Does anyone have more info on this anime seem like its going to be interesting
Karas promo by Anime-Kraze
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Does anyone have more info on this anime seem like its going to be interesting
Karas promo by Anime-Kraze
the flash on the website looks cool at the end
After i watched the trailern im looking forward to this anime,looks very good without looking a computer game like in Appleseed and i love ninjas [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Anti-Kraze has put up more info on it
click here
Another extended KARAS trailer, which looks ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.
whow looks like a "must see" but when does it bigin? i searched a few places but there is no information of the release. at least i couldn't find.
raw of ep 1 is already out i hope they hurry up with subbing
Anime Kraze is waiting for DVD releases to sub. And, apparently, fansub groups have no taste, so the series hasn't been done even though the raw was out on the 2nd.
There is one group that has subbed it, they are called Kamikakushi. You can get it at I have not down loaded it yet, waiting for a known group to sub it.
don't download that it's spanish subs i downloaded it ended up being spanish subbed
You'd have known that immediately had you checked their IRC channel.
There are no English groups subbing this off of the TV raw.
ArabDreamers Just realese the Episode 1 english version
Karas 01
Just saw the episode of course as expected the subbing sucked as well as the quality but man it was still worth it the animation is one of the best I seen in anime this thing reminded me a lot of the first matrix. well I hope it doesnt get licensed any time soon so anime-kraze can do it but when it does this thing may actually be worth the money
this anime kicks major ass!!
That sub is awful - please, please don't download it.
Despite that fucking atrocious sub, the series looks promising.
Man have you guys seen the size of the dvd raw is 529MiB I just hope that they keep it around the same size for the sub version
Thanks for the links Y.