile suits and were the only ones to have them at the start of the war this is pretty much a given as Mwu had no mobile suit he could piolet. Also note that later when Mwu uses the Strike he is easily considered a top gun in a mobile suit in his own respect as the 5 gundams that the series is about are the prototype suits for the EA to fight back against Zaft.

    As for Kira and Athrun, yes its a fact Kira is the ultimate coordinator, however also note that Kira was attempting to make a nonleathal dismantaling of Athrun's mobile suit. This is a much much harder thing to do then killing your opponent. As such if Athrun was attempting to kill Kira it could be said they were on equal footing. Yes Kira could all out kill his friend or whoever else he wants at a given point but then he wouldn't be Kira.

  4. #104

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    hmmm...neo doesn't necessarily have to be either mwu or rau, but if he has to be either, going with the evidence we have from GS and GSD it is more likely to be mwu than rau. there will be some inexplicable reason to his survival but since rau didn't expand on the clone story he was giving in GS there's the possibility that something really important was left out. like breathing in space ehehehe... it can't be rau because he knew about rey whereas mwu never did. and if he is indeed mwu he must have major amnesia or was brainwashed to not remember the freedom and archangel, which is why i stated in the beginning that it doesn't have to be either of them.

    the possibility of neo being a rau/mwu clone...that could very well be true. remember mwu said something about how rau had a short telomere which made him age quickly? thought i'd throw that in. also there's some undisclosed relation between kira + mwu + rau + neo and maybe even rey seeing as how kira could sense rau and vice versa in GS and kira sensing neo in GSD. the show's called GS Destiny for a reason, all the answers will be given here. all we can do is ponder and argue till we have them.

  5. #105

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    rey IS top gun - all red suits are topguns.

  6. #106

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    As I said in another thread and will say again here. Compliations, movies and anything else officially released is considered cannon. The manga's are cannon, the OVAs even the Compilation. Since they are newer they take precedence over the series if scenes were altered. The DVDs for the series are not edited and therefore will still have the original scenes of the series.

    Now since people are putting up pics can I get a picture of the Strike's torso after the explosion. If you could provide an image like the Strike exploding that would back up peoples claims. But I am only expecting the shield's explosion and then the cloud that hides the Strike from our view. They didn't even show us Mwu dieing in the cockpit the bastards.

    Question also. Does anyone here play or has played the Gundam War CCG? I had a question about the Neo card.

  7. #107

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Well I finally got the DVD. (The helmet was definately still there heh)
    Anyways, it looked like to me that Strike got completely vaporized. But then... you see some debris left over in the next scene. Weird animators.

  8. #108

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    Now since people are putting up pics can I get a picture of the Strike's torso after the explosion. If you could provide an image like the Strike exploding that would back up peoples claims. But I am only expecting the shield's explosion and then the cloud that hides the Strike from our view. They didn't even show us Mwu dieing in the cockpit the bastards.
    I'm having trouble taking the screenshot (PowerDVD fails me again!) but I can describe it to you.

    Mwu stops the Positron Beam and his shield starts to melt, He looks back (inside his cockpit, he'd b looking at the bridge of the Archangel) and says "I was right... I really can make the impossible possible." then you see a smoke cloud envelop him with the sound of an explosion - camera cuts to the head of the Strike, and it starts to disintegrate, then explodes. Camera cuts to a longshot of the Strike holding back the beam, the beam convulses and balls up against the Strike.

    Strike 'explodes' (you see a giant pink explosion cloud... why is it pink?) then it fades and you can't see the Strike at all (ninja vanish!) Marius' face wells up with tears and she screams out his name.

    The shot cuts just as she screams and we are looking at the Archangel from the front, the tattered remains of the Strike's Aile pack, a leg and what looks like the lower section of the torso are scattered across the screen (this is where the shattered helmet usually floats past, but the DVD SE edited it out)

  9. #109

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Well if it's true about the SE DVDs about the helmet scene so be it.
    But they so better come up with a good explanation on how Mu survived...

