new chapter is out!!
damn roy is one BAMF
new chapter is out!!
damn roy is one BAMF
ty psj for this sig
Not sure i'll be reading that whit the new anime coming up and everything
really good chapter. i totally enjoyed the action, even if it was pretty one sided with Envy getting destroyed ridiculously... The scene with Riza seeing through Envy's trick was my favorite. I also loved the brutal manipulation of information and how they used Bradley's wife as a pawn. Pretty smart, but what's going to happen when the Fuhrer shows up again?
Initially, I completely second the "christ, just let the man get his revenge if that's what he wants". One of the most overtouted anime/manga morality point is "revenge can only destroy a person". Now, I personally have never had such a burning desire for revenge, let alone one I would have made good on, but, seriously, it can't always be bad to bring people to justice, is it? (there's that word again). After all, Envy has gleefully mass-murdered and enjoys tormenting people. Wouldn't his death be the best thing?
But something got me thinking... A ways back, after Gluttony was killed the first time, Father simply recreated him. Father also made a point of recycling Greed so that he could make another Greed. Envy already squirmed his way out of being captured once, so part of me thinks it's absolutely idiotic to ever give him that chance again, but another part of me wonders if perhaps keeping him alive will somehow prevent Father from "recreating" him?
Or does it not work like that? Father recycle old Greed to make new Greed, but he seemed to just make Gluttony anew from his own body... But if he can just remake the dead Homunculi, why hasn't he remade Lust yet? Or has he and they're just saving her for some future "Fuck you good guys, thought you had a handle on it but one Homunculus isn't dead after all!" moment?
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
SHUT YOUR MOUTH.Originally Posted by 6Zabuza9
This chapter had me on edge. We really saw the serious fighting side of Roy. He was more crazy then when he fought Lust.
And I loved the: "When we're alone, the Colonel always calls me Riza"
Bust-ed. And then..."Just kidding"
God, I love Riza.
Chapter 95 Online Viewing:
ty psj for this sig
One of the manliest chapters yet: Chapter 96
man, the soldiers in Central sure lived up to the hype of being sucky. the stupid transmuted soldiers just tearing things up sure seems to have been a trump card that was a complete and utter failure...
the dude who came to subdue Lady Armstrong, however, seems to be one of the great exceptions. just enough time bought for the cavalry. Sloth is fucked now.
i laugh every time they put Izumi's hubby and Armstrong together in the same scene.
Sloth's last line is about as beautiful as they get from an ugly, brainless, throw-away bad guy.
I have ZERO idea what Izumi means by 'the real dangerous ones'. I can only assume she means Father himself, because, really, what the hell, you just took out one of the Homunculi and are like 'yeah, not so bad?'
Hoenheim. MOTHER FUCKING WIN. I love it when a sorta clumsy, straight-talking good guy pulls the "I'm so not even trying to fight you right now!" move. And then he absolutely puts Father in his place. It reminds me a bit too much of the conversation Ed just had with Envy, and while it shows that the apple indeed doesn't fall far from the tree (in both cases), it is a little tedious.
and, just like that, Hoenheim gives Father an absurd power-up, but... what, gives him emotions? Are they gonna talk the guy down now? further confirmation Hoenheim isn't going to make it out of this alive. next chapter should have some interesting info about what exactly went down, but it seems Hoenheim is going to be fodder...
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
OMG seems like theres a round 2 between greed and wrath! =)
Damn, that was exciting! And now we know a lot more about Hoeinheim, to boot.
Ugh, I just went through this entire manga again up until the point where I left off and I could not stop reading. It took me an hour or two a day to get from chapter 1-97, but I didn't and I'm damn glad. The only down side is that I have to wait for the next chapter now. T_T
huheuheuhhehueheh... *drools*
I need to see Greed!Ling get in a few good shots.
New chapter up at OneManga and other usual places. Mostly just a fight chapter (albeit a really hardass fight chapter) but shit got real in the last few pages. Mustang is going to have to open the Gate to save everyone, I'd expect.
:O holy crap! Not only was that fight with Bradley epic, but what the heck happened to Ed, Al, and Izumi? It seems that all of the people who know the "Truth" got sucked back into the gate or something. Interesting.
Sounds like they're beginning the sacrifice thing they've been talking about since near the beginning of series.
The homunculus, that is.
Chapter 100:
stockpiled a few chapters. always like reading them 2 or 3 at a time.
Bradley was fucking pimp in chapter 97. you knew he wouldn't be put out of commission by that simple train-bomb plot. that guy's got End Game written all over him. the way he took out the Briggs tank without hardly breaking a sweat was excellent.
Buccaneer, then Old Ninja. GOD DAMN.. talk about sacrificing your body to make the big play. Buccaneer especially had the triple double, disarming Bradley and then actually managing to wound him. Briggs fucking pride baby. The slugs in Bradley's Central loyalist group can't seem to get anything done.
best comic moment had to be the Toilet Slipper Bitch Slap. least favorite thing was the almost completely new "Big Bad" scientist. His Bradley clones, i can forgive. I mean, it sure makes sense, not to sacrifice all those perfectly good soldiers... but you think a few of them would have been able to foster their anger about not becoming Fuhrer into some kind of rebellious trouble... But this guy has been in how many scenes up until this point? and he just turns around in chapter 100 and manages to totally screw three of the best alchemists in the series!
Ling screaming for an alchemist was probably the most moving moment this manga has had for quite some time.
and talk about a cliffhanger at the end of 100...
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Its getting really really serious. I haven't been watching the new series, but If its the same tone as the manga, I will get into it. Damn, Bradley does not go down for anything. That guy is like literally made of win, it seems. Gree/ Ling unleashed looks freaking scary. That would make a cool Halloween costume :P