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Thread: sasuke would owned by....

  1. #21
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    sasuke would owned by....

    yeah we alrdy noticed that...

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  2. #22

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    Sasghey have no stamina. Lvl 2 should drain him in 5 seconds IMO.

  3. #23

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    wtf you mean sasuke has no move. he has the fucking chidori which rivals naruto's rasengan, one of the most powerful jutsu. Also the speed which rivals rock lee.

    side note: sasuke will get owned again when he tries to kill itachi.

  4. #24

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    I think Naruto's got the upper hand in the fight against Sasuke. We've all seen what Naruto can do, and so far he's totally holding back. I mean, when Naruto was fighting Gaara and summoned Gamma Bunti (I think that's the Frog Boss' name at least), Sasuke shit his pants. I mean, you could see it in his eyes. Why do you think he got so pissed off at Naruto? He'd surpassed him by a hell of a lot. And since then he's learned Rasengan also (this also means he's got much better chakra control than before). And of course, Rasengan is much more powerful than Chidori. The level 2s haven't been very impressive so far. If Naruto taps into his true power and gets down and serious, Sasuke will be owned.

    Personally, I think most of the upper-class genins (the ones you know are actually good) could probably take Sasuke if they tried hard.

  5. #25

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    if naruto uses his 9tails power to just 1 red rasengan he would win or if he realesd the 9tail its would kill sasuke and evrything else ( all the citys too ) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  6. #26

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    well first off

    gaara isnt only one with uniques abilities...
    kimimaro - none of the other clan member had his abilites..seems weird if its a bloodline..not to mention they're all dead
    kabuto - has abilities unknown and seem high level but were they taught to him?

    the thing is all abilites should be not unique meaning no one else knows them....gaara's demon inside is a known curse, didnt gama bunta know who the big racoon thing was? and all other characters have abilites they either saw or leanred from somewhere. I think naruto has prob the most unique as the 9 tailed fox was a demon never seen before and he has this inside him.

    ok and all you guys forgot about lee...which i think is one of the best characters....
    using 5 gates he would destroy sasuke...not to mention if he learns all 8 gates forget it "hokage lvl power"...

    the problem is these bloodlines like kimimaro's and gaaras where objects protect you're body..but i think its he able to open all 8 gates, he would be faster then the sand/bone protection of their bodies and would rip throgh them....and forget about konoha's (genins)...which one could stand a chance against lee...well lets hear some thoughts on lee

  7. #27

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    lee owns, but he isn't godlike. He would prob. win a 1 on 1 fight but he always would have a draw when he uses it's gates it would be like red pill of chochi. it wil blow up his body if he go gate 8...

    off topic-oro said kabuto is kakashi like. who is stronger?? kabuto doesn't seem to have an real agressive attack while kakashi has 1000 jitsu's @ least 1 of them has 2 be powerfull. (like chidori).

  8. #28
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    Chaoskiddo: neji did not learn those techniques from his clan. the 12 hands of hakke and the kaiten are only passed down to the head family, therefore neji recreated his own version from scratch.

    DB_Hunter: how could gaara's dad teach him the jutsus for controlling shukaku? nobody who had shukaku's abilites were alive when gaara inherited them, therefore only gaara could learn them.

    whoever was talking about the heaven seal: who says the heaven seal is stronger than the others? each seal is unique in its own form, but there has been no indication of any power differences between them
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #29

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    Okay, about Rock Lee...
    I think the fact that he can't use any ninjutsu puts him at a great disadvantage to whom whoever he fights. His defense against other techniques is hardly existant and he's almost purely offensive. Unless he puts his body to the limits, (opening the gates) risking self-inflicting and maybe even permanent damage, he won't be able to perform well against the higher level characters. Or at least the long-range higher level characters. Granted, I think he'd put up a damn good fight either way.

    But if Lee fought Sasuke lvl2 at full strength, Sasuke would be owned. Yeah, Sasuke's got speed comprable to Lee, but Lee's been at this for years. No way Sasuke can build his body in that short a time to compete with Lee without his weights...even with his cursed seal. And on top of that, Sasuke's Sharingan is 99% useless against Lee. The most he could use it for would be trying to keep up with Lee's movements. But seeing him won't necessarily mean he can avoid him. And on top of that, Sasuke doesn't really know what Lee's actually capable of. When it comes to skill, Sasuke could hardly do anything to Gaara whereas Lee damn near took him out. Sasuke also lacks in physical strength, so he just relies on his Chidori for dealing physical damage.

    And here's a random thought I had about Lee and the gates. They said if you open the Death Gate, you'll have powers stronger than that of a Hokage for a limited time, and then you die, right? What would happen if Lee managed to do this and had the 5th healing him? =)

  10. #30

    sasuke would owned by....

