well, it's my first topid here in GD, so I'd like people to tell about really dumb/weird things they've done or been witnesses to, i'll start.

about a month ago, me and a couple of PoT influenced friends went out to play tennis, so i took a pair of running weights (rubber bands which metal scraps inside, they weigh 5 lbs each- 'bout 2.4 kg) and attached them to my arms, and after we started playing, when I lost the 3rd game, I said 'now i'm gonna get serious' and threw the weights down to the floor in a dbz-ish kind of way. My opponent was so shocked that just becuase of that i managed to win 2 games of him, and then he won another 3 games and ended the match, still it was all worth it to see the WTF look he had on his face.

so now it's your turn, share that which brings you shame.

oh, and while i've said that it's ok to tell about something you've witnessed, posts of 'I saw Bush being elected for presedency, twice' and likes of it aren't welcome.