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Thread: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

  1. #41
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Rey is pretty cute but I don't care much about him. It's all about Yzak. He's my god and has been ever since I first saw his haircut back in Seed episode 1. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  2. #42

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    I want to point out that Strike blew up right next to the Archangel. Even IF, I repeat IF, he survived the explosion, the chances of anyone getting close enough to rescue him other then the Archangel before he died would have been almost non-existant. They had by FAR the best view of the remains/debries of Strike, do you really think they would have left him if there was even a 1% chance of survival. Also, the EAF was not on the Archangel's side at the time so if any of them got too close they would have been shot down.

  3. #43

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    The blast would have sent the strike flying back(in many possible directions).

  4. #44
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    He's the man who made the impossible possible, so.......
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  5. #45
    Missing Nin
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Originally posted by: WingZero
    i guess, well see
    Thats it? You should say a little more than that.

    About Neo being Mwu. I seems very unlikely that Mwu is even alive let alone be Neo And if he was I would say he would have gone after Ramius, not stay in the military. Also, he doesn't seem to be the type to be involved in the operation that he is now. So I would say he is probably a clone of Mwu, which I really don't want to happen because *sniff* I want him to live. [img][/img]
    We have 2 distinct issues with this. The first is that Mwu was not a clone in the first place and the only clone was of his father. The second is that the clones age normally there has been no point in which there was aging of a clone done to the point where in 3 years he could be a fully trained ace and have watched over the extended program. Given these issues and the fact Neo has no memories of his past and that the EA can alter memories this entire theory is disproven.

    Rey is more then likely a clone of Mwu's father as he obviously looks like a younger version of Raal however Neo being a Mwu clone is unfortunatly more farfetched then it being the actual Meu.

  6. #46
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?


    (keep in mind that we are in space)
    (space = no air)
    (space = no air) - Strike being hit by an enormous beam from a cannon capable of raping a battleship. - Mwu speaking dramatically, ensuring that his death will be heroic and uncallable. - A pink cloud of certain doom. - LOOK AT ALL THE PIECES OF MWU THAT PEOPLE CAN EASILY PICK UP AND BRAINWASH FOR NO REASON

    You know the more I look at this the more I laugh. There is no way in hell that Neo is Mwu.
    By the way can anyone confirm the rumor that Mwu's helmet was removed in the DVDs? That sounds like bullshit to me, no decent director would go back and change those things just to make the continuation better... (better is, again, the wrong word if Neo is Mwu though..)

  7. #47

    RE: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Well, Mwu's comeback would be another of those unexplainable magical anime plot-twists just to get the story further. You are right, it makes no sense whatsoever.

  8. #48

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: DDBen
    We have 2 distinct issues with this. The first is that Mwu was not a clone in the first place and the only clone was of his father. The second is that the clones age normally there has been no point in which there was aging of a clone done to the point where in 3 years he could be a fully trained ace and have watched over the extended program. Given these issues and the fact Neo has no memories of his past and that the EA can alter memories this entire theory is disproven.

    Rey is more then likely a clone of Mwu's father as he obviously looks like a younger version of Raal however Neo being a Mwu clone is unfortunatly more farfetched then it being the actual Meu.
    First off the accelarated aging is not a problem, in SEED one of Raww's problems was that as a defect from the cloneing process his aging was super accelarated. That is what the pills he took were for, to try and stabalize it.

    Also, where did they EVER say Neo does not remember his past?

  9. #49

    RE: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Well, we do know, or have not seen, that Neo would be suffering from any similar symptoms to that of Rau in Seed. Rau was really suffering without his medication. Neo just seems to wear a mask for the heck of it. I wonder why nobody asks him: "Why the hell are you wearing that mask?"

  10. #50

    RE: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: danholo
    Well, we do know, or have not seen, that Neo would be suffering from any similar symptoms to that of Rau in Seed. Rau was really suffering without his medication. Neo just seems to wear a mask for the heck of it. I wonder why nobody asks him: "Why the hell are you wearing that mask?"
    I'm glad you added the "or have not seen". I don't have go get after you for that.

    Notice nobody ever asked that question of Raww either, or any other Masked Gundam villan ever (at least in an episode i've seen).

  11. #51
    Missing Nin
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Curium
    Originally posted by: DDBen
    We have 2 distinct issues with this. The first is that Mwu was not a clone in the first place and the only clone was of his father. The second is that the clones age normally there has been no point in which there was aging of a clone done to the point where in 3 years he could be a fully trained ace and have watched over the extended program. Given these issues and the fact Neo has no memories of his past and that the EA can alter memories this entire theory is disproven.

    Rey is more then likely a clone of Mwu's father as he obviously looks like a younger version of Raal however Neo being a Mwu clone is unfortunatly more farfetched then it being the actual Meu.
    First off the accelarated aging is not a problem, in SEED one of Raww's problems was that as a defect from the cloneing process his aging was super accelarated. That is what the pills he took were for, to try and stabalize it.