    100% behind the Lee ownin Sasuke theory, nge484. And don't forget about the fact that Sasuke has never seen either of the Lotuses only the Shadow Dance beginning so he would not be able to keep up with the Lotus speed with his Sharingran. Though Lee would need the Genesis Regeneration jutsu to be able to overcome death though he would have to proably train for a year or so in it. But then yeah he techinically could gain greater than Hokage powers without dying.

  11. #31
    Missing Nin
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    darkemage, watch more carefully, the rest of kimmimaro's clan have the same bone technique as him, just i doubt theyre nearly as powerful with it.

    turkish-shikamaru, kabuto and kakashi are at the same level, it was stated back when kakashi first fought him in sasuke's hospital room.

    the whole of the naruto saga (however many hundreds of episodes) is clearly going to revolve around sasuke vs. naruto. fierce rivals who were once best friends who have to cross each other to achieve their goals.

  12. #32

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    No they were never best friends... you could say they probably had afection for each other, but nothing more.

  13. #33
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    Yes they were best friends.

    Most of you don't give Sasuke nearly enough credit, by the way. You call him teh suck because he uses other peoples' moves... well, he learned them with effort and skill. So, screw you. What's this bullshit about him not having any stamina. Totally grabbed from nowhere. Perhaps you guys need to abandon your anti-Sasukeness and replace it with logic? Doesn't number one rookie mean anything to you? And he didn't exactly get worse after that...

  14. #34
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    sasuke would owned by....

    edit: nevermind, didn't see this page.

  15. #35
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    sasuke would owned by....

    Originally posted by: nge484
    But if Lee fought Sasuke lvl2 at full strength, Sasuke would be owned. Yeah, Sasuke's got speed comprable to Lee, but Lee's been at this for years. No way Sasuke can build his body in that short a time to compete with Lee without his weights...even with his cursed seal. And on top of that, Sasuke's Sharingan is 99% useless against Lee. The most he could use it for would be trying to keep up with Lee's movements. But seeing him won't necessarily mean he can avoid him. And on top of that, Sasuke doesn't really know what Lee's actually capable of. When it comes to skill, Sasuke could hardly do anything to Gaara whereas Lee damn near took him out. Sasuke also lacks in physical strength, so he just relies on his Chidori for dealing physical damage.

    And here's a random thought I had about Lee and the gates. They said if you open the Death Gate, you'll have powers stronger than that of a Hokage for a limited time, and then you die, right? What would happen if Lee managed to do this and had the 5th healing him? =)
    What are you talking about? Sasuke was easily owning Gaara until he tried to transform into Shukaku. How do you know Sasuke has no stamina? It's never said that anywhere. His sharingan would not be useless, either. He's able to move at the same speed as Lee, so obviously he would be able to dodge his attacks. Sasuke has no physical strength now too? Don't you see him punching naruto 200 feet away? And I'm pretty sure Sasuke knows exactly what Lee's capable of since he learned the same taijutsu from Kakashi. Stop making things up.

    Err... sorry about the double post, I replied to something on page 1 and didn't see this page the made another reply to something on page 2 and didn't think to edit my previous post.


  16. #36
    Missing Nin
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    yeah ive never liked the sasuke bashing. i only find his name annoying cos of sakura always screaming SASGAY back in the day. the character is pretty cool imo, has some nifty moves and his fights area always a lot more interesting to watch than naruto's (well most of the time). i still rank sasuke vs. oro in ep 29 as my 2nd favourite fight out of the saga so far (just behind rock lee vs. gaara)

  17. #37
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    I agree about Sasuke's fights being more interesting to watch. All of his encounters have been fun to watch, whilst some of the Naruto fights were just plain boring (course the ratio becomes pretty unfair since Naruto does have a lot more fights due to him being the main char, but still...)

  18. #38

    sasuke would owned by....

    Sasuke was EASILY owning Gaara? hahaha rite...

    You know that Sasuke was giving EVERYTHING he's got already. But Gaara hasn't even used 50% of his power.
    Cleary, Sasuke is weak!

    To put this simply...
    Naruto will own Sasuke (Naruto beats 2 enemies that Sasuke couldn't beat)
    Neji will own Sasuke (Neji is wayy too strong for Sasuke...and Naruto beats Neji)
    Gaara will own Sasuke (Gaara is the most dangerous one...Sasuke has NO CHANCE AT ALL)
    Lee will own Sasuke (If LEE uses the gates, Sasuke is done for! bye bye little gay brother who acts so cool but one weak sob)

    If it wasn't because of Orochimaru, Sasuke would have been still DAMN WEAK.
    But with his Level 2, his chance to beat Naruto, Neji, Gaara, or Lee is rising to a 50-50.
    Ooo wait...Against the new Gaara, NO WAY!!! Even Kimimaro didn't stand a chance.

