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Thread: sasuke would owned by....

  1. #1

    sasuke would owned by....

    naruto is a wrong match vs sasuke. i think that the other genin's would own sasuke...why?? i'll tell u.....
    kiba with akamaru with that fusion would crack up a few bones of sasuke if it almost can blast through orochimaru's ultimate defence....
    gaara with his ultimate killing sand move's.
    chochi(dunno if it is spelled right the fat dude) the red pil and a good blast in sasuke's belly and he would go down.
    neji and shikamaru won't be able 2 do much damage i think maybe if they worked together.
    if naruto stayed with sakon and ukon or with jourubu(dunno if it is spelled right the other fat guy) then maybe he would own the fat guy and get saved if he fight's ukon and sakon. this is what i think.........
    any comment's??

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    good idea......

    why try to bring sasuke back to konoha when we can kill him?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #3

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    i dunno, i think Sasuke would own any of the genins in konoha, his cursed lvl 2 is probably gonna be way powerfull, just what i think.

  4. #4

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    @assertn LOL didn't think of that.
    @seifer what's the difference between him and the other people who have curse lvl2 ?? it's only the sharingan..
    the other one's had a bloodline 2 so i don't know if lvl2 is that good.

  5. #5
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    Kankuro is going to catch him. And Temari is going to windblow him into the air and kankuro would catch him.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  6. #6
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    This discussion is nothing but bias and unfair scenarios and weak arguments. We have seen everyone's 'final move' but we haven't really seen Sasuke do anything spectacular... We might as well set up a scenario where we have Sasuke trapped in the water prison and have everyone charge at him.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  7. #7

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    There's a reason we haven't seen Sasuke do anything spectacular. He just plain sucks.

    What does he have?
    Lion Combo? That was ripped off Lee. Not to mention the Uzumaki Naruto combo is cooler and more creative. 'Sides, what part of that combo resembles a Lion? Sasuke's a retard.
    And Chidori? Ripped off Kakashi. Not original, thus becoming lame. Besides, everyone's seen just how much damage it does compared to Rasengan.

    The point is not to think up scenarios where people could kick Sasuke's ass. The point is to prove how much of a worthless panzy he is =) I mean, he didn't even know how to increase his skill on his own. And even WITH that power, he's still just another lvl2 peon. These lvl2 guys are a little challenge, but nothing these GENINS can't handle. turkish-shikamaru made a good point. lvl2 doesn't seem all that special, even if you do have a bloodline technique.

    Sasuke is a panzy. Plain and simple.

    And I think he's gay too. He could have any chick in the village that's his own age, and he runs away from them. What's up with that?
    (Not that there's anything wrong that. But we'll leave that argument out of these forums, shall we?)

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    "He also has the sharingan. I wonder which of you is stronger," says Kabuto to Kimimaro
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #9
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    Kabuto probably said that to give Kimimaro the will to find out if it is actually true, I dunno. It sounded like something to aggravate Kimi, but I could be wrong.

  10. #10

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    Whats troubles me is the fact the situation that was created in the first place.
    Basicly all of the sound 4 are supposed to strong on their own, with their own special talents and have talent - otherwise orochimaru wouldnt have picked them to be his subordinates. My problem is the fact that those 4 are supposed to be stronger than any genin that is thrown at them. They are older and with special abilities. (At least
    Kimimaro, Kidomaru and Sakon and Ukon) and trained by Orochimaru. But for some reason Konoha little genin present a challenge to them. Even after going lvl 2 ! when they are supposed to own them even without it !
    The fact the Konoha dudes and Sand dudes owned them shows how there are so many inconsitencies (sp?) in the series power wise...

  11. #11

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    it's just like dbz there was never a super saiyan before. in the whole history of the saiyan's there was just a few but all the charrecter's in the series become super even 3 get lvl 2 and 1 get's lvl 3 it's just weard...

  12. #12
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    "chochi(dunno if it is spelled right the fat dude) the red pil and a good blast in sasuke's belly and he would go down.
    neji and shikamaru won't be able 2 do much damage i think maybe if they worked together."

    So you are saying that Chouji can kill Sasuke by himself but Neji has to work with someone?