  10. #110

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Oh look! I found a freeware screenshot program, now I have the screens (that THAT! PowerDVD)

    anyway, here it is - it's 197k, btw.

    Mwu's Death

  11. #111

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon canon

    its spelled with one 'n'

  12. #112

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon, canon.

    It's spelled with one 'n'.

    You need to punctuate properly.

  13. #113

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    He could have gone behind Archangle when clouded and then hide in debris

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  14. #114
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    thats just stupid, hmm okay ill play dead and hide behind the ship that carries my friends and my lover then i'll rejoin the EA with a diffrent name and wearing a mask just like my daddy's clone did woohoo i own!! doesnt really sound like a plausible theory to me....
    to me the pics kovash posted is enough for me to think of mwu as dead even if the did edit out the helmet, we still got the explosion(the pink one is clearly strike blowing up) then we have the strikes lower torso ripped in pieces together with the aile pack, now tell me how mwu survived this again? while strike blocked the beam he jumped out of the suit and swimmed to nearest astroid och debris parts? if he got out of strike wouldnt he go down to to the archangel instead? there is no logic in mwu surviving and joining the EA as neo.

  15. #115
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Kovash
    Oh look! I found a freeware screenshot program, now I have the screens (that THAT! PowerDVD)

    anyway, here it is - it's 197k, btw.

    Mwu's Death
    That collage should indeed end the discussion. Of course, with the people here, it won't though.
    Oh and Guardian, of course movies/summaries are canon... but the issue at hand is whether what is "more" canon, the summaries or the TV series itself? For all we know, the helmet removal might be simple censoring (Though that would make no sense either). Then again, not much makes sense when it comes to these things..

  16. #116
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    There wasn't much logic in Gundam Wing when Heero didn't die from that self detruction sequence. Also when Kira survived the final explosion in Seed.

    What I'm saying is that the people who write the story can bring whoever back to the series as long as the body's not found...... no matter how ridiculous or incredible it may seem. So, remember nothing is impossible, especially for someone who makes the impossible possible.

    If the DVD really did has the helmet edit out....... then we gotta start getting our mindset re-adjusted that Mwu may be Neo after all.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  17. #117
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    both of those are main characters mwu is not. shitty explaination but main characters dont die from things normal characters would.

  18. #118
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    I don't want to compare Seed to Wing, everybody was invincible in that show. Compared to Wing, the mysterious survivals of Seed characters are at least explained (sort of) properly.

    It's not really the whole "Mwu surviving" gig that disturbs me, it's the enormous amount of suckage that would appear if Mwu is Neo.

  19. #119
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    oh that to of course. mwu did this heroic deed and saved the ones he cared for with his own life, which made his character even better, it showed that he is a real hero. to make him survive and become neo just ruins his character.

  20. #120

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    I think it adds alil more depth to it. Its a shame those screenies are so small but it still doesn't show the Strike blowing up. To note all explosions I've seen in the SEED universe that occur in space are pink. Also if something explodes it exerts a force. Like I have said the whole time as the shield gives out and explodes the Strike takes that last brunt but because of that is still consist of pieces with no torso/cockpit to be seen. The console definately starts to blow as the cameras and sensors in the head are blown away. But if the explosion is just like they shown the shield and it was infront of the strike the force of that is gonna push it away and they hide our view of what really happens to the Strike with that damn smoke cloud.

    Again Terra so you can understand. Since the SE came out afterwards and the scene that was in the series is edited in the special edition it takes precedence. It wasn't removed they edited the helmet out for whatever reason. Sure alot of people are gonna be disappointed if Mwu is indeed Neo but then some of us are interested since we could see how he may have survived. Remember he makes the impossible possible. Mwu he put his life on the line to save the AA and the woman he had falled for. To be badly injured captured and then brainwashed into being the possible destroyer of the AA puts an insane spin on things. The funny thing is how much of Mwu stands out in Neo. Then again there is that chance it is a clone. Slightly less but its possible.

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