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Thread: Hellsing Ultimate OVA

  1. #81
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  2. #82
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Excellent - nicely paced compared to the orignal.
    Doesn't slack off at all, didn't realise episodes were 40-50mins till finished watching (explains where the night went...).

  3. #83

    Plot Question for Hellsing Ultimate OVA Episode 1 (Spoiler!!)

    Near the end of episode 1, Alucard tells Seras to drink his blood. he says if she does, she will no longer be a "familiar," you will truely become one of us. you will become a "No Life King."

    what does this mean? what would change with Seras? what would happen with Alucard? I dont understand what he was trying to get her to do.

  4. #84
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    For some reason, you couldn't manage to put this into the Hellsing thread? It's still on the front page!

    Anyhow, watch the original series or read the manga, they explain it pretty thoroughly. Not to mention it's really fairly obvious in the first place. Just think carefully about what he's saying.

    EDIT: Since it has been moved to a more appropriate thread. I suppose I can elaborate. Seras is Alucard's Servant. He turned her, and she serves him. In turn, he is in servitude to Integral Hellsing. So, in essense, Seras is in forced servitude to Hellsing. She has no will to leave whom she serves, and does what she's told. In the terminology used, she's Alucard's "familiar."

    If she was to drink his blood, her master's blood, she'd be free. She would be her own vampire, and do whatever she wished. There's a little more to it, but you'd need to see the original anime to get into some of that. spoiler[Since Alucard is of the most powerful vampires, Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, whichever you prefer, the vampires he turns are *very* powerful. If Seras was free, she'd be an incredibly strong vampire (if she drank blood), free to do whatever she wished. Thus, the "No Life King."]end spoilers
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 08-31-2006 at 02:32 PM.

  5. #85
    I made a seperate thread on purpose to keep a possible spoiler out of this thread. thanks for tossing out warnings like free candy though. it goes well with my -41 rep.

    also, i have the manga, its goes down exactly as in this OVA. i also own the original hellsing anime on dvd. that thing is so far from the manga it cant be trusted to explain anything. next time try more helpful and less condescending.

    anyway, i understand alucard wouldnt be her master anymore. but i dont see how that would have helped the situation with anderson.

    even if it made her become more powerful, I doubt she would surpass alucard, and it seemed like alucard couldnt handle anderson as it is. well, he might have if anderson didnt end up retreating, but..

    could it be he was just having fun getting chopped up by anderson, and figured since he's a puddle of blood on the floor he might as well tell her to drink some while she can?
    Last edited by redcat; Fri, 09-01-2006 at 12:02 AM.

  6. #86
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    OVA 2 was some fucking cool shit.

  7. #87
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's not a matter of her becoming more powerful than Alucard, since he turned her, she couldn't be any stronger than him (from what I'm guessing). It's more of her being free. Alucard needs to ask/request that his various powers are released. If she was freed, Seras would have access to all of her Noble-esque Vampiric powers. Recall that all of the other vampires are not "Noble" but are rather...crude and weak compared to Alucard.

    It's not an issue of Anderson, but rather her overall existance. He wants her to be free, probably as much as he wants himself free. For now though, he still finds pairing himself with Integral, "interesting."

  8. #88
    Alucard needs to ask/request that his various powers are released. If she was freed, Seras would have access to all of her Noble-esque Vampiric powers.
    hmm thats a good point.

  9. #89
    I don't have any hard evidence, but I think Alucard respects Integra and serves, or at least doesn't resent his servitude, for that reason. I know he enjoys a good fight, and also is pleased when shitty vampires are eliminated, as they are an embarassment to his kind.

    Anyway, Chapter 2 was wonderful, and it's uncanny how well it mirrors the manga, though this is the first time I've seen a show from the begining that I had already read the manga for.

  10. #90
    What I love about Hellsing: EVERYBODY has a crooked smile.

    I realized it as I was watching the credits roll at the end of ep. 2 in which they show Tubalcain, Maxwell, and that French dude. Though, hulking Anderson has the best ear-to-ear grin, yet.


  11. #91
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I forgot how fucking badass Walter is.

