Originally posted by: xat
IMO Sooner or later Shinn will have to realize that he needs to change; it'd be fitting if such an event were to come too late. As for Neo, it's interesting that people have constantly been referencing the scar on his face; as bad a scar as it is, why has no one referenced the scars on his body? You see them particularly when he's showering, and they're bad--really bad. Now, where did they come from?
I would have to find the episode but Mwu was shott in Gundam Seed in the shoulder (I want to say when him and Kira were on the random research colony where the each found out about there past) and that is where those scars came from if Neo is Mwu its one of the reasons why when they showed him in the beginning people immediately thought they were showing Mwu instead of Neo.

I'd say right now its about 75% likely that Neo is Mwu all evidence that has been shown points directly at that however much as Terra says it would be a massive failure on the part of the writers to do something so simple.