    Also, where did they EVER say Neo does not remember his past?
    I would have to rewatch episodes to find the exact location and as I'm both at work and do not care enough to do so I'll clairify a bit. Neo clearly states he is a man with no past. As this is the case and depending what he was told they could have easily altered his memory in order to make him forget his past as he could have resolved himself to being a tool.

    Do I think that it would make any sense at all to make Mwu be Neo. That answer is of course not but I certainly do feel its a likely plot device they choose to use. Also the reason that Raal took the drugs was because he was one of the extended NOT because he had accelerated aging. Atleast I've personally no recollection of any point where they stated that Raal's age was accelerated.

  12. #52

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    In the episode where he is talking to Mwu and Kira in that abandoned colony he mentioned it. He was saying he was going to take everyone with him. Unfortunately I don't have my DVDs to check it for sure.

    For the "Man without a past" comment (assuming he did say it) it would be MUCH more literal if he was a clone, since he really wouldn't have one. Another thing, I know it is normal to assume that a clone started as a baby, but that may not necessarily be the case. It is possible that they did a clone as an adult.

  13. #53
    Missing Nin
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Curium
    In the episode where he is talking to Mwu and Kira in that abandoned colony he mentioned it. He was saying he was going to take everyone with him. Unfortunately I don't have my DVDs to check it for sure.

    For the "Man without a past" comment (assuming he did say it) it would be MUCH more literal if he was a clone, since he really wouldn't have one. Another thing, I know it is normal to assume that a clone started as a baby, but that may not necessarily be the case. It is possible that they did a clone as an adult.
    Um who was going to take everyone with them? I have no idea what your refering to here. Raal was a clone of Mwu's dad thats just a flat out fact from seed. We are talking about Mwu here however and not Raal.

  14. #54

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Okay, I went to a lot of trouble to redownload episode 49 of SEED just so I could make sure before I posted this.

    After his fight with Rau, Mwu was already injured from the final blast. Also after the explosion it clearly shows the debries from Strike. Not only can you see Mwu's helmet, but you can also see the torso where the cockpit would be, RIGHT IN FRON OF THE ARCHANGEL. There is no way anyone else could have gotten to him to save him.

  15. #55

    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: DDBen
    Originally posted by: Curium
    In the episode where he is talking to Mwu and Kira in that abandoned colony he mentioned it. He was saying he was going to take everyone with him. Unfortunately I don't have my DVDs to check it for sure.

    For the "Man without a past" comment (assuming he did say it) it would be MUCH more literal if he was a clone, since he really wouldn't have one. Another thing, I know it is normal to assume that a clone started as a baby, but that may not necessarily be the case. It is possible that they did a clone as an adult.
    Um who was going to take everyone with them? I have no idea what your refering to here. Raal was a clone of Mwu's dad thats just a flat out fact from seed. We are talking about Mwu here however and not Raal.
    I'm saying that is the episode that where Rau talks about why his health issues. I wasn't refering to that directly. You had said something about Rau taking the pills because he was an Extended, he wasn't.

    EDIT: Sorry for the double post, I forgot these were in the same topic. I will try to not do it again.

  16. #56

    RE: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    You guys give some screen caps when you describe a scene. From the images posted thus far and the wording of posts you make it sound like there should be nothing left. Somehow Mwu's helmet survived the blast. Like I was saying Strike never got hit with the Lohengrin. It used its shield as cover then that exploded at point blank. In the end we see the arms and legs. But what you're saying the torso is in tact? That suit should be vaporized if it got hit. Its space its space can't breathe. You don't need to breathe you got thirty seconds where you go unconcious. There is a possibility that Neo is Mwu. Its more plausible right now than him being a clone. If you guys keeping shutting yourselves off to the possibilities you will look like idiots in the end saying that he is definately dead when you got no solid proof to prove it.

  17. #57
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    I believe this was what Curium was talking about.

    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  18. #58
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    that pic right there should shut all of you up, there is no way in hell that mwu survived that.

    also rau took his pills because of his accelerated aging not because he was an extended, it was explain in the ep 45 i believe.

  19. #59
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
    If you guys keeping shutting yourselves off to the possibilities you will look like idiots in the end saying that he is definately dead when you got no solid proof to prove it.
    Well you are just as "shut off" from other solutions, so...
    And I dare say your proof is less solid, seeing as it's just random lines said by Neo that you've twisted into being related to Mwu. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    Edit: God, people over at makes people here look intelligent. Some idiot claimed it was "evidence" for Mwu being Neo that he saluted in ep 28. So basically "Neo is a nice guy who salutes Todoka, therefore he is probably Mwu". Fucking idiots.

    Someone: But he blew up?
    Guy: Who cares, he's a nice guy. It's Mwu!
    Someone: Please just make the pain eeeenddddddddd

  20. #60

    RE: Is Neo a clone of Mwu or the real deal?

    Thanks for posting the Screen cap Psyke. I would have, but I'm not that skilled. See like I said, the Torso with the cockpit is RIGHT IN FRONT OF ARCHANGEL. If there was ANY chance of Mwu surviving it would have been the Archangel that would have saved him.

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