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Thread: The best bloodline???

  1. #141

    The best bloodline???

    We all can agree that Sharingan and Byakugan are and is the most popular in this question/thread but its still nice to hear about other bloodlines then them so keep the posts come

  2. #142

    The best bloodline???

    it should be Byankugans blood line limits is the best Kakashi said himself also...also Hyuga is the first noble clan

  3. #143

    The best bloodline???

    No Kakashi said Uchiha is the most excellent clan and Hyuuga is the most noble clan...because it has Byakugan has finest blood...everyone in Hyuuga can activate Byakugan and whereas only a few Uchiha's can active Sharigan...

    Even tho Kakashi said Sharigan is a better me i think Byakugan is way stronger than Sharigan...I don't give a damn what Kakashi says sometimes.

  4. #144
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    The best bloodline???

    Originally posted by: naruto-kira
    No Kakashi said Uchiha is the most excellent clan and Hyuuga is the most noble clan...because it has Byakugan has finest blood...everyone in Hyuuga can activate Byakugan and whereas only a few Uchiha's can active Sharigan...
    How do you know all in the Hyuuga clan can use Byakugan?

    Even tho Kakashi said Sharigan is a better me i think Byakugan is way stronger than Sharigan...I don't give a damn what Kakashi says sometimes.
    I believe Kakashi said the Sharingan evolved from the Byakugan, not that the Sharingan was better than Byakugan.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  5. #145

    RE: The best bloodline???

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    lol i forget where but we mentioned how hinata and sasuke get "do it" and wat kind of insane bloodline might come out but, that kinda went a bit..of the deep end.

    i'd say mangekyou sharingan(even though i'm not sure i can spell it) is best because it can practically keep you in.. umm i'll call it "dream world" and your totally helpless, and byankugan wouldnt even be able to survive mangekyou because, remember when kakashi fought itachi first time he said to asuma and... (i forgot her name) "dont look into his eyes! only a sharingan user can look into them" so byankugan would be completely helpless....
    Um hello? Kakashi's sharingan was helpless in the fight, because the mangekyou is more powerful then a normal one.

    AND a byakugan user could easily fight a sharingan user using the byakugans 360 view to easily see the enemy without having to actually look into their eyes. (IE if they're looking at the sharingan users feet, like Gai did, they would easily be able to see the opponents entire body using the byakugans abilities) and thus the eye contact benefits of the sharingan and mangekyou sharingan are useless vs a byakugan user, while the byakugan user sufers no loss to his/her ability.

    And as long as we're quoting Kakshi, he also said the byakugan was the stronger one [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  6. #146

    RE: The best bloodline???

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    Originally posted by: greateachermin
    just to be sure, i'd like to see sasuke pitted against neji some day.... that would be a cool fight

    on another note, orochimaru ability to use his tounge and disappearing into trees or grounds, its seems to me like a bloodline... he didnt perform any seals when he did these things... these abilities are pretty cool, it makes him such a delicious villian to figth
    its a bloodline as in it follows your blood, oro switches his soul to a different container. He would only be able to use sasuke (if sasuke beats naruto) till sasuke's body aged to around 40 because that would become too old for a ninja and oro would leave sasuke's body which means he would not carry the ability of sharingan with him. Sharingan is to sasuke's BODY not to his soul.

    If Kakashi can remove a sharingan from a recently deceased guy and pop it in his eye socket and it works perfect, surely orochimaru with all his jutsus involving things like death and crap, can do it.

  7. #147
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    RE: The best bloodline???

    Kishimoto told me the Byakugan is better.

    The End.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #148
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    The best bloodline???

    haku's bloodline looks like it would be the most powerful if it was trained to the maximun. he has, well had, complete control over water. seeing as most of the human body is made up of water he could freeze that turning you into an instant popsicle. just my opinion.

  9. #149

    The best bloodline???

    Originally posted by: mr3vi1m0nk3y
    haku's bloodline looks like it would be the most powerful if it was trained to the maximun. he has, well had, complete control over water. seeing as most of the human body is made up of water he could freeze that turning you into an instant popsicle. just my opinion.

    There's already a move for that, it's called Gaaras Desert Coffin/Funeral type techniques.

    Haku = wet Gaara (without the one tails)

  10. #150
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    The best bloodline???

    garra's moves require the sand to be around you so it would be slower not to mention the naruto and kimimaro both were able shrug of those attacks.