    OVA 2 was superbly animated.

  12. #92
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    I am really enjoying the OVA's...they are very close to the manga and are extremely well animated IMO. I think one of the strenght's of the manga is the way it is drawn and how it is a reflection of the dark story line. The OVA brings out the action and violence depected in the manga very well. OVA 2 was simply awesome...can't wait for more!
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  13. #93
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Hellsing Ultimate is the fucking shit. can't wait for the latter parts, in particular 5+ (if one manga volume per episode still stands).

    I need to pick up the manga again. :S

  14. #94
    AONE's getting a translation out soon, right?

  15. #95
    damn i cant wait for ep 3 , the animation is so much better than the first anime...

  16. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by HanOwnsYourCat
    AONE's getting a translation out soon, right?
    Yeah, just for you they will. Keep on waiting.

  17. #97
    Why is everyone so hysterical about Hellsing Ultimate ? Besides better graphics and some minor scriptadjustions, it has gotten worse than the original. I mean, cmon, nazi vampires ? /laugh ? not to mention the friggin horrible music. They put friggin rap and R&B or whatever SHIT in a goddamn Vampire movie.

    Total ruined athmosphere. At least Hellsing used to really be good to listen to. And yes I know youre all suckers of the manga, but the point where you combine Nazi and Vampire just makes it feel like Hollywood D movies.

    The original wasnt your style ( most used arguement was that the gore was non-present ), the storyline was crap ( just b/c it left the whole nazi thing out, which was perfect for an opener to Hellsing II ), but it did make it possible to have a sequal following the original, where the original left some gaps. Maybe even just to make the viewers think about who would be behind it.

    Im happy they kept the original voice actors, but thats where it ends for me.

  18. #98
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Anyone knows the release date for ova 3?
    Last edited by UChessmaster; Tue, 09-12-2006 at 03:20 PM.

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by ?igma
    Why is everyone so hysterical about Hellsing Ultimate ? Besides better graphics and some minor scriptadjustions, it has gotten worse than the original. I mean, cmon, nazi vampires ? /laugh ? not to mention the friggin horrible music. They put friggin rap and R&B or whatever SHIT in a goddamn Vampire movie.

    Total ruined athmosphere. At least Hellsing used to really be good to listen to. And yes I know youre all suckers of the manga, but the point where you combine Nazi and Vampire just makes it feel like Hollywood D movies.

    The original wasnt your style ( most used arguement was that the gore was non-present ), the storyline was crap ( just b/c it left the whole nazi thing out, which was perfect for an opener to Hellsing II ), but it did make it possible to have a sequal following the original, where the original left some gaps. Maybe even just to make the viewers think about who would be behind it.

    Im happy they kept the original voice actors, but thats where it ends for me.
    Come now, give it more credit than that!

    Nazi vampirism may be overdone in those "Hollywood D movies," as you call them, but they fit right in with the fighting Christians (why aren't you bitching about them?) and ALUCARD (why, especially, aren't you calling this bit out?).

    Rap? R&B? Don't know what you're watching, but it is certainly not Hellsing Ultimate!


  20. #100
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Quote Originally Posted by ?igma
    Why is everyone so hysterical about Hellsing Ultimate ? Besides better graphics and some minor scriptadjustions, it has gotten worse than the original. I mean, cmon, nazi vampires ? /laugh ? not to mention the friggin horrible music. They put friggin rap and R&B or whatever SHIT in a goddamn Vampire movie.

    Total ruined athmosphere. At least Hellsing used to really be good to listen to. And yes I know youre all suckers of the manga, but the point where you combine Nazi and Vampire just makes it feel like Hollywood D movies.

    The original wasnt your style ( most used arguement was that the gore was non-present ), the storyline was crap ( just b/c it left the whole nazi thing out, which was perfect for an opener to Hellsing II ), but it did make it possible to have a sequal following the original, where the original left some gaps. Maybe even just to make the viewers think about who would be behind it.

    Im happy they kept the original voice actors, but thats where it ends for me.
    You fail. You will only be forgiven if you read the manga and then afterwards come back and admit how wrong you were when you wrote this post.

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