  19. #39
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    sasuke would owned by....

    i'm with terra, wtf do you people mean sasuke has no stamina? He has an uchiha body which itachi mentioned has a lot of stamina!

    yapchagi you cant expect sasuke to be able to beat the shukku when he had nothing except sharingan and chidori. The cursed seal elevates his powers so he stands a chance against the demons in this story. otherwise this fight we're watching of sasuke vs. naruto wouldnt be interesting. if sasuke had no seal, naruto summons powers of kyubi instantally uses a rasanegan and sasuke defends with a normal powered chidori, obviously sasuke loses, we've already seen the rasanegan do more damage than chidori. (hospital rooftop fight) The sasuke lvl 2 vs. naurto kyubi is a given ending to this match where sasuke uses his best move the chidori against naruto's best move his rasanegan.

    naruto didnt exactly beat garra, gama bunta defeated garra, without jirarya teaching naruto to summon naruto would be totally dead. Sasuke's teacher was not as good as narutos. We all know kakashi is weaker than jirarya. How is neji going to own sasuke? I'm pretty sure that sasuke is faster than neji. We've seen his speed is equal to lee's WITHOUT WEIGHTS and he has the added advantage of using nin-jutsu something lee couldnt do. In other words a sasuke vs. neji fight would be a lee vs neji fight if lee could use nin-jutsu. Out of the konoha genins sasuke can probably use the most nin-jutsus. (like 7 kinds of katon, chidori, the basics and his sharingan)

    Garra clearely had the advantage against sasuke because...HE HAD A SHUKUU INSIDE HIM!! SASUKE HAD SHIT oops caps...oh well

    if Lee does use gates lee himself would be screwed probably before he could kill sasuke, we saw that with lee vs garra. Lee practically destroyed himself.

    In short, sasuke needed something to help elevate his powers to help match the powers of the kids with demons.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  20. #40

    sasuke would owned by....

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    i'm with terra, wtf do you people mean sasuke has no stamina? He has an uchiha body which itachi mentioned has a lot of stamina!

    yapchagi you cant expect sasuke to be able to beat the shukku when he had nothing except sharingan and chidori. The cursed seal elevates his powers so he stands a chance against the demons in this story. otherwise this fight we're watching of sasuke vs. naruto wouldnt be interesting. if sasuke had no seal, naruto summons powers of kyubi instantally uses a rasanegan and sasuke defends with a normal powered chidori, obviously sasuke loses, we've already seen the rasanegan do more damage than chidori. (hospital rooftop fight) The sasuke lvl 2 vs. naurto kyubi is a given ending to this match where sasuke uses his best move the chidori against naruto's best move his rasanegan.

    naruto didnt exactly beat garra, gama bunta defeated garra, without jirarya teaching naruto to summon naruto would be totally dead. Sasuke's teacher was not as good as narutos. We all know kakashi is weaker than jirarya. How is neji going to own sasuke? I'm pretty sure that sasuke is faster than neji. We've seen his speed is equal to lee's WITHOUT WEIGHTS and he has the added advantage of using nin-jutsu something lee couldnt do. In other words a sasuke vs. neji fight would be a lee vs neji fight if lee could use nin-jutsu. Out of the konoha genins sasuke can probably use the most nin-jutsus. (like 7 kinds of katon, chidori, the basics and his sharingan)

    Garra clearely had the advantage against sasuke because...HE HAD A SHUKUU INSIDE HIM!! SASUKE HAD SHIT oops caps...oh well

    if Lee does use gates lee himself would be screwed probably before he could kill sasuke, we saw that with lee vs garra. Lee practically destroyed himself.

    In short, sasuke needed something to help elevate his powers to help match the powers of the kids with demons.
    Well but that guy said Sasuke was Easily owning Gaara, rite?
    I was just saying that it is not true. It's just that Gaara was on defense and wanted to see if Sasuke really is strong or not.
    And about Naruto didn't beat Gaara but Gamabunta beat Gaara. Well, Naruto really beat Gaara with his thousands of combo. Remember that one?
    Then Gaara released the monster inside him (which is NOT Gaara) and that forced Naruto to release Gamabunta (which is NOT Naruto).
    So the fight between Naruto and Gaara was over when Gaara released the monster.

    And about Neji vs Sasuke. I would still say Neji will own him. Seriously, do u think Sasuke can beat one of the 4 Sound Ninjas before he gets the Level 2? I don't think so. Neji beat 1 of them and he was the powerful one (the spider guy).
    You said that Sasuke has Lee's speed and that is good. Well it's good but not that good. Remember when Lee used that speed against Gaara...Neji didn't surprise at all seeing that.

    And about the Lee used the gates screwed up even before he could beat Sasuke. I know that happened with the fight against Gaara. But if Lee uses that, Sasuke would be done for even before Lee is done. Remember, Gaara was protected by his Sand around his body(not the one that can move around by itself). That's why Gaara was able to withstand all of Lee's attacks.

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