  11. #151
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    The best bloodline???

    Originally posted by: mr3vi1m0nk3y
    garra's moves require the sand to be around you
    Gara can produce sand from his surroundings. Remember Gara vs Kimimaru.

  12. #152
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    The best bloodline???

    yeah when i said that i ment the sand has to move into position before he can crush you while haku would just freeze you instantaniously.

  13. #153
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    The best bloodline???

    Originally posted by: mr3vi1m0nk3y
    haku's bloodline looks like it would be the most powerful if it was trained to the maximun. he has, well had, complete control over water. seeing as most of the human body is made up of water he could freeze that turning you into an instant popsicle. just my opinion.

    yet SOMEHOW sasuke with a 1 pupil sharingan could see through it?

    sharingan is definetly the best, becuase it gives you space to improve dramatically, first 1 pupil, then 2, then 3, then mangekyou.

    hell before a byakudon could even pull off one of those fancy 128 hit moves, mangekyou sharingan would have you crippled on the floor (the way itachi uses it)

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  14. #154
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    The best bloodline???

    I fancy Kakashi's new sharingam.

  15. #155

    The best bloodline???

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    Originally posted by: mr3vi1m0nk3y
    haku's bloodline looks like it would be the most powerful if it was trained to the maximun. he has, well had, complete control over water. seeing as most of the human body is made up of water he could freeze that turning you into an instant popsicle. just my opinion.

    yet SOMEHOW sasuke with a 1 pupil sharingan could see through it?

    sharingan is definetly the best, becuase it gives you space to improve dramatically, first 1 pupil, then 2, then 3, then mangekyou.

    hell before a byakudon could even pull off one of those fancy 128 hit moves, mangekyou sharingan would have you crippled on the floor (the way itachi uses it)
    FYI When Sasuke first gets his Sharingan, one of the eyes is 1 dotted, and the other is 2 dotted (the dots revolve around the pupil, which stays there).

  16. #156
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    The best bloodline???

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    Originally posted by: mr3vi1m0nk3y
    haku's bloodline looks like it would be the most powerful if it was trained to the maximun. he has, well had, complete control over water. seeing as most of the human body is made up of water he could freeze that turning you into an instant popsicle. just my opinion.

    yet SOMEHOW sasuke with a 1 pupil sharingan could see through it?

    sharingan is definetly the best, becuase it gives you space to improve dramatically, first 1 pupil, then 2, then 3, then mangekyou.

    hell before a byakudon could even pull off one of those fancy 128 hit moves, mangekyou sharingan would have you crippled on the floor (the way itachi uses it)
    this is why i said "trained to the maximum" also haku didnt have any teachers with the same bloodline as him to learn from. he had some help from zabuza and that was it. i wonder if there are any more of haku's family left and if they'll show up in the series.

  17. #157

    The best bloodline???

    i dont think we know everything about the byakudon. I'm sure they have forbidden techniques, i mean sharigan came from hyuuga so what could be the hyuugas secret they are hiding , im sure its better than uchihas, uchiha can copy and see the future but byakudon and see threw anything up to a mile and with it you can cut someones use of chakra off ?? im sure theres more we dont know about it, being they are the oldest clan , im sure theres a reason for it, uchiha is almost dead, only 2 left, lol

  18. #158

    The best bloodline???

    Byakugan's secret techniques stem from Fist of the North Star. Advanced users can make chakra points explode.

    And, I was with XanBcoo that day. Kishimoto told me Byakugan was better, too. I heard him.


  19. #159

    The best bloodline???

    For me its sharingan since you would be able to predict where which tenketsu point that any Hyuuga will try to hit......and i think tht Kimimaro's kekkei genkai is good as well but there are alot more we haven't seen in Naruto so far we only know 2 from Konoha,1 from mist,1 from Kimimaro's family....thats about it =/

  20. #160
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    The best bloodline???

    Originally posted by: Strider
    Byakugan's secret techniques stem from Fist of the North Star. Advanced users can make chakra points explode.

    And, I was with XanBcoo that day. Kishimoto told me Byakugan was better, too. I heard him.

    Hahaha.That was me in makeup. I fooled you too.

    Sharingam is way better. There is a reason Sharingam evolved from Byakugan.

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