could mwu be an extended then? remember, kira said his memories were most likely altered.
could mwu be an extended then? remember, kira said his memories were most likely altered.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
But keep in mind that the 2 of the 3 extended pilots showed signs that they could overcome the programming. I would assume that the process would be less useful on an adult because there sense of "who they are" is stronger. With the others they started when they were very young. They would be even more likely to break the programming with a strong stimulus from their life before the programming, like seeing the woman he loved.Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
could mwu be an extended then? remember, kira said his memories were most likely altered.
we dont know WHAT mwu is exactly.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
I know what you mean kiddo. There's a lot of possibilities isn't there? I don't think he is a some kind of duplication clone, or some experemental subject. I think he really is "someone" else. Perhaps were being too much "thinkful" about this matter. For now let's just grasp the fact that he is a man named Neo Lornoke.
i thought rey was rau's son...
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Originally posted by: romancing_xaga
I know what you mean kiddo. There's a lot of possibilities isn't there? I don't think he is a some kind of duplication clone, or some experemental subject. I think he really is "someone" else. Perhaps were being too much "thinkful" about this matter. For now let's just grasp the fact that he is a man named Neo Lornoke.
A man whose physical data matches exactly to that of what they have on file aboard the AA for Mwu. Sorta rules out the possibility of it being anything other than a clone or Mwu. The problem with clones is that technically a clone unless raised under the same circumstances and meeting the same ordeals and situations in life won't turn out the same. Yet the characters Neo and Mwu have similar combat styles, similar expressions, personalities. Then there is the issues of the scars while its possible a clone could have gotten them for other reasons all over his body. Mwu currently has an explained reason for the scars. If it was a clone why didn't Mwu or anyone else for that matter really know about this high ranking EA officer. You'd think that someone with similar abilities of Mwu but of higher rank would of been put in charge of training the G pilots or atleast made an appearance in SEED or SEED mangas. Only now does he appear aboard a vessel where there is a machine that can alter a persons memories.
Right now I'm just counting the episodes till they finally just say he is Mwu to end the debate. Its already pretty much one sided.
It is possible that Neo joined the EAF either right before or after SEED ended, and then because of his amazing apptitude raised in the ranks quickly.
I figure there is still at least a 1% chance that Neo was altered by Dullindal to "be" Mwu like he did with Mia.
If he couldn't get Mia with her bigger bust size right how can Neo be physically Mwu. Physical. They did the works not just his attributes like height and everything. Blood type and genetics from the way they were talking. Hes a perfect match.
The bigger bust may have been intentional. The masses don't seem to care. As for the blood type, he may or may not have the same type to begin with, there are many options. I know it is stretching it that Dullindal would be able to go far enough to trick a genetics check, thats why I only said 1% rather then higher.Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
If he couldn't get Mia with her bigger bust size right how can Neo be physically Mwu. Physical. They did the works not just his attributes like height and everything. Blood type and genetics from the way they were talking. Hes a perfect match.
You still then have all the other more personal traits. Scaring, voice, personality, phrases. Its just too much Mwu for it not be be Mwu in some form.
This is very relavent considering that the scar on his shoulder was from Raul shooting him when Kira and himself were on the research satalite. Raul doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would write something like that in any report he submitted and him being dead its very unlikely that they would have payed attention to such a detail while cloning him. The scars simply tell the story to me at this point I can't see Neo as anybody but Mwu.Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
You still then have all the other more personal traits. Scaring, voice, personality, phrases. Its just too much Mwu for it not be be Mwu in some form.
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Originally posted by: romancing_xaga
I know what you mean kiddo. There's a lot of possibilities isn't there? I don't think he is a some kind of duplication clone, or some experemental subject. I think he really is "someone" else. Perhaps were being too much "thinkful" about this matter. For now let's just grasp the fact that he is a man named Neo Lornoke.
A man whose physical data matches exactly to that of what they have on file aboard the AA for Mwu. Sorta rules out the possibility of it being anything other than a clone or Mwu. The problem with clones is that technically a clone unless raised under the same circumstances and meeting the same ordeals and situations in life won't turn out the same. Yet the characters Neo and Mwu have similar combat styles, similar expressions, personalities. Then there is the issues of the scars while its possible a clone could have gotten them for other reasons all over his body. Mwu currently has an explained reason for the scars. If it was a clone why didn't Mwu or anyone else for that matter really know about this high ranking EA officer. You'd think that someone with similar abilities of Mwu but of higher rank would of been put in charge of training the G pilots or atleast made an appearance in SEED or SEED mangas. Only now does he appear aboard a vessel where there is a machine that can alter a persons memories.
Right now I'm just counting the episodes till they finally just say he is Mwu to end the debate. Its already pretty much one sided.
Not to mention, a clone would be physically different as well. Why?
Well, lets see here. Why are people who live at high altitudes better runners? Why are some people in the world shorter than others with similar genetics? Not to mention their physical data on Mwu would likely include things like bodymass/fat/muscle ratios, and other physical attributes which, while genetic, are also affected by a persons life and lifestyle.
Identical twins are genetically identical people. They are essentially 'natural' clones, and while in some cases they are very similar, a doctor would instantly know the difference. They are different on a physical level because they are, quite simply, different people.
The doctor said Neo was a perfect match. The only way that is possible is if they are the same person.
Thats me weighing in.
That may be true, but what are the chances that none of those would change in 2-3 years.Originally posted by: MeroTZ
Not to mention their physical data on Mwu would likely include things like bodymass/fat/muscle ratios, and other physical attributes which, while genetic, are also affected by a persons life and lifestyle.
Not very high, seeing as how many physical attributes are primarily determined in your youth. I'm somewhat certain that things as simple as your height are influenced by things llike your diet as a child.Originally posted by: Curium
That may be true, but what are the chances that none of those would change in 2-3 years.Originally posted by: MeroTZ
Not to mention their physical data on Mwu would likely include things like bodymass/fat/muscle ratios, and other physical attributes which, while genetic, are also affected by a persons life and lifestyle.
Since his personality, and lifestyle, are most likely similar as Neo to Mwu's, these things should not have changed.
If it was a clone, they'd be far different.
Your height is determined by your genetic code, the genes derived from your parents not by what you eat MeroTZ...
Your ability to grow to your full potential depends greatly upon your diet. It's hard to make bone and muscle without adequate calcium and protein intake.Originally posted by: LokeXero
Your height is determined by your genetic code, the genes derived from your parents not by what you eat MeroTZ...
yes but that doesnt affect how tall you gonna be, that is pre-determined by a gene and has nothing to do with diet.
Anyway back on topic, i dont think Neo is Mwu, IMO hes a Clone of Al da Flaga, who survived the burning down of the flaga mansion by rau and sustained the face cuts in the process. And until they bring out that Neo has a shoulder injury consistant with what Mwu suffered, you really cant say he is Mwu, you can presume but its isnt confirmed...
your height is partly determined by your gene...and other factor such as healthy diet...
thats true if you suffer from malnutrition you wont be able to reach your potential already established in you genentic code
Oh yes it does. Someone who was malnourished during a growth phase will be shorter (PERMANENTLY) than they would have been under ideal circumstances.Originally posted by: LokeXero
yes but that doesnt affect how tall your gonna be, that is pre-determined by a gene and has nothing to do with diet.
Don't talk to me about genetics and what does or does not affect height, I'm a medical professional.