    *dead silence*


  13. #13
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    the best way to look at it, as ive mentioned to compare ninjas, and compare jutsus
    1) in normal cases, the higher level ninja beats the lower level
    2) if the lower level ninja has a jutsu that is higher or equal to the level of the higher ninja, then the lower level ninja can win with that jutsu

    chouji used the ultimate weapon of his clan: those pills are like lee's gates, and probably make him stronger than practically any jounin.

    neji has the best jutsus of his clan: despite being a genin, he has some pretty good jounin-level abilities

    kankuro and temari: we already know the sand has been focusing on quality over quantity in their village, and we also know that the sand trio was held back from exams just so they could sneak into konoha like they did early in the series. kankuro and temari is in the worst case just below the sound 4, but since the sound 4 were weakened anyway, it was an easy win.

    gaara: gaara has demon-level jutsus....which are greater than practically any other jutsu in the series
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #14
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    sasuke would owned by....

    I feel so stupid replying to this topic, but

    Sasuke has Lee's speed, taijutsu, sharingan, curse seal level 2, chidori, various flame attacks even though they've never worked so far, and I'm sure he knows tons of other jutsu since he can easily copy them with sharingan.

    At this point, the only genin that could probably beat him would be Gaara, but only because he can fully release Shukaku.

  15. #15
    Missing Nin
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    sasuke was always top of the class, is very clever at making quick witty attack routes even if he doesnt have a great "ultimate move", and imo the only genin in this story arc who would be a match for him are:

    neji - hes clever/powerful, with only 1 small weakspot, which would be very difficult for sasuke to discover. neji could also deflect sasuke's chidori quite easily with his spin defence thingy.
    naruto - cos of kyuubi and his will and determination once he stops whining
    shikamura - cos hes so damn clever hes a good match for most, altho i think would be lucky to beat sasuke

    i dont think any of the others would have a chance of beating sasuke, apart from gaara, who would almost certainly beat him, and is quite obviously the most powerful genin in the whole anime at the moment. he could easily beat naruto with his current strength, compared to when he was crazed and deranged and fighting in tree tops.

  16. #16

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    They will beat each other to standstill at this point. It's already been shown Naruto outpaced Sasuke on a number of occasions, that of course fumig Sasuke's little inner turmoil to get stronger. It's not too much like Goku and Vegeta from DBZ really, the more powerful one always manages to outpace the other with seemingly less effort and less care of competition and the darker one constantly strives to outpace the rival and constantly hits roadblocks.

    Besides, I'm sure it will once again to to light Sasuke didn't actually turn to the darkness. More than a few occasions so far have shown villains thinking they have Sasuke under control only to find out that was not the case, and he's just using them to get stronger. And that nothing will stop him from that one little ambition he's got; Killing Itachi. Even if me manages to escape to Orochimaru, I'm sure he'll simply end up using him and not give over to his manipulations like his other pawns did.

  17. #17

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    You guys may have forgotten, but Sasuke got the HEAVEN cursed seal, meaning it is a lot better than a normal one. Kimimaro got the Earth cursed seal. But the only Genin that can probably beat Sasuke at this point is Gaara.

  18. #18
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    well garra and naruto's strongest abilities are similar, they all rely on the beasts trapped within them. Shikamaru wouldnt stand a chance against sasuke, hes just way too fast, shikamaru would be running for his life just to stay alive before he could think of anything.

    true sasuke has no abilities that are origional but neither does anybody else. All their jutsus were TAUGHT to them by somebody else, whether it was a teacher or clan member.

    Naruto's rasengan, taught by jiraya
    Neji's jutus, come from his clan
    Shika's shadows, his dad
    chouji, his clan
    garra, wow...this may be origional...

    ok so garra is the only 1 with origional jutsus.
    it seems pretty obvious that naruto and sasuke will face off alone with out interference because they want to settle it as somebody else said a "goku vs. vegeta" thing but it'll lead to a stalemate... garra and lee will be resting. all other gennins are pretty much dead, shika will be making out with temari in a dark cave by a fire [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    probably naruto and garra both stand a chance against sasuke. naruto's rasengan will probably face sasuke's chidori as a final match, we've seen that rasengan is acctually stronger than chidori, but we dotn know how much of a boost sasuke's lvl 2 gives him. If sasuke's lvl 2 gives him more of a boost than naruto's kyubi then there is a chance sasuke will win or it'll be a stalemate.

    Garra is kind of slow... i remember sasuke was able to penetrate his "ultimate defense" but then again that was before he used the ... i think they called it "shukku sheild" maybe chidori can rip through that?

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  19. #19

    RE: sasuke would owned by....

    Gaara was a taught a shitload of jutsu's when he was a kid by his dad... I think he states that earlier in the anime. Once he had Shukaku bound to him he was taught.

  20. #20

    sasuke would owned by....

    Man...I totally agree with turkish-shikamaru. Even though I like Naruto and everything, I think that its starting to get a little drawn out and DBZish.

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